
Year End

Valen POV

Date: 12th July 1973

Location: Kings cross Station Platform 9&3/4

"Hi Mum, Dad how you doing?" I asked as my mum bear hugged me almost to death.

'I guess no amount of MMA can stop the women in my life from literally crushing my bones at least Olivia's is less lethal'

"Hello Honey mum missed you greatly now show me your new friends" she commanded to which I followed.

"Sure, mum meet Olivia Greengrass", I said proudly at my girlfriend but which nobody except Lily new about an I'm sure she wouldn't tell since I trusted her with everything.

"Hello Mrs. Evans Mr.Evans nice to meet you" she spoke shyly as this would be technically the equivalent of meeting her future in-laws not we even decided that but you know women and their imagination. {A/N: Sometimes greater then fan-fic writers }

"No need for that young lady just call us Aunty and Uncle Okay", my mum said while she patting Olivia's hair.

'Can't believe mum patted her hair on the first meeting it took me till the end of the first year just to touch it and she still turns bright red when I do'

"Sure thing A-Aunty", Olivia said shyly as my mum squirm at my girls cuteness.

Olivia then said her goodbyes as I dropped her off to see her parents to which I received the identical treatment from her parents.

As I waved goodbye I introduced mum and dad to Alice and Frank who were in the year above aswell as Regulus who I am now decent friends with as we slowly decided to talk about the contrasts of the muggle and wizarding world mostly in the slug club apparently as he was forced to join by his mother and me by Lily and when I begged Olivia to accept she just gave a clear and concise no way in hell.


Valen POV

Date: 8th August 1973

Location: Home

As I woke up I bright blue and red flame burst from thin air.

'Hey kid meet my son Fawkes' as Fawkes flew around the room.

'Oi you idiot sit still would you your 100 years old for merlin's sake' bellowed Francis

'Sorry dad' Fawkes cried as he drew circles on my bed with his fiery wing sheepishly

'Easy Francis let the guy have his fun' I yawned as I petted Fawkes head ruffling his orange feathers.

'Remember though Fawkes no telling Dumbledore yeah', I reminded the energetic little phoenix.

'So what brings you here Francis I thought you taught everything my granddad left you?', I questioned the blue phoenix.

'Hell no kid that was just the basics we still got two who levels worth stuff'

'you learnt sanctum ignis, the holy phoenix eyes basic functions and soul strengthening art which by the way you're doing surprisingly well at it took me 3 years to teach your dad that and you did it in one'

'so what's next?' I questioned.

'More sanctum ignis spells while also the core intermediate functions of the eyes which include better spell perception , identifying weak spots, stronger ability to direct create and control all fire type spells, steady and fast close quarter teleportation and finally for soul magic soul cleansing'. The phoenix spoke acting like some hybrid dictionary and for some reason Headmaster Dumbledore

'How long will it take?' I sighed.

'7 years normally for you I'd say probably 3 or four one for each type and mastery should come easy as your soul and body was cleansed by your inner holy fire before any use of wand magic or dark magic'

'Very well lets get started' I sighed once more.

"Sanctum igis Oculus", I chanted activate them.

As Francis instructed I slowly condensed more of my holy fire in front of the natural occlumency Shields to keep a sutainable source of power available at my disposable and solidifying it able to create second strengthened magic core.

As I accomplished this my holy fire started to erupt from my body like last year to which Francis shocked me by saying that instead of suppressing it I should instead let it run wild.

I did so, to be shocked to realise that most of my blood vessel fused together with my magic cores make my magic run faster almost doubling the casting speed and making the time to cast holy spells even faster.

After 30 minutes of getting used to my new efficient body I questioned Francis on what to do next.

'Now simply it's time to learn everything else for the intermediate spells can only be learnt through your own learning and application but I'll give you a step by step guideline for reasoning'.

''1. As you enter your second year you won't have access to many new or restricted materials so soul cleansing magic will not be possible as it's highly restricted even in churches.

2. for now focus on DADA this will help your eyes in practical and theory as it will allow you to identify curses just by looking basics for now and some weaker blood magic. your understanding needs to be up to OWL level at least by your 3rd year so we can keep schedule.

3. start reading OWL level content on Ancient Runes and Arithmancy this will allow you to better create special/holy spells as you break down normal ones and combine them with holy magic. obviously it would not be possible for the unforgivable but a strong enough soul cleanser or anima stupefy can only be undone by you and 2 others in this world so its basically death.

4. Care for Magical Creatures may help as well but as it's not taught until its an elective and is a highly practical subject go meet your friend Hagrid to direct you on books and ask him any questions.

5. And finally although this isn't much of an instruction but a suggestion by your 4th year you won't have much to learn for these subjects at the OWL level and to step into the advanced realm as a holy wizard at the age of approximatley 21 you would need NEWT and mastery level books to which just use the room of requirements but also Albus it would be good to see him as he will most likely help.

'Yes Boss'i spoke into my mind suppressing my thought of wanting to call the guy a bossy fire chicken.

'Heard that kid you ain't the level to shield from me yet you know.

Next chapter