
Harry Potter: Please Graduate From Hogwarts Soon and Go Away!

Future Chapters and more stories at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. As long as he creates chaos and violates rules, he will be rewarded. As a result, Hogwarts ushered in its most lively period. Dumbledore: "No student life is complete without breaking school rules, but Wayne...please restrain yourself." McGonagall: "I thought the Weasley twins were fearless, but I didn't expect Wayne to be braver than them!" Professor Sprout: "Ever since he arrived, Hufflepuff has transformed! In a bad way." Snape: "Azkaban! He should be sorted into Azkaban!" Voldemort: "Don't worry about the Children of Prophecy. I just want to kill Wayne Lawrence! Now, immediately, immediately!" Wayne spread his hands helplessly: "I'm just a little lively, why do you keep urging me to graduate?"

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Chapter 77

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The Gryffindor team won. They successfully defeated Slytherin with a score of 160 to 40, winning the first Quidditch match of the school year. But no one is celebrating. Everyone's attention was attracted by another more exciting event.

Just fifteen minutes after Harry caught the Golden Snitch, in the principal's office, the atmosphere was particularly lively today. Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Sprout, and Wayne were present. The portraits of former headmasters hanging on the wall were all awake and shouting excitedly.

"Eighty people entered the campus hospital on stretchers, and dozens more lined up outside!"

"Derwent! You have a good memory. Please tell me, is this the biggest accident in history?"

The bearded headmaster roared, so excited that he almost fell out of the picture frame.

Headmistress Derwent thought for a moment and nodded slowly: "That's true. Since I established the school infirmary, the beds there have never been full."

"Boy, you did great!"

"Not really," Wayne said modestly. "I only knocked out twelve people. My friends helped me with the rest."

Snape let out a heavy snort. "Dumbledore, what else is there to say? He has already admitted it."

"Heavy punishment! He must be severely punished! Imprisoned for a whole year!"

"Snape!" Phineas said displeasedly, "How many days have you been acting like this? Where did all your previous attack power go? Slytherin was beaten to the ground while riding high! They lost face! Why don't we fire him and keep him for Christmas?!"

Snape's face darkened: "I am the Head of Slytherin, you outdated old guy. Shut up!"

After Wayne was fired, where could he find the Phoenix King's tears and other materials? Don't ask him to fire Wayne. Even if Dumbledore wants to fire Wayne, he has to help him intercede!


"Okay, Phineas." Dumbledore interrupted, waving his hand and lowering the curtain. The sound from the frames disappeared.

The old man rubbed his eyebrows and had a headache. He had just taken a nap and didn't go to watch the game, but so many things had happened.

"Mr. Lawrence, I believe you are not an impulsive person..."

The voice gradually became fainter. Wayne blinked three times, and Dumbledore couldn't continue. He remembered what Wayne had done during the investigation. The code cannot be rounded. Tired.

"Can you tell me why?"

Several deans looked at Wayne in unison. After the fight ended, the professors rushed all the injured to the school infirmary, and then dragged Wayne to find Dumbledore. As for why it became like this, they didn't know the whole story.

"Well, because I'm a Quidditch enthusiast and saw Slytherin's dirty playing style..."


Snape interrupted Wayne with a heavy cough and a look that could kill someone.

Wayne's expression remained unchanged, but he still changed his adjective: "A rather rough style of play, with a few curses. Then Parkinson called me a mudblood."

Two exclamations came from the mouths of Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout. Snape's fists hidden under his robes were clenched tightly, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes. Even Dumbledore's expression changed from calm to cold.

"This is indeed an excessive title..."

"Excessive?" Sprout looked at him in disbelief. "This is an insult! How could Parkinson say such dirty words!"

"Dumbledore, can the pain caused to Lawrence by these words be offset by being always excessive?"

Wayne had never seen his dean angry before, but he had seen it today. The plump witch, who had always shown a peaceful face to others, turned into a short-haired lion with full beard and hair, glaring at Dumbledore. Only when she looked at Wayne did she feel a little distressed.

Wayne is her favorite student. He has the kindness of a Hufflepuff, but also has an edge that most Hufflepuffs don't have. Coupled with talent, Sprout believes that Hufflepuff will definitely be proud of Wayne in the future. However, her favorite student was actually insulted just now!

"Pomona, I understand how you feel, but I worded it inappropriately." When an honest person gets angry, even Dumbledore has to avoid the edge for a while and admit his mistakes humbly. "No matter what, 50 points will be deducted from Slytherin for this."

"One hundred points! Plus one month of confinement, the tasks will be assigned by me!" Sprout announced mercilessly. Wayne loved his dean to death.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Snape. Speak, you speak.

"I agree. One month is too short; it's better to wait until before Christmas." Snape's face was as dark as water, and he tightened his robe tightly. "The herbalist should need a lot of fertilizer. He is young and strong. You can use Sprout as much as you like."

He directly agreed with Sprout's decision without any objection. If it had been for any other reason, Snape wouldn't have backed down even if there was a quarrel. But the word mudblood... He never wants to hear it again!

"But," he took his own student's side first, and then Snape pointed the finger at Wayne: "This is ultimately a conflict between the two of you. Why did it evolve into the subsequent... fight?"

"I don't know either, Professor." Wayne looked very innocent and spread his hands. "Cedric stood up for me, and Parkinson pushed my friend away rudely and unreasonably. Of course, I couldn't back down, so I hit him. Then the students from your house rushed up. Naturally, my friends couldn't see me suffering, so they also came up to help. I had no choice but to fight back."

After Wayne finished speaking, he thought thoughtfully: "So, it doesn't seem like it's my fault?"

"But you struck too hard." Professor McGonagall quickly found the loophole. "Ten people have broken noses, eight people have minor concussions, and poor Professor Quirrell was accidentally injured by you."

"I'm sorry, Professor." Wayne stood up and bowed slightly. After expressing his sincere apology, he straightened up and looked at Professor McGonagall: "But I really don't think I did anything too much. At least, I didn't even use magic. If I had pulled out my wand... they would be even worse off."

Professor McGonagall was speechless. Sprout looked at her student with admiration. Be polite, know how to advance and retreat, and be measured. What a good boy.

"Okay, today's responsibility is clear," Sprout said to avoid Wayne being punished. "The fault is Parkinson's. But Lawrence accidentally injured Professor Quirrell after all. Just a deduction of 180 points."

The Hufflepuff tradition continues; students don't care about grades, and neither does the dean. When he opened his mouth, he was very angry.

"Then confinement..." McGonagall wanted to say something else, but she felt that this punishment was too light. McGonagall does not hate Wayne; on the contrary, she admires him very much, but because of this, the punishment must be more severe. This is a strict teacher's unique way of protecting her beloved students.

"Forget about the confinement," Sprout said cheerfully. "He shouldn't waste so much time on manual labor."

"No!" Snape suddenly said. "There is still one person who has not been punished: Cedric. It was him who forcibly stood up for Lawrence, which led to the subsequent incident. Cedric should not participate in the next Quidditch match, or even appear in the stadium!"

Sprout thought for a moment and reluctantly agreed. Slytherin suffered a big loss this time, so just let them go.

After several people finished discussing, they looked at Dumbledore, who had been silent just now.

Dumbledore smiled bitterly: "You have finished discussing it. What do you want me to do?"

"Just do it."

"Severus, go and help Poppy (Madam Pomfrey). She may not have enough potions..."

Next, nothing happened to Wayne. He was asked out of the principal's office, and many Hufflepuff badgers were guarding the door.

Although Hufflepuff has a numerical advantage, there is no way he won't get injured in a fight.

Many people were honored, but they didn't care much. They only cared about the punishment Wayne was about to face.

Seeing Wayne coming out, a lot of people gathered around him: Cedric, Toby, Norman, Hannah, Bones...

Wayne quickly told them the results and told everyone not to worry anymore.

Everyone was very happy when they heard that it was just a deduction of points. If they were not afraid of being heard by the professors inside, they would have started cheering.

Wayne patted Cedric on the shoulder: "I'm sorry to make you miss a Quidditch competition."

Cedric shook his head indifferently: "What the hell, Professor Sprout probably agreed because she didn't want to embarrass Professor Snape."

"Does the academy still have a backup seeker?"

Cedric sighed slightly, "No, let's just give in this time. Fortunately, we are facing Ravenclaw, so we can't lose too much."

"Don't say this nonsense," Wayne joked, "If Cho hears this, she will definitely settle the score with you."

"How can she know if you don't tell her?" Cedric hit him on the shoulder angrily.

Wayne smiled but said nothing.

A group of people returned to the common room in great force.

Say nothing.

Start partying right away!

Wayne directly summoned the Phoenix King, and the pure white holy flames were sprinkled down, and all the skin injuries suffered by the little badgers disappeared.

Seeing that everyone was full of curiosity about King Feng, he did not let King Feng leave.

He would definitely not be allowed to touch him. Even if Wayne agreed, he would not be able to do so with King Feng's arrogance.

Besides, Wayne wouldn't do that either.

However, he let everyone take a closer look at Phoenix King and feel her charm.

This is a surprise bonus for most little badgers who like magical animals.

After learning that King Feng liked herbal medicine, a bunch of people rushed into the dormitory excitedly and took out their collections, which contained all kinds of things.

The little badgers had a feast, and so did the Phoenix King.

Everyone is happy.

Hufflepuff has never been so proud.

Don't you Slytherins call yourselves a pure-blood noble house and look down on Hufflepuff?

After finishing today, let's see who dares to say Hufflepuff is not good in the future.

Wayne also sighed.

In the wizarding world, before the strength reaches a certain level, the number of people is really an important advantage.

It would be no exaggeration to say that the Weasley family is impoverished, but they are still among the twenty-eight pure-blooded holy clans. Who dares to look down upon them?

Not for anything else, just because they can give birth.

When Ginny comes of age, several other people will marry wives, and there will be a total of twenty wizards in this family.

Who can withstand it?

Are you going to let Malfoy, a ninth-generation single, take over?

Even if he had the courage to do so, he wouldn't dare!

At first, choosing Hufflepuff is the best choice!

Wayne held up the cup filled with juice and shouted:


The little badgers also got excited, raised their glasses and followed him:


Late at night, Wayne was lying in bed.

While Hufflepuff was celebrating, Wayne didn't forget to tell Hermione and Cho that he was fine.

He almost couldn't come back when he went to the Gryffindor lounge.

The little lions are crazy; as long as you beat up Slytherin, you are their good friend.

Harry also knew that Wayne created such chaos just to help him, and he was extremely moved.

He also made an appointment with Wayne to go to Hagrid's cabin tomorrow.

In fact, this is not the case at all.

On the one hand, it was indeed to help Hermione, but on the other hand, Wayne had long wanted to deal with these Slytherins.

Those jealous purebloods thought he didn't know how many bad things they said about him behind his back?

If you can't compare with talent, just use the so-called bloodline to slander him, just like a tongue-tied woman talking behind your back.

Do you really think Wayne has no temper?

Those who were knocked unconscious by him today and whose nose bones were broken.

They were all people he knew had scolded him behind his back, or scolded Cho and Hermione because of his relationship.

Wayne didn't know if there was any fish that slipped through the net, but once he found out, they would never be able to escape.

[Big event is being settled...]

The system beep sounded at the right time, and Wayne was not surprised.

This time, he can be regarded as creating the largest group fight in the history of Hogwarts. It is strange that there is no critical hit reward.

[Big Event——Crush the arrogance of pure blood, event completion.]

[Reward: Points + 3500, ten major event gift packs.]

The points were 3,500 points. Adding in the previous points, it suddenly reached more than 5,000 points.

Wayne had his points withdrawn not long after his last complaint against Quirrell.

There were fifty draws in total, and no gold rewards came out, but some purple rewards came out.

This time, after more than 5,000 points are drawn, there will be another guaranteed deposit.

"System, open the big event gift package."

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the meditation technique (gold).]

Wayne sat up straight.


As the information flow in his mind continued to come in, he also understood the reward he had drawn.

Through meditation, the quality of mental power can be purified and the total amount can be increased.

Very practical.

Unlike many worlds, spiritual power in this world is not equal to magic power; it is purely based on talent.

People with strong spirits may not necessarily have a lot of magic power.

People with a weak spirit may have endless magic power that they can't waste.

But this does not mean that mental power is useless.

Wands, spells, and gestures, these three points are actually designed to help the wizard concentrate and smoothly guide the body to use magic to complete the spell.

So once you get used to it and your mental power is strong enough and concentrated, you can cast spells without a wand.

As long as Wayne keeps exercising, he will learn spells and improve his proficiency much faster.

The second is spiritual defense.

Mind-reading magic like Legilimency has a lot to do with mental power. The stronger the mental power, the stronger Occlumency will be.

In his conversation with Dumbledore, Wayne never used Occlumency.

It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but his level of Occlumency is not high, and it's easy to see abnormalities.

This would reduce Dumbledore's trust in him.

So before, Wayne was walking a tightrope, and Dumbledore's character was not that despicable.

This old man would not doubt his students easily, let alone use Legilimency at every turn.

It will be fine from now on. With meditation, Wayne feels refreshed instantly.

The Occlumency proficiency on the panel also jumps directly from intermediate to advanced.

Advanced Occlumency should not be so easy to detect.

Taking advantage of his good luck, Wayne chose to start the lottery without hesitation.

A burst of light flashed as the card shattered.

In the first forty draws, Wayne obtained Vulcan's Path, Magic Flame Protection, Apparition, All Curses End, and Fierce Fire.

They are all relatively practical spells.

It also made all of Wayne's curses come to an end, the Fire Curse was upgraded to a high level, and the total amount of magic power was increased.

For the last ten consecutive rounds, golden flashes of light arrived as promised.

With anticipation, Wayne smashed the card...