
Harry Potter: No More Simping

What will happen when harry stops simping? How will the age-old tale change as Harry unleashes his full potential, emerging as a genius. Will Dumbledore's manipulation still work on the new and improved Harry Potter? Will Harry sacrifice his life for the greater good or will he take his rightful place as the King? Stay tuned to find out...

Mystic_Verse · Book&Literature
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84 Chs

The Guardian of the Moon

Hagrid looked surprised, but what could it hurt? If Harry had success the unicorn could perhaps survive, if not, it would have died anyway. Harry put his hands gently on the neck of the unicorn on both sides of the wound. He concentrated on the picture of the snake he had seen in one of the books in the library. He had tried to find anything about healing with parselmagic as the healers at St. Mungo's had said he could probably learn it. He hadn't found much, only some legends and the picture of the sacred serpent of Ancient Greece that supposedly gave Asclepius his powers. The snake was golden in colour, had a triangular head, and was about ten meters long. Perhaps he erred in the length, but he kept the picture in his mind. Then he started concentrating on the magic he felt rushing through him when he concentrated on the golden serpent.

"I want this wound to close. I want this unicorn to live. I want her to recover from this injury." Harry hissed.

His hissed intention was met with a stronger rush of his magic. He felt it rushing into his hands that started to heat up, but not to the point that it became unbearable. His magic seemed to flow into the wound, but he only felt it, as he had his eyes closed to be able to concentrate better. Harry kept his eyes closed until he felt his magic stopping to act. He opened his eyes again only to see the wounds on the unicorn's neck had been healed. It was red and looked raw, but it had closed and she looked a bit stronger now. She looked deep into his eyes and Harry was filled with a feeling of total peace. He rubbed the unicorn's head, happy to have done it.

"I'm so glad you made it and I could help you." He whispered to her.

The unicorn then rubbed her head on his cheek, thanking him.

"Thank you, speaker. We will always remember your selfless action." The ashwinder said.

"I am glad I could help, but can you make sure all the unicorns go deeper into the forest to hide? Hagrid said something is hunting them and she was the third one who got hurt. I don't want that any more of her kind are hunted down for their blood." Harry told the snake.

"I will make sure it will be done. If you find out the danger is gone, call for me or one of my brothers and sisters, speaker. We will tell them so they can return. She also wants to give you a present for your help. Do you have something to store some of her tears in it?" The ashwinder asked.

Harry nodded and pulled out an empty vial from his pocket. He always kept three vials with him when he went outside. He usually looked out for plants he could use in potions but to be offered unicorn tears was really rare. The unicorn placed her head over the vial and let seven tear drops fall into the vial. Then she rubbed Harry's cheek one more time with her head before she turned around, let a few tail hairs fall as well and walked deeper into the forest with the other animals escorting her. Harry picked up the tail hairs and went back to Hagrid, who now wasn't alone anymore. A centaur with white-blond hair and a palomino body was standing next to him looking at Harry in awe.

"Uh, hello." Harry said uncomfortably and a little bit exhausted. Healing the unicorn had taken much of his magic.

"Hello, I see the stars haven't lied. The one blessed by the guardian of the moon has really come. What you did today, young Harry, was indeed a very noble deed. You saved something absolutely pure from certain death at the hands of pure evil. Perhaps you can stop the future the stars have prophesied." The centaur said.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"Mars is bright, but the moon is gleaming brightly as well." The centaur said.

"Firenze, I don' understand anything yer said. What attacked the unicorns?" Hagrid asked.

"Do you know what is kept at the school at the moment?" Firenze asked.

"How do yer know abou' that?" Hagrid asked.

"Centaurs know many things. Do you know what unicorn blood is used for?" Firenze asked, not really answering Hagrid's question.

Harry nodded solemnly.

"If anybody used unicorn blood in any potion or even drank the pure blood, he would be cursed from the moment the blood touched his lips. The blood may have the power to keep you alive when you should die, but from that moment on you only have a half-life, a cursed life." He said.

"Indeed. The one who killed the two unicorns and injured the one you saved, drank the blood. He is after the treasure in the castle to regain his full power. Be aware and hopefully the Moon's knight will stop the warrior of Mars." Firenze said. "I have to go, but remember my words."

He then turned around and walked away, deeper into the forest.

"We need ter tell Dumbledore. I don' know what Firenze meant, but this is very troubling. Yer can't tell any of the other students about what Firenze said, Harry." Hagrid said.

"Why? I guess he referred to the Philosopher's Stone on the third floor corridor which probably Voldemort is after." Harry said.

"How do yer know this?" Hagrid asked shocked.

"Until now it was only an assumption. But it was logical. I knew Professor Dumbledore was going to inform Nicolas Flamel about the danger his stone was in. I heard about it when I was in St. Mungo's and the healers called Professor Dumbledore to ask for his expertise. And then at the beginning of the school year he warns all students to keep away from the third floor corridor on the right side. I guess Fluffy is one of the protections." Harry said.

"Yer really are ter smart for yer own good. But yer right. That's why we need ter talk to Professor Dumbledore immediately." Hagrid said.


Soon Hagrid and Harry had told Dumbledore the story of what happened in the forest.

"Remarkable. I've never heard about anybody using parselmagic like that. I'm very proud of what you did Harry. Saving a unicorn is one of the most honourable things anybody can do. Are you feeling alright? I guess that took a lot of your magic. Especially as it was wandless magic." Dumbledore asked.

"I'm a bit tired. I guess I'll take a nap when I get back to the Ravenclaw common room." Harry answered.

"Yes, that would be for the best. Please keep your knowledge about the stone a secret. We just managed to prevent it being stolen from Gringotts, after that we came up with the idea of hiding it here at Hogwarts. Don't get any idea of going down there. It is way too dangerous for any student. Additionally the corridor is warded against students gaining entry." Dumbledore impressed.

"Yes, Professor." Harry answered and then yawned.

"Well, I guess it's time for you to return to Ravenclaw Tower. But before take fifty points for saving an innocent life from certain death." Dumbledore said.

"Thank you, Professor." Harry said smiling brightly.

Then he left the office, leaving Dumbledore and Hagrid behind. When the door was closed and Dumbledore got the information that Harry was at the bottom of the stairs, he turned to Hagrid.

"And Firenze really said that Mars was bright and Moon also gleaming brightly?" He asked.

"Yes, what were his exact words in the end? Ah yes. Hopefully the Moon's knight will stop the warrior of Mars. Do yer know what tha' means Professor?" Hagrid asked.

"I can only guess. But if my guess is right, we have hope to win the probably coming war. Mars is the star of war, the Moon is normally the star of change and renewal. And if Firenze said Harry was blessed by the guardian of the Moon, he could be the defence between the world and Voldemort." Dumbledore said. "Hopefully he doesn't need to take up the sword before he is ready."


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