
Harry Potter Natural

Milo, a genre-savvy D&D Wizard and Adventurer Extraordinaire is forced to attend Hogwarts, and soon finds himself plunged into a new adventure of magic, mad old Wizards, metagaming, misunderstandings, and munchkinry

William777 · Movies
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106 Chs

Chapter 78

"Nothing," Milo said unabashedly, "but where I come from, you can charge exponentially more for stuff if it's plus something."

Milo turned to his presents, which, as it turned out, were (as far as he was concerned) even better than minor magic items. Each of Neville, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had decided independently to get him a huge package of Every Flavoured Beans.

"I think," Milo said around a huge mouthful of the bizarre sweets, "that I like this whole Christmas thing. A lot of work, though."

Harry (wearing an emerald sweater knitted by Mrs Weasley) opened his last package. A silvery-grey, gossamer cloth floated out of it and fell to the floor.

Ron gasped.

"Huh," Harry said. "Looks like a cloak."

"Put it on," Ron urged. "If it's what I think it is... well, there's only one way to find out."

"You," Harry said pointedly, "have been spending too much time with Hermione." Nevertheless, did, and promptly vanished.

Milo and Ron both gasped.

"It's an Invisibility Cloak!" Ron said, while Milo said "It's a Cloak of Invisibility!"

Harry pulled it off.

"Why do they call it that?" he asked.

"'Cause it makes you invisible," said Ron.

"Duh," added Milo.

"I didn't feel invisible," Harry said skeptically. "Here, you put it on," he passed it to Ron, who held it reverently. True to form, Ron vanished as soon as he put it on.

"Huh," said Harry. "Don't see that every day."

"I do, actually," Milo pointed out. He usually prepared Invisibility once a day. "Oh! I've been meaning to test something, actually. Harry, put it on again."

When Harry complied, Milo cast See Invisibility. Harry appeared in front of him as a translucent shape.

"Excellent," Milo said. "Score one for my magic, for once." Must be because of the vague wording of See Invisibility, Milo thought. It just says "reveals any objects or creatures that are invisible," not "creatures that are affected by Invisibility."

"Did it come with a card?" Ron asked curiously. "Those things are really expensive; I wonder who would spend that much on you?"

Harry rooted about on the ground for a moment, then produced a small note with a handwritten message.

Your father left this in my possession before

he died. It is time it was returned to you.

Use it well.

A Very Merry Christmas to you.

"That," Milo said, "is singularly unhelpful. Put it on the list."

Harry was looking at the note strangely.

"What's the matter?" Ron asked.

"Nothing," Harry said. Milo shrugged, and began preparing spells for the day. Fortunately, his ... episode ... in the morning had come from yesterday's spells. Harry and Ron settled down to play a game of Exploding Snap.

"Hey," Milo said suddenly, having finished renewing his allotment of spells. "Anyone know if Hannah's staying for the holidays?"

"Uh," said Ron. "Yeah, I think I saw her at dinner the other day, with Lavender Brown."

"Cool. Bye," Milo said, leaving the dorm abruptly. On his way out, he passed Fred and George, wearing matching Weasley jumpers.

"—and then we'll say 'we know we're called Gred and Forge,'" Fred was saying in a low voice.

"Oh, hey Milo," George said as Milo passed.

"Hey," Milo said, barely giving them a glance. "Wait," he said, and turned. "Have either of you seen Hannah Abbot around?"

"Yeah," said Fred. "Last I saw, she was heading out of the Common Room."

"Oh," George added. "She was wearing a coat and scarf, so she was probably going outside."

"What, in that?" Milo asked, gesturing at the window. The snow was really picking up. "Didn't you try and stop her?"

"Yeah, but she ignored us. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be—"

"—all white."

Milo groaned, and not just because of the terrible pun. He was going to have to go out and find her to deliver her mandatory apology present. Milo hustled out of the Common Room and down the stairs to the Great Hall, pulling on parts of his Cold Weather Outfit from his Belt of Hidden Pouches as he went. On the way, he decided that his next project would be to make his uniform Shiftweave as well, which allowed it to transform into other outfits instantly.

Milo opened the massive Great Hall doors to find snow piled up to his head.

"I am not walking in that," Milo said. "Fly," he cast, and suddenly felt himself become weightless. "Locate Object—Hannah's Robes," he cast, and felt a light tug to his right. Milo effortlessly floated up off the ground and through the heavy snow.

Shouldn't she have left tracks? Milo wondered, looking around. Of course, it was possible that the snow had filled them in already... but really, with snow that deep, she'd have to dig a tunnel to get around.

Something felt very wrong about this whole situation. The wind was picking up, and the cold began to bite effortlessly through Milo's robes (Milo decided an Endure Elements enchantment was in order as well). You'd have to be suicidal to willingly venture out here, Milo thought. And she went alone? Highly suspect.

As Milo flew, skimming a few feet above the ground, he felt his Locate Object spell abruptly end.

Okay... Milo thought, his teeth chattering. Either she entered an area warded against Divination, she's surrounded by lead, someone dispelled my spell, or she's out of range.









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