

There are many ways to describe hell in my personal opinion, but to narrow it down... hell is weird. Unlike material planes, hell is more flexible the laws governing here are almost like play dough if you have enough power. After watering the whole valley I came up with a strange idea by using my magic and feeding the ground with it and now in the back of my mind, I am connected to the lands I have been working on.

I can shape the lands with a flex of my power and my mind it is exhausting but better to be tired than to leave all the caves I found around the perimeter open. Planting grenades at the entrances and controlling the caves to collapse into themselves. After days of feeding the ground my magic, I gained further control over it making my little area so that I can feel everything inside of it including River who has taken to following me around when she thinks I am not looking.

Besides taking over this little piece of hell I feel the holy energy spreading farther and farther away taking over subtly the surrounding mountain ranges and pressing out the inhabitants the as the energy is deadly to them. I have also taken up using my newfound control of hell to do some mining grabbing up all of the metals and gems from the mountains I have also discovered several pieces of equipment that have long rusted away inside of the caves so that tells me that there are living and sentient people here in hell. The river also told me that time here gets loose is the best term to describe it.

A week here could be seconds or minutes in the material plain or it could be a one-to-one ratio for both sides. I take everything River tells me with a grain of salt. As my grandpa said listen but verify. Sif has also been absorbing the energies of hell and the holy energy from the grenades growing horns on the top of her head some of them are glowing white and the others are either black or red as they framed the side of her head going down her jaws.

Sitting on one of the rocking chairs I placed on my porch I watched over the valley feeling the shifting ground beneath me as the loose ground is burrowed through by giant worms feasting on the rocks below. According to River Monster Girls have tried to explore hell and failed miserably. From what she said is that there are chances that this hell is a different one than the one they tried to explore and take over. Even Illias wouldn't step into a hell dimension without sufficient preparation.

Closing my eyes I go over my next few steps I want to get some different magical plants and start growing them here experimenting with how the surrounding energies affected them. But according to River, I would need to set up a bank account with either the dwarves or goblins since Wizards apparently can't be bothered to take care of their gold. That was one of the early ins that the Monster Girls had with them. Just toss them your gold and some semen for a fee and boom accountants that you could kind of trust not to run off with your shit.

I could make gold by the pound easy as I breathe but that would get some raised eyebrows from them, and I can't just go and sell them the materials and gems I gathered here. I don't want to leave them with any way to track me as to open an account they would need my blood and freely given blood is one surefire way to get fucked over.

I feel River walking up and sitting down beside me as I plotted ways to get plants from the earth. "So what are you going to do now Tyler? I can feel you claiming this realm for your own." I looked over at her as she spoke calmly and collected but I can see some hesitation there.

"Speak up what do you want?" I muttered knowing those knife ears can hear me just fine.

"I would like to set up a place for the Elves to live here or at least a way for them to visit here." She watched a grimace cross my face as she spoke letting out a sigh.

"Why would I let Elves live here? What do I gain from your race? I have no guarantee that this isn't some elaborate plan for your race to wait for me to die to take over what I am building here." She shook her head letting out a laugh.

"You don't know do you?" She tilted her head while not hiding a smile that crossed her face. "You are taking over this plain of reality. Slowly sure, but you are taking it over making you this plains ruler." She said while trying to hold down a laugh "Great Goddess leave it to me to find a boy who accidentally started to take over a plain of hell." She whipped her eyes. "What you are doing is impossible to us at least. In this valley, you control everything from the ground to the sky."

Raising an eyebrow at her "What do you mean impossible all I did was clean the ground and a few more steps then boom... I could control it." I said taking a long drink from my jug. We are not close in any sense of the word but being alone here long-term would have been preferable. After a few attempts at sending her back to the Elves failed I decided to take a break.

Her eyes searched my face for a few breaths before she let out a laugh "My boy, we may not know a lot about hell but we know that it doesn't like outsiders and the way it reacts to you is not within the parameters we have encountered so far. We had portals open up to active volcanos, capitals of demons, or plague-infested lands. I can count on one hand with fingers to spare the number of times we haven't been almost killed by portals to hell." She closed her eyes letting out a humorless laugh as she slumped back into her rocking chair.

Taking a breath she continued speaking "I should know as one of the foremost knowledgeable Elves about theoretical space and traversing it I oversaw the openings and closings of almost every one of them." She let out a hollow laugh as her eyes dimmed "I have seen magnificent yet horrible sights through the portals." She shuddered as she closed her eyes before continuing "What I have witnessed is every 'layer' of the hell dimension has a ruler. Something at the top of the hierarchy, and you are now becoming the top dog so to speak here. By controlling hell here you have an impregnable base you can decide what is allowed and what isn't allowed. Judging by the excitement I can see radiating off of you coming from you, you're not against the idea." Narrowing my eyes at the Elf as she merely giggled.

"So if I keep doing what I have been doing I can be the ruler of this hell? With no competition?" She shook her head at my question.

"No, my dear there will always be competition all I did was describe what I am seeing. Somewhere out in this plain of existence, there is bound to be competition. But with how you are going about taking over this plain whatever they are will be having a hard time going against you when your area has so many holy elements inside of it. The normal denizens of hell will implode if they step foot inside of this valley as it is now." Nodding as she spoke judging that she is telling the truth. Hmm, my little dimension sounds good. But who knows how long it will take to take it over years? more than likely if I am going on at this pace.

"So what am I becoming a Hell Lord?" I chuckled at the thought before pausing realizing that it was indeed what I could be considered. Leaning back into my chair tapping the armrest rocking back and forth.

"Well if you were one it is a small one. But that is not the point. Now that we have 'abandoned' the two rulers so to speak the rest of the Monster Girls will not have anything to do with us so if I can get you to agree to meet with the Queen you could ask for anything." Snorting at the broken record she has become with each talk.

"You keep talking about meeting her but I don't see what I can gain from her or you that I can't make or take for myself." She let out a huff that I was pretty sure was her deliberately her trying to get me to check out her chest.

She leaned in squashing her breasts together she leaned in close "When I say anything I mean... anything." Her hot breath hit the side of my neck making me fight down a shiver. "Whatever you want you can have, Treasure? Yes. Companionship? Yes. Tomes or lost magic? Yes. All you need to do is meet with the Queen." She closed her eyes after she finished with her most compelling attempt to swing me over and meet with the queen

Letting out a sigh "Well that wasn't your worst attempt at swaying me to meet with her but, you will need to do better than that." Letting out a huff. It has become somewhat of a game between us at this point I feel like she just tries to get a rise out of me or she is hoping to feel me out getting the smallest pieces of information about me to paint a picture of me inside of her head. Closing my eyes I let out a sigh at the dam Elf.

"Well that is not happening anytime soon," I muttered knowing she will be hearing me. She tilted her head to me with her eyes still closed giving me a smug smile. "Anything else you need to tell me?"

She opened her eyes looking over at me for a few moments before she started speaking "You have changed Hell farther than anything I have ever seen before. Already the microscopic organisms here are adapting to your new land. The worms from below are already adapting. The lower life forms you need not worry about it is the stronger life forms you need to watch out for. "She stretched her arms standing up and looking around with her twinkling eyes.

"Hell is becoming yours it may be slow but in the long run, you would become the Over Lord here. It would benefit you to take help from the Elves. You get magically inclined people to help you out and in return we get protection. It is not like we will screw you over. Even if we wanted to we are too proud to do anything like that." She started to walk away before pausing "Just think it over, New lord" I barely caught the last few words but they gave me pause. Saying her piece she wander off back to the hot springs she seemed to be living inside of.

Closing my eyes I reached out for the feeling of my connection to the lands. A small tug in the back of my mind grew stronger the more I focused on it until I naturally felt the ground and everything inside of it and on top of it. Focusing I started to feel out where the Holy element is coming from I used my connection to the land to absorb it at an accelerated rate. The more I used my connection to pull more of the energy into the ground the deeper it went consuming the hellish energy while replacing it with the energy from the Holy hand grenades. Once one of the grenades was empty I would replace it with a simple portal and continue expanding my domain into the ground beneath.

Expanding into the air seemed to be almost impossible with the amount of mana I currently had as once I extended it beyond the ground it would disperse upward into the clouds. Once it was into the clouds I lost connection to the mana. But the more I seemed to be letting into the air the black clouds seemed less chaotic.

The clouds had become over time less threatening more calm. It started as less frequent lightning strikes to now only the distant rumblings of thunder. Relaxing back into my chair I let myself become absorbed into the process of refining the ground and air around my valley extending my will on them.

As I do this I feel something probing at the edges of my land, but as soon as it entered I felt it evaporate and be consumed into the ground almost like the essence of the being is turning into more fuel for the land and in turn, be used by me.

Maybe I can take some subordinates to watch over parts of Hell making my kingdom here. That is a future me problem

I chuckled as I thought about a hell of my own making. Well for now I will take my valley under my control It will make a good testing ground for the future. Pausing and wondering if I should do a trial run with the Elves. Shelving the thoughts for now I started to refine my new lands with renewed vigor thinking about making my paradise in hell... ironic.

A/N: Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it. Grandparents are doing better, but still busy as hell. Hope you have a good day. Sorry if there are any mistakes I don't have a beta reader to check it over. Not a very good excuse but it is all I have and I don't have a lot of time.

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