
Harry Potter Magical System

Isaac Barman genius prodigy gets reincarnated as Ray Orbis Grindelwald along with AI Kirin to help him on his journey. "Unlimited Gold defended by countless life-threatening traps? MC I wish you good luck. May your protagonist aura SAVE you " "Hey Rey, why are you carrying this chicken with you?" "Dementors around ? Kirin Fuck them up" "What Voldie is back better to learn some shield Spells ?" "Wanna go adventuring with mc sorry gotta do my homework?a' Rey is portrayed as a dark but fun protagonist. Later takes on the world.

Deeptanshu · Book&Literature
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Fanwai: Stories from childhood (Hermione)

(Rey Orbis now 5 years old).

Rey has started going to prep classes. He has also started showing his dominance in intellectual abilities like drawing, writing, arithmetics and is currently tied with one and only Miss Hermione Granger. They are considered Model boy and girl for each activity. Our MC would have liked to show his intellectual abilities but decided to hold back to his level in the previous world so as not to trigger Mrs competition.

Rey is unnaturally interested in Hermione. To be fair anybody meeting their celebrity crush at equal grounds in another world would be so. He takes every available chance to talk to her. From her hobbies to her daily life whenever they meet it's always about her.

Kirin in the background: "It seems that my boss finally found his first crush after 26 years"

||||||||||||Hermione POV||||||||||||||

I started my prep classes and I met Rey on the first day. He is the only person who understands me in this foolish lot of children. We started hanging out during lunch breaks and I was teased by my so-called 'social friends' about having a 'boy' friend.

"What rubbish!!" I said while trying to inquire about Rey's background and the girls were eyeing me as "It's Ok we understand". Seriously we are just five years old. I mean that I too have watched those Romantic movies from Hollywood and they are known to be progressive in this age but I don't think Rey means anything. At least not now. (secretly blushes)

When I found out about Rey's background that he was an orphan, I seriously pitied him. I thought 'what a lonely boy let's be good friends with him'.But my naivety was broken the next day. Rey is a very despicable, shameless character who loves to show off especially his abilities.

When the teacher calls him to perform simple maths problem on the board he will deliberately make an irritating screeching noise on the chalkboard so that he gets everyone's attention and no he will not write the answer he will deliberately pretend to cuff his collars and crack his knuckles as if he was solving a very mind-boggling problem.

I initially thought it was cool but slowly I started getting irritated until I said "Enough Rey".He had a goddamn smirk on his face and casually wrote the answer and sat back in his place. Sports was even worse. In a fifteen-minute game of soccer of Boys V/s Girls, he immediately took possession of the ball and ran straight towards the girls deliberately brushing and scrimmaging his body against them. I finally couldn't take it any longer and said: " Rey get out of the field this instant" from the sidelines. Obviously I was not playing nut reading books.

Contrary to my expectations he deliberately 'Injured' himself and got out of the field as a martyr. He sat down next to me looking smug and said: " What's up?". God knows I was so angry that my ears started turning shades of red and I could swear would kill him even if it was the last thing I did till I heard someone from the field shout out: "Watch Out". I turned towards the field and saw.....

||||||||||POV End|||||||||

"Boss the ball is going to hit Miss"

"Kirin calculate the optimum action with a dramatic effect which can lead to your boss' happiness"

"Boss it may hurt a bit"

"Don't worry. I am strong" Rey said full of confidence and grandeur.

"Boss let it hit on your face preferably close to your nose"

"Wa-Wait a minute ....goddamn it" Rey brings his face in the trajectory of the ball protecting Hermione. The ball hits his face and bounces back. Rey is left feeling numb on his face with tears in his eyes. Then the pain came along with the laughter of classmates in the background. Rey started getting angry and was about to swear when suddenly he saw a pink handkerchief wiping his bloody nose.

It was Hermione. Her face worried and at the same time blushing red.

"Thanks, Kirin"

"You are Welcome boss"

This is just a side story which didn't happen . It is just to satisfy my wolf readers. RAy doesn't know Hermione.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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