
Chapter 4: Benevolent Deception

After two years, Tver savored his father's cooking once more.

Strangely, his father, head of one of the 28 pure-blood families, operated a French restaurant in the Muggle world! Luckily, the Fawleys kept a low profile, rarely mingling with other wizards, which minimized attention. Any attention they did attract hardly impacted the family.

"Now that you've graduated, have you decided on your next steps?" Belinda suddenly inquired.

"How about helping out at my restaurant? Or maybe opening a cuisine restaurant nearby?" Miles suggested.

"I've applied for an assistant teaching position at Hogwarts," Tver cautiously replied, choosing not to mention that he had applied specifically for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Why Hogwarts all of a sudden?" Belinda paused, her fork suspended in mid-air, "You were so set on going to Durmstrang initially."

"Durmstrang's approach is too extreme. I want to explore a broader range of magic," Tver offered his prepared explanation.

Miles pondered a moment, unable to recall any assistant teaching positions. "Well, that's also good. But an assistant? When did Hogwarts start offering that?"

Miles and Belinda, both Hogwarts alumni, had been initially troubled by Tver's adamant refusal to attend their alma mater.

"I proposed it specifically. Otherwise, Hogwarts wouldn't let a recent graduate teach young wizards."

In truth, Tver suspected that Hogwarts wanted to mitigate the curse associated with Defense Against the Dark Arts, which likely influenced their acceptance of a Durmstrang graduate like him.

"Hogwarts could certainly use an extra assistant. Otherwise, the professors would be overwhelmed," Miles nodded, approving of his son's choice, "Which subject will you be assisting?"

Uh-oh. Tver gulped nervously, muttering so quickly he barely understood himself, "Defenagainsthedarkts."

"What?!" Belinda stood up abruptly, her chair clattering to the floor, "I won't let you get involved with Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

"Seriously, you understood that?!" Tver's jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Of course, I'm your mother. If you're that vague, it must be something serious!" Belinda, hands on her hips and eyes flashing with anger, exclaimed. "I absolutely won't allow you to take on that subject. I had seven different Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in my seven years at school. The worst one lost a hand!"

Miles interjected quickly, "Tver understands curses better than we do. He must have his reasons for choosing this subject. Let's hear him out."

Facing his supportive parents, Tver knew he couldn't bluff. He needed a well-prepared explanation.

"Do you remember what happened when I was eleven?" Tver began, planning to reassure his parents with a white lie. "Actually, I was under the same curse back then, but don't worry, the teachers at school helped me lift it. You know, the teachers and Headmaster Dumbledore have their own stories. Dumbledore has asked me to try and break the curse on this subject. Even if I can't break it, it's okay. It's just an assistant position, so the curse won't stick to me."

Tver had spoken of the teachers to his parents before, and although they had initially been skeptical, his ability to cast a Patronus charm had alleviated their concerns.

But what they didn't know was that any wizard, as long as they truly believed in their convictions—even if those convictions were dark—could cast a Patronus...

However, Belinda was fixated on the events of seven years ago.

"So, during that period of weakness, you were on the brink of death? Why didn't you tell us something so crucial? I'm your mother, for heaven's sake!"

The more Belinda spoke, the more distressed she became. For a mother, her child's safety was paramount. The historical conflicts between wizards like Grindelwald and Dumbledore were secondary to her...

Well, they were secondary unless it was the subject of gossip.

"I didn't want to worry you back then," Tver quickly stepped forward, embracing his mother, "And now, I'm perfectly healthy."

Miles approached too, gently taking Tver's hand off and consoling his wife in a soft voice.

"Tver isn't reckless. And with Dumbledore at Hogwarts, he wouldn't just stand by if Tver were in danger. Besides, the Fawley family has its connections. We can always seek help from knowledgeable wizards if needed."

The couple hugged each other, discussing which renowned wizards were skilled at lifting curses, oblivious to Tver's embarrassed look and Jeff's awkward stance.

"If you need it, I can give you a hug, but please hurry, I still need to tidy up the cutlery," Jeff quipped.


Eventually, Belinda and Miles consented to Tver's decision.

"But only as an assistant. If I find out you aim to become the professor of that subject, I'll lock you in the cupboard for the rest of your life!" Belinda stressed.

This relieved Tver greatly. Having the support of his parents was a significant comfort to him, and securing their approval was the main reason he had come home. He often reflected on how fortunate he was compared to other transmigrators who found themselves alone in a foreign world; having caring and loving parents was indeed a blessing.

Tver decided to stay at the family estate before his interview at Hogwarts. Despite his two-year absence, the interior of the house remained unchanged. Jeff meticulously cleaned his room every day, keeping it in immaculate condition, though the bedding had been replaced. According to Belinda, this symbolized a new chapter in life following graduation.

Life at the estate was tranquil. When his father wasn't working as a chef at their London restaurant, he spent time with Belinda. As for Belinda, her days were filled with leisurely activities like shopping and watching movies, hardly fitting the typical image of a witch but rather that of a carefree lady of leisure.

At home, Tver relished the calm. The relaxed environment was a stark contrast to the strict regimen at Durmstrang. Here, he was free from the pressures of dueling challenges from other wizards, which suited him just fine as he preferred the solitude of his room and his books to socializing.

He spent several days organizing his extensive collection of books. Should he secure the assistant position at Hogwarts, he would be living in the castle, but that wouldn't begin until school started on September 1st, giving him plenty of time to sort his belongings.

However, the nature of his collection could raise eyebrows. Books with titles like "Principles of Dark Magic - How to Properly Cast Dark Magic," "Control of Beliefs - Making Your Dark Magic More Powerful," and "Origin of Curse Magic" were enough to attract unwanted attention from the Aurors. Indeed, just the titles alone might warrant a permanent cell in Azkaban, and not just any cell, but a VIP one. 

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