
Ch. 14 I am Bird.

As somedays went by everything was going normally the only thing that was out of the norm was that every first-year student were having classes together which was not normal as per se because every year above were having classes in pair of Houses.

Only our year was different in this case when I approached my house head with the question he replied: "You see Mr Chatterjee the no of students in other years are quite high about an average of 150-200 in each year but your years' strength is only about 50 so it is more efficient for the teachers to take your classes in a single group instead of having it in pairs."

During this time I had somewhat become the favourite student of Prof. Flitwick because he saw that I was well above my peers in knowledge regarding Charms. So Prof. Flitwick allowed me to take some books from his collection for reading to which I was most thankful for because I needed books about Homonculus Charm so that I could make the map and it also the knowledge about homunculus charm served a greater purpose of my protection.

Because I didn't know what did Salazar wanted to do with the ring. So it was a good security measure cause even though he was a portrait there was no knowing what he is capable of.

I was still having my study sessions with Hermione and she was upset that I got some books from prof. In an attempt to cheer her up I gave her one of my books about Hexes by a Russian author named Nicole Malkovich she was happy to read it because the schools of thought about magic were different in Slavic Magic culture. It was a good thing that I had gotten the English translation of the book It was an entry-level book and was in the curriculum of Durmstrang Institute so it was safe to give her the book.

A few days later I was sitting in the Great Hall having breakfast and signing some documents from work and that is when Owls came in and bombarded the hall with parcels like the canon but this time unlike the cannon there were no letters to deliver because of Cbox parents were constantly in touch with their wards.

I called my parents and Kalki every day without missing a single day they were really happy that I was excelling in classes I was talking to Kalki about the difference in potion-making approaches in Hogwarts most of my talks with Kalki were done in Parseltongue during nights and we talked in Parseltongue because I didn't want that our conversations about potions leaking anywhere.

I saw Harry and his gang reading the paper and discussing the break-in at Gringotts. I also saw Nevil getting his remembrall. Today was the day that Harry would be selected for the seeker position.

The flying lessons were taken by Prof. Hooch. We gathered outside with the provided brooms they looked quite shabby, to say the least prof. Hooch came we greeted her and the class started.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson, well what are you all waiting for?. Everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick come on now, place your right hand over the broom and say 'up'".

Everyone followed her instruction Harry's got his broom in his hand on his first try followed by Draco and me not trying to stand out I got the broom in my hand on the third attempt. Ron got smacked on the nose with his broom.

Prof. Hooch said "Now once you got a hold of your broom I want you to mount it. And grip it tight. you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard.

Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down.

On my whistle:- One, two, three".

And soon as she blew the whistle Nevil started to lift from the ground and it didn't look like he had any control what so ever and he sporadically went up and down and prof. tried to stop him but couldn't Nevil was now stuck in the statue and we all heard the dreadful ripping sound of his robes.

And I don't know why he started to wriggle we all shouted don't wriggle and he stopped but suddenly he started to fall and now he was going toward the huge torch with pointy edges he was about to land on one of those. Seeing that he could be seriously injured or worse I decided to intervene and pulled out my wand in a nick of time and said "Arresto Mommentum".

And just as he was about to be skewered many people looked away but they didn't hear anything they opened their eyes and say that Nevil was floating in the air I then cast "Wingardium Leviosa" and put Nevil back on the ground. Madam Hooch saw what I just did was beyond disbelieve that a first-year could use magic so proficiently.

She then walked up to Nevil to check up on him and then she turned around and said "Everyone to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr Longbottom to the Hospital wing, understand?. And 20 points to Ravenclaw for that outstanding use of charms and quick thinking."

I said, "Madam Hooch please let me come with you to the hospital wing I am feeling a bit dizzy."

I needed to get out of there so that everything could go as plot. I and Nevil were at the hospital wing he was fine and Madam Pomfrey praised me for saving a fellow student. We were now leaving the hospital wing.

Neville said, "Thank you Aditya if you didn't help me I could have died."

I said, "Oh come on anyone in my place would have done the same."

He said in a sad tone"I don't know if I could have done what you did?".

I lightly patted his back and said "Don't underestimate yourself Nevil I know you are one of the people who like to do good, you just have to find your inner courage."

he said, "I don't know if I am courageous?".

I said, " Oh but I know that you are the hat never makes a mistake Nevil."

I said to Nevil "Do you want to know a trick to being brave?"

He nodded in excitement.

I said, "You don't have to be courageous you just have to act courageously in front of everyone".

We arrived at the ground I was then approached by many of the students that were praising me for my deed. Nevil got his remeberall from Harry and then Prof. McGonagall approached harry and took him away much thought that he was in trouble but that was not the case.

I moved away from the scene because I didn't want to interrupt the plot. After all, it was a necessary step for Harry to gain some confidence and become a seeker. So I let that play out as it is.

And most of the story came back on track with duel challenges from Draco to Harry in the trophy room the following evening. The Golden Trio got in trouble for that.

My actions have now made me popular among students at first they only thought of me as a common Ravenclaw only good in theoretical knowledge and didn't have the skill. But now people were starting to noticing me in a different light, Prof. Flitwick was especially happy to see his student succeed.

I was studying with Hermione in the library, I was researching more about the Homonculus charm and she was studying about Charms and Runes from my books. She had nagged me to death about teaching her about Runes and charms. I finally gave up and taught her about the charms and runes. She was a very fast learner. I taught her some of the knowledge that I had acquired over the years from Grandpa.

It was now October the one month in which almost everything can and will go wrong and me knowing what was about to happen I was not happy. And it was clearly showing on my face.


Thank you all for reading this chapter and thank you for commenting and voting.

I would like your help in two matters:-

1. Even though we know how to make the map we would still need the schematics of the castle so I am asking you that can I make mc borrow the map from the twins now or should I do some deus ex machina stuff.

2. I have come out with a unique spell for our Mc I was thinking of naming it Anant Samadhi bhava. How does it sound it is Sanskrit and if you want to know more about the meaning and what does this spell do search for each word individually instead.

I would also like to thank Narcox and Akagami for their input.

And that's it time for the people who have voted.

Razish, Dracul91, OceanoAzul, Druidpriest, Bikram jeet singh, Noctua, Knight wolf, Lucas Felix, mad_Scientist, Destroyersdoom, Duke night hawk, Kaiser0000, absurduit, MistofOblivion, Subrat, Sivdath_M, FAM_ANZ, Nirthday_Jain, Chaiwala, novel_99, Tvtv, Salttoeath, Abel_Mathew, DaoistNBUVV, HydenGrimm, Why_me, kiloon, WesternGod, Lonnie_barrar, IAMTIRED, Jambox, Lazyhobo, npeter, NarutoSO, Norticerdo, BigFan, Shinjinn, MataKali, Sol_lunar, Shivi, Yash, Druiseeker, Subrat, Geekay Kashyap, gerero, Akagami, Urhan, Balistic bunny.

I am once again asking for your opinions.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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