
A New Life

The boy woke with a gasp, his chest heaving as the dark presence of the god slowly dissipated. Immediately, he noticed something was off about his body, but he couldn't put his finger on it. So, sitting up, he had a look. The boy's eyes grew wide, he had, shockingly, become a girl. He quickly covered himself back up, a deep blush, tainting his head vermilion.

Wanting to distract himself from the embarrassing situation, the boy had a look around. He was in a rather large bedroom with a window right next to the bed, through which, the bright sunlight illuminated the grand interior. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, only to fall flat on his face. He sucked in a breath of air and rubbed his nose, a dull pain was coursing through it. The boy turned on his back to see what had made him fall. Rolling up his left pant leg, he winced and looked away. It was thin as a wire, with a large knot just below the knee. Biting his lip, the boy pulled himself back onto the bed.

Depending on whether he was a witch, or not, he might be in an alright situation or one of the worst possible. At least he was born into a rather rich family, by the looks of it. He took a breath of air to prepare, before glancing around, and spotting a crutch. Leaning over he grabbed it and with its help, managed to stumble over to the door. Behind it was a large landing, with two staircases leading down to the entrance hall.

He slowly and carefully made his way downstairs, and was halfway towards the door, when a terrible headache assailed him. He let out a cry and fell, his head bouncing off the marble flooring. Stunned, he rolled over touching the place of impact, his fingers came away bloody. He heard the double doors slam open and a pair of footsteps coming towards him. All he could see through his blurred vision was a tall dark figure hunkering above him, a cry on his lips.

When she woke, Carina found herself back in her bedroom. She groaned and sat up, she had dreamed the girl's entire life, everything the original Carina knew, she now knew as well, and it was a lot, so much information crammed into her head within only a few… How long had she been asleep for? She turned to the window through which she could see the sun cresting the horizon. Closing her eyes she bathed her face in the warm light. She had to think. From what she knew, she was the adopted daughter of Kingsley Shacklebolt, giving her an advantage in not just information gathering but also inconspicuousness. She also knew that she had quite a few friends among wizarding society.

She was startled out of her thoughts when the door to her room suddenly creaked open. A loud squeak and a crack later nothing but an open door remained. Carina frowned, it must have been Binky, their house elf. He was a shy creature with long droopy ears and eyes covering almost his entire head. She quite liked him, he was always there when she, or more specifically Carina, needed help.

Just as Carina was about to return to her ponderings, she heard thunderous footsteps approaching her room, and turning, saw her father storm through the open door. He immediately rushed to her side, evidently worried, "Carina, are you alright?" he exclaimed, cupping her cheeks in his hands. She nodded and brushed her hand against his, "I'm more than alright father." A plethora of emotions crossed his face as he knelt before her, dark eyes meeting hazel. For a few minutes, they stayed that way, in silence, a courteous display of affection.

When they separated, Carina grabbed onto her father's hand. She opened her mouth to say something but paused, "I wish… I wish to go to Diagon Alley." Kingsley frowned and turned his gaze to the forest outside. "Alright, but only if you still feel well after I return from work this evening. Your Hogwarts letter has arrived in any case, so we'd have to go sooner or later." He then turned to Blinky, standing at the door, "I have to leave now or Scrimgeour'll hound me about it all week. You take care of her while I'm away alright?" Blinky nodded, and with that, her father disappeared down the corridor again.