
Chapter 7 Magic

A couple of weeks has gone by since harry absorbed Avalon into himself and he found the volume of his magic has increased to what it was before. He also began his training his telekinesis and magic.

When he began training his magic, he decided to look through memories that Voldemort has about the wizarding world and magic. What he found intrigued him. According to the memories he found that the physiology of wizards is different form that of the mundane.

He found that wizards have a life span of about 150 to 200 years old. In the wizarding world wizard have three magical maturation. The first happen at seven years of age, the next at 11 and the last is at 17 years of age. With each maturation the is a huge increase in their magic until their last maturation at 17 where their magic gets doubled or more depending on their talent and potential.

Another thing is that wizards and witches physically and emotionally mature faster than normal people. For example, a wizard who is chronologically two-year-old would look physically four to five year of age. This apparently continued until the are in the early twenties around 21 where they would physically stop aging until their chronologically age also reaches their physical age and from their depending on how powerful a wizard or witch is would depend how slowly they age.

When he found this out it explained why although he was two years old, he physically looks four to five old, respectively. And had a suspicion that Petunia was a squib due to the fact that she looks younger than her actual age and Rose was a witch due to the fact she looked physically older and was more mature than her actual age.

This suspicion was later confirmed Rose when she accidentally summoned a tin filled with biscuits when she was trying to reach them. Which later led to petunia telling us about the wizarding world and how my parents were wizard and witches.

(Flash back)

Harry and Rose sat on the chair and listened attentively as Petunia was explained about the wizarding world.

"So, I am witch and can-do magic" said an excited Rose as her eyes began to sparkle

"Yes," said Petunia as she looked at rose happily as rose proceeded in asking question after question and petunia answered all of them to the best of her ability.

She knew that Harry was a wizard and would attend Hogwarts and had been worried about what would happen to Rose due to how close the two of them are. And did not want what happen to her and Lily to happen to rose and harry.

So, when she walked into the kitchen and so Rose using her magic to summon down the biscuit tin, she decided to tell them about the wizarding world and also used this chance to tell harry about his parents.

She would have waited longer due to them still being young, but due to the fact that both Rose and Harry looked physically older than their age about five-year-old and were very mature for their age she decided to tell them now.

When Petunia finished answering Rose questions Harry decided to reveal to her that he possessed an edict memory knew about the wizarding world already. Harry further explained to the that he believes that Voldemort is alive and would return in the future due to the fact that before he fell unconscious, he saw Voldemort spirit break through the window.

Harry then proceeds to tell petunia that he could feel magic within her but its in a dominant state and that if she wants to, he can awaken her magic core so she would be able to use magic. He did this because when Petunia was explaining about the wizarding world harry felt that although petunia was happy that rose was a witch and would get to go Hogwarts like she wanted when she was young.

She got saddened as she was reminded about the past where she wanted to go to Hogwarts but could not be due to the fact that she was not a witch.

When Petunia hard what harry said she was so shocked that she could only shake her head allowing him to try but had already come to accept that she would not be able to do magic.

Harry walked up to Petunia before telling to go on her knees. He the pointed his finger in the middle of her forehead and used his power of telepathy and magic to draw out her potential from her and awaken her magic.

When he did so magic began gathering around both of them like a storm and objects around the room began moving around the room.

Petunia suddenly started floating in the air her strawberry blonde hair became more silk like, her blueish green eyes became full green her skin became like that of jade and she looked younger about 17 years of age

When the magic died down petunia felt like a new person, she could magic flowing from her chest all over her body. When she felt it, she was so happy that she immediately grabbed harry and squeezed him in her boobs as she started crying tears of happiness while thanking him. Rose feeling left out decided to join in and hag her mother.

(End of flash back)

He found that wizard have a core within them in which they draw the magic. This core goes through three stages which are the gas stage, in which the core looks like a gas. The liquid stage where the gas condenses and becomes a liquid. Then the solid stage where the core becomes a solid from a liquid.

These stages happen during the three magical maturation of wizards (7, 11 and 17) but some wizard and witches usually have their magic maturations early depending on their talent, potential, and bloodline.

He discovered that high level wizard, wizard in the core stage with high level talent and potential are able to feel and channel magic from heaven and earth to their core which would become a crystal core. When this happens, wizard is capable of high-level elemental spells some of which can change the weather and other destroy entire cities.

Through the memories Harry found that Voldemort only new of four people who were at the crystal core apart from himself. Which is the headmaster of Ilvermony in America. Headmaster of Uagadou school of magic, Albus Dumbledore Headmaster of Hogwarts and the last was Grindelwald.

Harry finds that due to the fact that he absorbed the soul of Voldemort and gained his memories knowledge and power his core went through an evolution and became a very potent crystal core and connection the magic of heaven and earth deepened allowing him to easily sense channel and manipulate magic as if it were an extension of himself. And he still has not gone through his magic maturation.

Another couple of months passed by and through consistent experimentation and reference from the research in Voldemort memories. Harry found that because of the wish he made of having a powerful connection and bond with magic similar to that of the force in which Jedi and Sith draw their power.

He discovered that his magic changed in order to accommodate that wish he made and now the way in which worked is remarkably similar to the force from Star Wars. When he found this out, he was overly excited. Because with how powerful force abilities are. It opened up a whole new path in the way in which he can use magic.

With this he ended looking through his knowledge of the force and its abilities and created a section of them in his mind palace and categorised them in basic, intermediate, and advanced force abilities. He followed that up creating another sub subsection within the force section and put all the knowledge and abilities he has on the seven lightsabre forms and further put the in seven areas all belonging to a specific sabre form.

After Harry did this, he decided to look in the forest near his manor, to create a training base for himself to train and managed to find a perfect area in the forest at the bottom of the waterfall where there was a pond. He made the training base similar to danger room used by the X Men then proceeded to create a training light sabre and various modified training drone and other equipment that would help in training his magic and force abilities.

He also created a lab in where to research and experiments in various things would take place from magic to science from potions to medicine, transfigurations too alchemy and many more, this would be his personal laboratory. He then cast various was wards including a modified Fidelius charm making himself secret keeper and runes to keep his base protected and hidden. And put a rune down that connected his training base to his room in the Evan manor so that he would not have to come to the forest every day for training.

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