
Prologue: Through the Eye of a Soul

I exist! I'm thinking or at least aware of this tangent of thought speech. Phew! Hmmm, so there are no memories to consider. No name or anything which would require the passage of time. Neither do I have information or the sense of space to think of. I am me, myself, and I. Yet have no reason for anything except waiting for anything to change.

Information. Time. Space. Three components to an existence beyond whatever I am. Soul? Spirit? Mind? I decide to self-dub as soul. As a soul, I have a complete comprehension of self. Whilst that is not much now, it does create a starting point. Data analysis, decision making, and domain control are what I'm able to do.

The first, data analysis, has allowed the storage of pre-death, soul data to remain. The logical, analytical, and rational thought process remains as strong or stronger as ever since pre-death. Should there be a rebirth, it would be prudent to live with the assumption that improving this ability will be useful should another after-death occur in the future.

The second, decision-making, is the proverbial Will power. In my current state, decisions require no Will power. I have pre-death analysis to know this wasn't always the case, suggesting that the connection to the Soul and body needs a source. There is also the knowledge that the Soul never 'runs out' of power: the brain and its connection to the soul, which causes feelings of exhaustion.

The third, domain control, has everything to do with the mind. Interestingly, analysis shows there is slight change to this pre-death. In contrast, I have changed much, with the removal of a body, comprehension of self and the decision for self-management. Now it's clear that the body affects the effectiveness of the mind.

My next decision is to create a combined effect to ensure a more effective and efficient soul. Domain control to create an orb in which I place my Will power in. Next, I make a second orb to surround the first for data analysis and a final globe to wrap both spheres and place my domain control.

From start to finish, I gained a new ability after going through this process, visualisation. I visualised a mind space by combining all components of my soul, and this is the result. With this came my final decision. To wait for anything to enter the mind space.


Time was a concept unknown to the soul. Yet I came close due to making my decisions and creating a past, present, and future perspective from them. There were no effects to feel, no senses to detect or signs to reveal the passing of time. Instead, time appeared in an instant, surrounding my mind space, seeping past each orb of my soul until it created a core inside my Will orb. It was then that I knew a simple truth. The birth of time is the birth of life.

I saw a swirling tunnel of what could, at best, be described as chaos. My soul was both centred and surrounded by chaos. My domain's main effect was the induction of colour. Any chaos analysis brought only the obvious signs of motion toward something. Whilst my Will felt trapped until I decided upon what to do.

Like pre-time, I had decided based on self-management. A process that I had gained from and sought to do so again. I decided to connect with time and create a separation between the chaos and my soul. A new ability, self-dubbed as time dilation formed, which I used to speed up my awareness of inner time to ensure I fully comprehend myself before further information entered.

As my perspective of time increased, the chaos tunnel unravelled before me. The swirling simmered, the colours detracted to a neutral between darkness and light and all motion through a tunnel opened to an expanse with no end. It was then that I realised that my soul wasn't moving but growing. Space had applied its effects just as time did. If left without my direction, I would have succumbed to the chaos.

Within my soul space, I fully comprehended the data within time and space. It revealed the rebirth of a physical entity which could only be my future second body. The chaos before had been the result of information bombarding my soul, both internal and external. Now with the ability to control my processing time, everything became clear.

Internally, every cell, DNA strand and atom released information once they entered my soul domain. It wasn't long before my soul covered the entirety of the brain from which my soul was deep within. From this organ, I took account of the precise functions that existed to guide my soul beyond and into the whole body. Rather than expand my domain without a guide, I found no issue doing both.

Following the guide, I saw the connection between the brain, the nervous system and into every cell. Without the guide, my awareness encompassed every part of my body and beyond. It was when my domain bypassed the body that the chaos returned; only this time, Time and Space were combined with something else. Something deep, raw, and powerful. What was intriguing was how similar this new component was to one within each cell. Whilst the one beyond the body was raw, the one within was refined, pure and light. It was also dormant upon discovery until my soul connected with it.

I decided to combine both guided and unguided aspects of my domain, connect to the refined ability within and combine that with my entire soul process. What this created was a power I self-dub as body and mind supremacy.

By doing this, I utilise all the information within each atom, filter it through data analysis then use the combined power of soul and magic to manipulate each cell, strand, and molecule to the absolute pinnacle beyond external factors. Knowing the energy was called magic was just the beginning regarding the sheer information gained through this process. It was here, and through this entire process, that I gained an understanding between soul, body, and mind.

Soul-imprinted information, such as logical characteristics, remained due there mental and soul nature, with little body component except for instinct. I dub my previous ability intuition whilst the body provides instinct. The mind and brain become two sides of the same bridge where both communicate. What's different in my situation is that magic could delve much deeper into the body's instincts and provide information, abilities, memories, and feelings. Each provided far more colour, texture, and context to said instincts. Combining intuition enhanced through waiting after death, plus the improved instinctual information, I gained a huge advantage in whatever challenges await me after my body leaves my new mother's womb.

I was gaining a feed into my mother. The magic within her shaped, coloured and tailored to pure love for me created this feed and gave full access for my domain to spread into. Her instincts and intuition sent through her intent of pure love and opened more information, abilities, and cell memories to increase all internal aspects. It also provided me with intense emotional feedback, enhanced by everything above. I now felt the concept of fear and danger when the thought of anything external occurring removed my connection with my mother. The only thing I could do was do what I always did, self-management.

The more my domain spread, the stronger the connection between love and magic grew. It also aided in identifying a faint but evident secondary feed, which linked stronger towards my mother than me. Though, as my soul spread through a different yet powerful feeling of pride-love, it didn't take a moment to know this was my father. Eventually, a tri-connection was formed with my soul domain in the centre and magic so powerful, filling the connection to the max.

With two other examples of bodily information, it was more than simple to analyse any improvements and differences and adopt all the best components and remove the bad. I found quite different signals from the DNA information. My mother had an exceptionally clean, quiet, and faint thread until it reached a beyond-powerful, cold, and ruthless starting point. My father, on the other hand, had an old, hardy, and prideful disposition which centred around physical instincts enhanced and applied for swiftness.

When I finished with myself, I remained the same neutral and self-managed being, enhanced to the new pinnacle, with physical and magical abilities awaiting an external need to use. Whilst time became relative to my incubation, I could at least establish that I had enough time to form my final ability, the magic-soul field. I created a passive and ever-increasing radius of the external raw magic, utilising all the information to navigate the outer world. A world which was soon approaching if the womb contractions were any indication.

I understood something clearly at last, felt the air, heard sounds, and all other sensory information came upon me for the first time in this new life. Knowing the optimal approach in physical terms, I relaxed everything, calmly entered deep sleep, and allowed my sensory field to take over.

After everything that occurred from my perspective, I allowed myself a moment to embrace the natural emotions and feelings which best describe my state at this point, Happiness.