
the school

that night , when the train had stopped , harry and his new friends hermoine and ron came out of the carriage to find a 16 year old man with a cold look on his face being surrounded by the pure blood children, harry immediately paled and dragged his friends far away to which ron asked,

"hey!!, what gives???" to which harry responded,

"we better get a safe distance away before my brother does-" before he could continue a tremendous pressure along with a thick killing intent descended on everyone close by, fortunately the trio were a distance away which helped them from the pressure, although they ended up getting scared out of their wits, they could also see that some of the new comers had already pissed themselves,

"that" harry completed his sentence, soon ryan spotted his brother and walked towards him as the kids parted as the seas parted in front of Moses, he lazily walked towards him and saw the other two,

"yo, it seems you already made new friends while i was gone??" he said to which ron had his jaw on the ground while his finger was pointed at him while hermoine had stars in her eyes, she then said,

"you are him aren't you??, you are ryan potter, the exotic magic user, the author of the book , 'the mysteries ' and the one who is going to teach about the said subject this year-"

"calm down young lady, yes i am ryan potter, and yes i will be the professor of mysteries and also the assistant professor of defence against the dark arts, now come on , hagrid looks like he is about to cry if i continue to ignore him"

soon the trio of first years along with the new professor got on the boats and arrived at hogwarts, soon professor McGonagall came to inform the new students,

"the new students will soon be allowed into the hall, as for our new professor, how about you join me so that i can guide you to the table??" she said to which he nodded but then suddenly turned around to give his brother his gift,

"i almost forgot, sorry i was not there at your birthday harry, but you know how the ministry gets, anyway this is my gift" saying that he gave the broom to his brother, it was a siberian arrow , a world class racing broom in 1994 ,( author notes: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/9/99/Siberian_Arrow.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20141104212711)

"looks like the potters are too poor to afford a modern broom" laughed a kid with blond hair called draco malfoy which was soon followed by laughter from the other kids, but harry ignored them because he knew his brother better than anyone , and knowing him, this broom must be able to go at least 10 times as fast as the preset day's fastest brooms , he grinned at ryan who gave a mischievous smile and went with McGonagall to the teachers table,

soon the induction was done by the headmaster and the children began to be sorted by the sorting hat into one of the four houses, Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw,Slytherin,

as the sorting proceeded ryan had become acquinted with all the professors but he felt that something was off about Quirrell, it felt as if another soul was living inside of him, this made ryan very cautious around him, soon the time came for harry's turn to go to the sorting as the entire school watched one of the two heroes be sorted, it took the hat three minutes to decide and in the end decided on Gryffindor, at this time ryan and the rest of the professors except for snape , who was secretly disappointing that the child did not go to his house were smiling and clapping ,

after dinner ryan was shown to his own room right behind the newly made classroom for the mysteries class ,

"i hope that you have a good time teaching the students professor, on the first day i will be there to see how you are doing" said McGonagall to which ryan laughed and said,

"you can call me ryan professor, i may be a teacher an an Exotic Symbol Analyst, but i am still in the end a 16 year old young man, so i cannot have an elder call me by my title" he said to which McGonagall had a tiny smile at his humility which was very rare to see these days and nodded,

after she had left ryan opened his trunk and started to think on what to teach as the first subject, but he did not know that his introduction of the concept of mysteries would one day be known as the turning point in the history of magic

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