

My mind had turned to the memories

The war had broken out far away somewhere far away

Harvest time had begun

It was the busiest time of the year, yet we still enjoyed seeing the fruits of our labor

I had turned 19 not long ago

I was robust due to my working condition as a peasant, which made me work long hours under the sun

But that was not why I was a fool, I enjoyed reading and history classes, my teachers thought highly of me

But, as you will see, for a person who is going to live in the country, being intelligent has little or no importance.

Since I liked life in the country

I planned to stay in my parents' land and continue the lifestyle they instilled in me.

In this land full of life

That's where i met her

She's beautiful

In the middle of the wheat fields, like a rose in the middle of a large wheat field

The sun covered his eyes, but not his beautiful smile

Move your mouth

Words that escape my understanding

But still there

Then falls backwards, wallows in wheat plants




Like most of my memories start to disintegrate

I start to forget her face

Everything becomes blurry, even the faces of my friends, my parents


but to her

I can't forget her

God let me not forget her

But fate is cruel

And her face starts to slip out of my head

I desperately want to remember, I want to hurt myself with her memory


If there is something about her that in my desperate efforts I cannot help but see

It's her beautiful brown hair

It's long and shiny

looks like wood neither too dark nor too light

as my mind begins to forget everything from the field and the sun but not her hair

This is my most valuable memory and no one will take it from me



Another headache hits my mind, the scene changes drastically

My mind wanders away from the yellow fields of wheat

I am standing in one of the corners of the square

Recruitment and enlistment posters are everywhere

Promise many things

Good pay, and recognition, many around me are excited

She is by my side, there is a beautiful ring on her right hand, that ring keeps all those curious who want to get closer to her.

A silly smile forms on my face

Not long ago I had asked her to marry me

I feel like my heart jumps just from the joy I feel

My mind strains just to remember her to smile

But the memories are light and these happy feelings quickly leave me.

And I make the stupidest decision of my life


I open my eyes again

But my head hurts, the pain is unbearable, huge beads of sweat fall from my head to my shoulders

Reason leaves me again

maybe this is the punishment of some crime that punishes me again with these memories.

I do not know

The pains become more and more terrible and push me once more towards the black abyss of unconsciousness


I'm on a train

I had been dazzled by the patriotic screams of a man in uniform

He had fooled us and sweetened our mouths with words like honor and glory

And I had made the dumbest decision of my entire life

I had enlisted in the army, I had been seduced by the heroic idea of ​​being a hero

And had fallen into a death trap

I ignored

I did not want to pay attention to the beautiful young woman next to me who was grabbing my clothes, and saying words that I do not understand or remember


Beside me the boys are excited

Parents, children, siblings and neighbors all signed up together

They repeat ad nauseam the slogans that the same uniformed men used to deceive them.

they sing joyful songs

it doesn't look like they're going to war

next to me is a young man who tells how he thinks war will be

Invincible cavalry marches, riding rampant over the plains with saber and spears in their hands

He tells us that he hopes to return to his homeland very soon with honors on his chest

Their joy is contagious, the same emotion that surrounds them, catches me

maybe going to war isn't so bad after all

Maybe it's just that and that's it

A smile adorns my face as I think

I'll be back with you soon, dear




What a fool I was

Next chapter