

It was night again in the Auror's office. Though outside of the stone walls the sun shined bright, none of its light made its way inside. If you asked an Auror what time it was while they were inside, they may not be able to answer you, though they would tell you it was night for many reasons.

Most obviously was the darkness, which nearly blinded Lily Potter as she waved her wand for a light. Secondly was the silence, which hung over the heads of every Auror present. Had there been any expressions on their face, it would never be seen, covered by the darkness masking their faces. But there was another reason, which the Aurors ever hid. Listen closely, and stare long enough, and it could be discovered.

It was in the droops in the men's shoulders, the matted dishevelment of the women's hair. It was heard in their sighs and groans, as well as the disorganized papers that laid strewn over the bare stone floor. Just as these things belonged to the night of the office, it belonged to them, the endless struggle of men and women trying to stay awake.

"Lumos." Lily said, and the shadows parted. She saw a few of her colleagues stumble back, half blinded from the light, and hid a smile. "I'm back." Their reactions were instant.

The cheers in the room were deafening. Above the clamor and cries of welcome were the papers and stumbling of feet as all the Aurors in the room came to her at once.

"Lily! It's been so long, oh you have to tell me about-"

"It's Lily!"

"Oh, Lily! Back from taking care of Harry I see, how is he?"

"Finally! Lily, you have to see this report on the death-"

She stumbled back, unsure whether to feel happy or confused as her colleagues surrounded her with a ring of smiles and cheering. "Did something happen?" She asked, half to herself. An awkward silence ensued.

"Why, Lily? How could you say that? You defeated Voldemort yourself, you and James. You never arrived for the celebration." Rufus Scrimgeour said, his yellowish eyes staring at her from behind those spectacles.

"What?" Lily sputtered. Defeating Voldemort herself? Ridiculous! What Celebration? Oh, what tales had these fools spun for themselves? "What do you mean? Me and James… we never-" Her voice trailed off as she saw the disappointed looks surrounding her.

Rufus laid a hand on her shoulder. "Dumbledore said it was Harry, but we know the truth, Lily. The fools he talks to can believe what they like, but anyone with half a brain can figure out you did it. How did you? What charm did you use? Was it some secret weakness we don't know?" He asked. The ring around her nodded, rubbing their hands in eagerness.

"No! I never did anything, I didn't even fight! Me and James never had the chance to grab a wand. I…" She stopped as she realized how foolish she sounded. If she had not resisted, why was she alive? To tell the truth, she didn't know either. Why had the murderer spared her after killing James?

"Lily! You know we won't tell anyone else. Here, I, we can all swear unbreakable oaths if you wish." He said, holding out his hand. Several wands pointed towards him, tongues of red fire already licking their surface.

Lily opened her mouth, then closed it. A memory flashed to mind.

"Keep the charm, it will keep the one who wears it safe from any spell, even the killing curse, but that it can stop only once." Dumbledore said. "The amulet will release a soul to attack the caster, and should buy enough time for you to flee or strike him down."

Lily nodded. "Thank you, Albus. We will never forget this. Is there anything we could do for you as repayment?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No need, Lily, I cannot be sure if it even works. Do not trust it with your life if you have any better way. Please remember." He said, his blue eyes almost burning with intensity.

"This magic is a remnant from my foolish youth, when I tampered with forces beyond my comprehension or control. It involves old, powerful, and forbidden magic that no wizard should know. Do not speak of it to anyone else." He said.

Lily nodded. "We won't, I'll promise. James?" She asked with a glare.

"We won't." He confirmed.

But what would she say? She could not break her promise. But… "It was little Harry, I swear, it really was. I couldn't do anything, Voldemort forced me to stand aside. He lived! The killing curse struck him but he lived! I did nothing." She said, not a lie, but not the truth either. Not that she liked it.

"I can get back to work now. Someone mentioned reports of death eaters?" Lily asked, not responding to any more questions.

Rufus frowned, but did not press her. "Well yes, recently, our detector charms have found large amounts of dark magic in certain areas near muggle city churches, as well as the appearance of the dark mark. Over fifty death eaters escaped from Azkaban, all in one place. We only managed to kill Bellatrix. Here, let me show you the reports." He said, shuffling over to his desk.

The crowd parted, and Lily followed.

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