
Meeting Death as an Equal

Darkness was all that surrounded Daniel when he woke up. His pitch-black surroundings seemed to stretch out endlessly. He felt like he had just woken up from a coma, well-rested and disoriented. Getting up from the ground, he noticed that it was not ground at all, but the surface of a black river. His jerky footsteps caused ripples to emanate from his bare feet.

He started to get flashes, they started with his earliest memories all up until the moment of his death. Sighing, he realized that what he was experiencing was neither a dream nor an illusion. He had really died. He felt like crying but realized that he couldn't. Looking down at his hands, he noticed that they were glowing silver and that his whole body seemed ethereal. Wisps of silver were evaporating into the air all around him as they rose from his body.

Stunned by what he was seeing, he decided to look around a little bit more and really experience death in its entirety. After all, it's not every day that you could die and come to this place. Just as he was about to start walking, he heard a small chuckle come from behind him. Turning around, he saw the man in black again, this time standing with his hands in his pockets. Daniel felt a little stunned as he saw him. If he already died, why was he seeing this man again?

Throughout his life, Daniel had not been particularly religious, but he felt some form of comfort in imagining an amazing afterlife. He was sure that he wouldn't go to Hell if it existed, but the idea of Heaven was tantalizing. A place where everything is amazing and there was no sickness or pain or any of the things he had experienced throughout his brief life. If anything, he considered himself Agnostic because while he might not subscribe to any single religion, he had seen some miracles first hand that couldn't be explained through science.

The idea of an omnipotent being that created and maintained the universe was something that seemed laughable. If there was indeed such a being, where was he when Daniel was praying so desperately to get better? Why would his great plan make Daniel go through such agonizing torture for his entire life? These questions were difficult to answer and did foster some resentment from Daniel towards this supposed Creator.

It wasn't until much later on in his life that Daniel came to peace with the fact that his time would end early. No matter how many times he cried at the unfairness of it all, nothing would change. The world would keep on going without him. His parents and Agatha would live their lives after his passing. Though his death would cause them sadness, he was confident that they could weather the storm and come out stronger than ever.

Right now, the only thing that was worrying him was the man standing before him. If he was right, then this person was Death. The very being in charge of escorting his soul to its final resting place. Daniel was a little scared to talk to him, after all, the man before him could be considered a god. Looking at Death himself in the eyes was something that he was really nervous about. Even though he had done so in the hospital, at that time, his stubbornness and love for his precious people had gotten the better of him. He was able to stare Death down fearlessly because he had wanted to say goodbye, more than anything else in the world at that moment. Now, he was all alone, left with nothing but his thoughts. Alone, with Death standing in front of him.

The golden eyes of Death looked eerie as they lit up his dark surroundings. Hesitating a little before talking, Daniel finally spoke. "Hi, are you Death?"

The amusement in the man's eyes was all the more pronounced after Daniel asked the question. "Yes, Daniel. Since time immemorial, I have held many names, but ultimately I am simply called Death. I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here."

Daniel really didn't know how to feel at that moment. It was one thing to assume that the man was Death. It was a completely different thing to hear it from the man himself. Trying to calm himself down, Daniel decided to continue the conversation. "Yes, Mr. Death. I really want to know where I am and why I'm here."

Death looked on with interest. Not many mortals could wake up in his realm and maintain their calm. Only the most exceptional and talented people could even enter his realm and converse with him personally. Typically, he would hand souls off to his assistants, who would then either lead them to paradise or the cycle of reincarnation as necessary. The truly powerful souls, either through their purity or amount of energy were all transported by him to his personal realm. The reason he did so, was to give them a choice.

Most souls were not given any choice after collection. That was mainly because their destiny was already set, whether that be a place in paradise, reincarnation or the underworld. The only ones who were offered a choice were the souls that could break free from their set destiny. Despite most thinking that destiny was all-powerful and unavoidable, there were several cases of individuals breaking free and forging their own path. These individuals all had souls of an exceptional caliber. It was for this reason that Death had brought Daniel here.

"Only those with an exceptionally powerful soul can enter this plane, Daniel. A soul such as yours, for example" he replied warmly and gently, unbefitting of a being that was the personification of Death.

This was something that surprised Daniel as he had read about souls and the power they held. References were all over texts from every religion in the world. Souls held a special place in the hearts of humans. It was something that was often romanticized and given great importance as they allowed humans to transcend their limitations. However, it was limited to just that, an idea. Finding out that they were a real construct was shocking, to say the least.

Death continued "As for why you are here, well, it's because you have an important choice to make. Your decision will have significant consequences, so choose carefully. All you have to do is answer a single yes or no question: Do you wish to be reincarnated?"

Daniel was surprised at how easy the questions seemed but vigilant about how he wanted to answer. Death had just warned him that his decision could have consequences, but had not mentioned what they were. Taking a moment to get his thoughts in order, he decided on a course of action: Determine what reincarnation entails and find out as much information as he could about what would happen if he chose either option.

"Wow. That's a really tough question, Mr. Death. I was just wondering though, you never mentioned that I couldn't ask you anything about reincarnation. So I want to ask, what exactly does reincarnation mean for me? Will it truly be a new life? Can I choose where I go? Will my life be the same as it was on Earth? If I say no, then what happens?" Daniel started asking his questions in rapid succession.

Death seemed pleased at his seriousness. Although not many had even been given such a choice, even fewer had asked him questions to help them make their decision. There was a reason why he had not specifically prevented them from asking him questions and that's because he wanted to counsel them in their decision. For too long, the souls that had been invited into his realm made the mistake of choosing reincarnation instantly. They foolishly grabbed onto the option that allowed them another chance at life without proper consideration. It annoyed him to no end to see their regret and fear of the afterlife eventually lead them down twisted paths all in a vain effort to delay the inevitable. Such being the case, it was refreshing to see one who took his words at face value and was prudent enough to ask him for more information.

"Those are all great questions, Daniel. To answer your first question, reincarnation will mean exactly what you think it means, a chance at a new life. Your idea and thoughts about reincarnation are correct in that you will be able to experience and live a completely different life from what you had previously. Secondly, your next life will truly be one which you will start anew. Thirdly, no, you may not choose where you go. However, that doesn't mean that you can't give me a suggestion. Whether I choose to follow it or not is beyond your control, but do tell me if you have any ideas. Fourthly, it will be decided once you make your choice. For your final question, the answer is simple: You will go to paradise, where you can enjoy eternal happiness and satisfaction. So, knowing this, what do you choose?"

The answers were what Daniel expected. They seemed to be in line with what the people of Earth had hypothesized as the meaning of reincarnation. Still, he felt nervous about some aspects of another life so he asked: "Will I still be human in my next life?" It was the one thing worrying him the most. He did not want to end up as an animal, as the animal kingdom was a brutal place to exist in. After what he had been through, the thought of constantly fearing for his life and maybe losing his freedom to become a pet made him hesitate.

Death laughed as if he had heard a funny joke. His laugh was hearty and loud, reverberating off the surroundings. "I find it quite amusing that none of those who have come before you thought to ask me that. A simple question, yet one with profound implications. I guess there is indeed a first time for everything. Don't worry dear boy, you will still very much be human, but keep in mind the possibility that you might be more than just that."

'More than human?' was the first question to come to Daniel's mind. Nonetheless, he was relieved that he would still be a human. Daniel started contemplating his choice. He was feeling really conflicted by the information Death had given him. A part of him was ecstatic at the thought of exploring a world that wasn't his own. He wanted to experience all the things that he couldn't in his previous life and really have a life worth living. On the other hand, the temptation of paradise was unignorable. I mean, it was literally paradise! A place with nothing but happiness and satisfaction by definition. He would never have to worry about anything ever again and just be happy. After a lifetime racked with sickness and pain, there was a part of him that became jaded and cynical to the world. The thought of enjoying all that paradise had to offer was an attractive option. Why bother with the struggles of another life when he could sit back and relax?

As he was struggling with his decision, he realized he was missing something. The last piece of the puzzle that he needed to make his decision. Looking up at Death with a determined look, he decided to ask: "I just need to know one last thing to make my decision. How are my parents and Agatha?"

Death was ready for his question. It was one of the most common ones asked by those who had come here. The surrounding darkness gathered in front of him, transmogrifying into the shape of a book. Death snapped his fingers, and the book opened up and started turning pages. A few moments later, it stopped. Death read through the entry and then snapped his fingers a second time after which book started turning again. After it stopped, he read through the entry and after he was finished, the book disappeared back into the darkness.

Before giving him the answer, Death felt it obligatory to warn him. "Daniel, are you sure you want to know? You may not like what you hear."

Daniel steeled himself and simply said, "Yes, I wish to know."

Acknowledging his resoluteness, Death started speaking. "Your parents were heartbroken at your passing and it caused a strain on their relationship. Eventually, they worked through it and decided to dedicate their lives to helping others through charity and funding medical research. Their efforts would pay off as they funded the research that ultimately cured one of the diseases you suffered from. This helped hundreds of thousands of people. They went on to live well into their old age, passing away peacefully together in their sleep. They were both scheduled to go to paradise, so they did. As for Agatha, she was devastated at losing you, and took many years to recover from it. She eventually found a partner and started a family. They had 3 daughters and 1 son. She named him Daniel, after you. With the encouragement of her husband, she went back to school and became a doctor. She started researching one of the diseases that you were affected by and eventually found a cure, the one your parents funded. After discovering the cure, she went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize and retired to live the rest of her life with her family. She passed while being surrounded by her loved ones, satisfied with all the good she had done. Her soul was also scheduled to go to paradise, thus she was sent there." After he was finished, Death stayed silent.

"Wait. You're talking in the past tense. All this has already happened? Didn't I just die?" Daniel was confused about how Death had described the lives of his loved ones. With a small smirk, Death answered his question. "Come now, Daniel. Did I not tell you where you were? This is my personal realm. To a being like me, time is inconsequential. So long as life in any form exists, I will be there too. To you, it might seem like a few moments, but the years have trickled by like the grains of sand in an hourglass. You need not worry, as time will not affect you so long as you're here. However, I would recommend you make your choice soon, seeing as you can't stay here indefinitely."

It was a lot to process for Daniel. Sadness overwhelmed him as he thought about his parents. How much they must have suffered emotionally after he was gone. It tore him apart to think of how they might have felt, but he was happy that they had been taken to paradise. Agatha was a different case. Sure, he had made her promise to move on, but actually hearing about her life brought on an amalgam of conflicting emotions. A feeling of envy and anger that another man had taken his place, coupled with a feeling of self-loathing for being so selfish. Ultimately, knowing that she lived a good life and went to paradise was all Daniel needed to hear to feel satisfied. As he sorted through his emotions, the final piece clicked into place. He had made his decision.

"Thank you for telling me, Mr. Death. I feel happy that their lives turned out alright after I left. I think I know what I want to choose. I want to reincarnate. If you're serious about taking suggestions, I want to reincarnate into the world of Harry Potter. Is that possible?" Daniel asked.

Death gave a knowing smile as he confirmed "Is that truly your decision Daniel? Your suggestion will be considered, but know that once you confirm it, you cannot change it."

Daniel confidently replied "I know. I've decided to reincarnate."

"Very well then. Following your decision, I shall personally guide you into the cycle of reincarnation. As for your suggestion, I shall accept it. Consider it a reward for thinking through your choice and making me laugh after so many years. Know this, due to the power of your soul, you will get to keep your memories. Be warned though, the world that you experienced through those movies and books were limited in their scope. There were several things in that world that the author never went into. A whole history that was never mentioned in detail. The world you will experience will be far more vibrant and alive. It will have developed several unique aspects that you never heard of. Explore to your heart's content, Daniel. As I have accepted your suggestion, you will be going into the world with my blessing. It will prove quite useful to you on your adventure."

Daniel was delighted that Death had accepted his suggestion. 'I can't believe I'm gonna be in the Potterverse! This is gonna be amazing!' In the middle of his mental celebration, he suddenly stopped. 'Wait, just because I'm going to the world doesn't mean I know when I'm going to be born! Oh my god, oh my god, what have I done?! If I end up being born hundreds of years before the story starts, then what if I die before meeting Harry and the gang?! Damn, maybe I should have thought about it a little more. Wait a minute, Death's still here! Maybe I can ask him.'

"Uh, Mr. Death? I have one last question. I promise it's the last one."

Death tilted his head slightly. 'My what a curious one'. "Alright, Daniel. Ask away."

"When exactly will I be born? The events of Harry Potter don't take place until a certain time. I kinda want to be there with him and help him in his fight against Voldemort."

Death was amused by Daniel's worry and chuckled lightly. He replied "Quite the ambition there Daniel. Harry, in the book and film, did not live a good life. His trials and tribulations were things of horror. A crucible that forged him into a martyr. His life, despite being a hero, was one filled with death. Are you absolutely sure that you want to be involved with him? You could choose to ignore the events altogether and be born in a time that will allow you to grow up safely and discover the world. No threats of death or destruction to ever worry about."

Death's statement gave Daniel pause. His previous excitement forgotten. 'He's right. Voldemort was one of the worst Dark Lords in history. All those people that cared about Harry died at the hands of his followers and himself. Do I really want to live through that chaos?' It was one thing to see a movie and read a book. Living in the world of his dreams was a different ballgame altogether. Daniel knew instinctively that there was no second chance after this one. If he was born in a time of war, he could easily die and never get to explore and live the life he wanted to. 'What a waste that would be.' It was probably his worst nightmare, to be able to experience a new world only for that freedom to be ripped from him by the cold embrace of Death.

At the same time, his sense of honor and companionship towards Harry flared up. Reading about the child who grew up trapped in his relative's home only to be whisked away to a new world of wonder was something that deeply affected Daniel. In his previous life, all he had was pain and misery. He couldn't count the number of times he had wished Hagrid would visit his hospital room and bring him to a new fantastical world where anything was possible.

The idea of magic intrigued him and brought about a child-like sense of wonder that he had lacked due to his unique circumstances. His desperation for experiencing it, no matter how brief a period, overpowered his sense of self-preservation. 'I'm gonna have magic, and I will use it goddamn it. Even if it kills me, I want to feel it, just once.' He straightened his back, puffed out his chest and looked Death in the eye as he spoke. "I want to help him, Mr. Death. Even if I get hurt or killed, I want to help him become the greatest wizard ever. Magic is something that I could only dream of experiencing in my previous life, so this is an opportunity I can't pass up. I know it'll be dangerous, but I won't have any regrets. So please, let me help Harry and his friends."

It was a truly impassioned plea that had left Daniel's mouth. 'No wonder he chose to become a doctor. Such pure intentions would have helped him quite a lot should he have graduated.' He replied "Don't worry Daniel, you have my word that you will able to experience the world and participate in the adventures you have read about in your novels and seen in your movies. Who knows, maybe you will go on to discover things that weren't mentioned and write your own story."

With his remaining doubts assuaged, Daniel prepared himself for reincarnation. He started to limber up, doing some lunges while stretching his arms. Then he realized, he was a soul, a fat lot of good stretching will do in the face of mystical concepts like reincarnation. Laughing at himself, he said "Thank you for giving me this choice Mr. Death and answering all my questions. It was a pleasure talking to you. I think I'm ready to go on my way."

Death was also pleased with Daniel. It had been a long time since he had conversed with a soul. He too felt the sting of boredom and loneliness on occasion. Walking forward to Daniel, he put his hand on Daniel's shoulder. Shortly after, they sunk into the liquid black darkness below them.

After a moment of uncomfortableness, Daniel saw a light in the distance. It seemed to be getting closer as Death gripped his shoulder, pulling him forward. They passed through the light and what he saw was something he would never forget. A bustling city underneath his feel filled with creatures of all shapes and sizes running around. They descended onto a central platform and immediately, the spirits that looked like guards dropped to a kneeling position and bowed their heads. Together, they intoned "Greetings, Master Death."

Death acknowledged their greeting with a brief hum. With his hand still on Daniel's shoulder, he brought Daniel together with him as they walked down the street, looking like a pair of old friends. Many of the spirits looked surprised at this sight and made way for Death and Daniel as they proceeded down the crowded street.

After walking for a couple of minutes, they arrived at an old dilapidated building that looked out of place among its resplendent neighboring structures. Entering the building, Death called for an attendant. One quickly approached them and greeted Death with reverence. Death spoke, "We have come to use the Veil of Reincarnation." The attendant's eyes widened. The gateway hadn't been used for hundreds of years, yet for whatever reason, Master Death himself came and requested it today? For the soul next to him? The attendant curiously looked at Daniel as he tried to see what exactly was so special about him. After a brief moment, the attendant looked at Death and bowed, saying "Master Death, please allow me to lead you and your guest to the gateway."

Satisfied, Death nodded and indicated Daniel to follow him. They walked for almost 10 minutes down a long hallway, seemingly with no end in sight. Turning, the attendant signaled to one of the doors and said "In this room, lies the Veil of Reincarnation. It has been fully charged and is ready to transport your guest's soul to his new life."

Entering the room, Daniel saw a small set of stairs that led to a stone archway. Underneath the arch was a black cloth that seemed to float on its own. The surface occasionally rippled but looked like

Looking nervously at Death he asked "Is this it? Do I just walk through here?"

Death responded "Yes, Daniel. That's all you have to do to begin your reincarnation. Walk on through the veil."

Slightly hyperventilating, Daniel stared at the black cloth in the center. "As easy as walking through huh? Well, here goes nothing." After he spoke, Daniel started to walk towards the center of the gate. As he reached the threshold, he turned around and addressed Death. "See you around Mr. Death. Hopefully not too soon. I really want to enjoy the Potterverse for as long as I can." all the while giving him a cheeky smile as he delivered his last words.

"Good luck, Daniel. I hope you find my blessing useful and live the life you always wanted." Death said sincerely. Daniel nodded as he closed his eyes, spread his arms wide, leaned backward and fell through the veil. It rippled wildly as Daniel's silvery form passed through and then calmed down immediately after. Death had a small smile on his face as he turned around and left, leaving the bewildered attendant.

'The human got the blessing of Master Death?!' The words that were spoken by Master Death just registered in his head and he immediately scrambled to follow him. He approached Death with reverence and asked: "Pardon me, Master Death, but did you really give your personal blessing to the soul that was just reincarnated." Death answered "Yes, I did indeed give my blessing to him. It has been a long time since I've talked to someone so talented and pure. He was different from the few I had previously given the choice to, so I rewarded him accordingly. I wonder how that will affect his fate. It will be quite entertaining, to say the least." His smile grew slightly more pronounced for a brief moment before his expression returned to neutral. The attendant realized from this that the conversation was over and dutifully guided Death back to the entrance and saw him off.

He would lie down later in the day and ponder on the words of Death. 'That soul seems to have earned his friendship. Quite a difficult thing to do, especially for one so young. I hope he lives up to Master Death's expectations, otherwise, it would be quite the waste of spiritual energy.' The veil took up enough to not be able to be used for another century at least. Suffice to say, Death would be alone for quite some time.

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the late chapter. I rewrote the whole talk with Death to give more insight into Daniel's character alongside fleshing out Death and his intentions a bit more too. He will be involved later in the story, but not for a while. The next chapter has been the hardest for me to write as I am expanding into territory that was never explored in the previous iteration of the story. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the chapter. See you with the next one soon.


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