
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Movies
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85 Chs

The Change of Genius Boy

Before Malfoy could show his terrified expression, a pure white crystal ice wall appeared in front of him. The ice wall was as bright and smooth as a mirror. , paused for a while, then reflected at a faster speed, and in Loki's unbelievable eyes, the unforgivable curse that he was ready to teach Malfoy a profound lesson just bounced back on him. The moment he was hit by the spell, like a puppet with a broken thread, Loki fell backward on the lawn without any resistance, his whole body curled up into a ball and began to twitch silently on the ground. I have to say that Loki's will is firm, and even if he is hit by a spell-like Heart Drilling, he doesn't make a sound.

Augustus frowned. He didn't expect that an ordinary duel in his opinion would have a curse like the Unforgivable Curse. The ice wall just now was a fifth-level spell in the frost spell that was close to the legendary level. Mirror, as long as his mana capacity is sufficient and the opponent's level is lower than him, he can reflect most of the spells. Loki, who was on the ground, endured huge and continuous torture and began to roll involuntarily to relieve the pain. People who have not experienced heart-piercing will never know the horror of this endless pain. Malfoy looked rejoicing, if it wasn't for Augustus' shot, it would be him rolling on the ground now.

Looking at Loki who was still silent on the ground, Augustus nodded secretly. This level of punishment was enough for this child. A third-level spell to repair the injury was thrown on Loki. Under the great magic power of Augustus, the negative effect of the heart-piercing bone began to gradually offset, and the pain on Loki's body gradually eased, until the severe effect of the heart-piercing bone After the subsidence, Loki slowly stood up from the ground, and some of the pain left on his body continued. After all, repairing the injury is only a third-level spell, and it will take some time for it to work.

"How dare you use the Unforgivable Curse on Malfoy, don't you know that using the Unforgivable Curse is to get into Azkaban? It's just an ordinary duel, you use such a vicious spell?" The situation on the field changed. Hurry, it wasn't until Loki stood up that Lilian reflected on what had just happened, her face was full of angry expressions, Malfoy was her classmate no matter what. She didn't expect a duel between underage wizards to turn into what it is today.

"Azkaban? Lillian, your Alexia family is also somewhat famous in the pure-blood family, after all, I am really surprised that you say such meaningless words. When Atzka Ban is binding for people like us, do you think a group of weak dementors dare to come to our house to arrest people?" It seemed that he didn't care what happened just now, Loki had been slightly disfigured by gouging out his bones and grinding his bones. The twisted face was still full of senseless ease.

"By the way, the spell you just did is very interesting. What are the principle and factions? It can even reflect the Unforgivable Curse. If you have the opportunity, can you teach me?" Loki looked at Augustus with a face on his face. With a look of anticipation, Malfoy pressed his forehead with a headache. Are the Adams family all such freaks, who had only died on the ground because of Augustus's shot, and the next second he would shamelessly want to learn Austrian The magic of Gustav?

Augustus frowned unhappily, "When will you get rid of the habit of torturing others with magic, I may consider teaching you." As a legendary martial artist of the spiritual leader of the empire, whether it is a duel or In war, Augustus always believed in righteously defeating opponents. For such tormenting evil spells or some side-scrolling conspiracies, Augustus has always been disdainful to spend his energy on it. Therefore, even a talented young man like Loki, if he doesn't get rid of his faults, in Augustus's view, his future will be limited.

"The meaning of magic is not to make fun of the weak. The meaning of fighting is not only to challenge yourself but also to face the strong. When you don't just use magic as a tool to torture others, I will teach you some spells. And magic theory, to show you the real magic palace." Although Augustus did not like Loki's cunning and cruelty, he still had a glimmer of hope for such a determined genius boy, if he could Completely get rid of their character flaws, such talent is still worth cultivating.

"The meaning of magic?" Loki's always indifferent expression showed a hint of daze. When he was just a cripple when he was very young, no one looked at him with the right eyes. Everyone looked at him with disgust or indifference. Who would care about a cripple? Even if he's from the Addams family, no one cares about a man who's been lame all his life. When he first appeared in a runaway with magic power, and after he was found to have a strong magic power stock, everyone's attitude towards him changed. With that amazing and envious look and a respectful attitude, Loki, who was surrounded by everyone's eyes, was very intoxicated. He understands that magic, all this is the change that magically brings to him. Heaven and hell are only a thin line apart and magically bring him infinite power. Since then, he has frantically learned all the magic he can find and began to torture those who thought they were not physically flawed in duels. Magic to him was just the awe-inspiring eyes and the pained groans of those around him.

The people around him have always been like this, either because of his strength, those who are gathered around him to curry favor with him, or those who hate him so much that they stay away from him. No one, no one has ever been able to tell him that he was wrong, that he had strayed from the right path of magic. Loki is a proud man, he has no friends, but he doesn't care, it's not a sad thing for a man to have no friends, for him, it may be a sad thing to have no rivals. Loki has always had full respect for Augustus who knocked him down from the side. So, whether he was the first person to point out his mistakes head-on or an opponent who defeated him, Augustus' words to Loki made him feel a touch of novelty and warmth.

"I will seriously consider what you said. If I make a change, next time I see you, I must remember your promise, let me understand the meaning of magic, and show me the real magic palace." Although the young man in front of him and He's not too different in age, there's always convincing magic to his words. Loki had no doubts about the promises Augustus had made to him.

Looking at Loki who was walking away with the youths, Augustus showed a gratifying smile at the corner of his mouth, and he made corrections when he knew his mistakes. In a sense, this may be a real genius boy.