
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Movies
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85 Chs

Dueling Club

At eight o'clock in the evening, the first duel club was about to start. Augustus, Malfoy, Lillian, and Loki came to the auditorium. The long dining table disappeared, and a gilded stage appeared along one wall. Lighted by hundreds of candles floating above. The ceiling was once again as dark as velvet, and almost the whole school came, huddled against each other, each with his wand, his face full of excitement.

"I don't know who's going to teach us," Lillian said, pulling back her long hair and pressing her forehead as they leaned sideways into the chattering crowd. "I was told that Flitwick was a duel champion when he was young, maybe it was He will teach us."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Guido. Lockhart stepped onto the stage, radiant in his fuchsia robe, and the man beside him was none other than Snape, in his usual black suit. Lockhart waved everyone to be quiet, then shouted: "Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!" This little dueling club trains you all in case you need to defend yourself one day, in the way I've used it countless times - for more details on this, see my published work. "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," said Lockhart, with a wide grin, "he told me that he knew a thing or two about dueling himself and that he was generous Promise, help me do a small demonstration before class. I said I don't want to worry about you little guys - when I'm done demonstrating with him, I'll return your potions teacher to you intact, do not be afraid!"

A smile flashed in Augustus' eyes. Recently, there is a popular saying in school, "If you don't die, you won't die. It seems that this sentence is very suitable for Lockhart, provided that he can demonstrate in this so-called demonstration. Resurrection.

Lockhart and Snape turned to each other and bowed. At least Lockhart was bowing, flipping his hands a lot, and Snape just shook his head impatiently. Then, they held their wands to their chests like arrows. "As you can see, we hold our wands in the usual dueling position," Lockhart said to the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we cast the first spell. Of course, none of us will take The other person's life." "I can't bet," Harry said in a low voice, watching Snape bare his teeth. "One-two-three-" At the same time, both of them jerked their wand over their shoulders. Snape shouted, "Except your weapons!" There was a sudden flash of red light, and Lockhart was struck unsteadily. He jerked backward off the stage, slammed into the wall, and slid down, curled up on the floor.

Malfoy and several other Slytherin students applauded. Hermione tiptoed up and down. "Do you think he's all right?" she shrieked, covering her mouth with her fingers. "Never mind!" said Harry and Ron at the same time. Lockhart staggered to his feet, his hat off and his wavy curls standing on end.

"Okay, you see it!" he said, slumped back onto the stage, "it's a disarming spell—as you can see, I lost my wand—ah, thank you, Miss Brown. Yes, Professor Snape, it's a great idea to show them the trick, but don't mind me saying this, it's obvious that you're doing this. If I want to stop You don't have to do anything. I think, to increase their knowledge, let them take a look..."

Snape looked murderous. Lockhart probably noticed it too, and only listened to him saying: "This is the end of the demonstration! Next, Snape and I will pick out an excellent representative from the school who is familiar with dueling, and conduct a demonstration of a student duel." To prevent Snape said the name first, Lockhart didn't wait for Snape to speak, then continued, "Cedric Diggory, come here, you'll be my representative, then Mr. Snape, now for another. A person is up to you to assign." Lockhart's face showed a smug look, and he seemed to be very confident in the person he had chosen, and the Slytherin students below booed.

Snape looked at the smug Lockhart with a look of disdain on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, "Augustus, come up. Give Mr. Lockhart a good demonstration of the essence of a student duel." The Lytling students fell silent collectively when Snape read Augustus' name, and then a huge cheer erupted, followed by Harry's side and some of the Ravenclaw students.

It seems that he did not expect Augustus, who was chosen by Snape, to be so popular. Lockhart's face turned pale. He gestured for Cedric to come over nervously, and then waved his wand and made a few gestures. Teaching Cedric some moves. Cedric nodded with a wry smile, but he had a disapproving expression on his face as if he was not at all interested in Lockhart's teaching. After teaching Cedric, Lockhart inexplicably gained some confidence, and then said, "Okay, there is no problem with doing it the way I do. Go, victory is at hand."

Walking into the dueling circle at the same time, Augustus stood silently, staring silently at the opponent in front of him. Cedric's palms were sweating a little, and he had never been in contact with Augustus, but as a man of the school, he paid a lot of attention to the rumored Augustus. It has been rumored that it is not good, and the contribution he made in defending the Philosopher's Stone last year shows that this person is a difficult existence. If you are not careful, he may not be able to hold on to Augustus at all. A few thoughts flashed through Cedric's mind, and then he took the lead decisively. No matter what, the duel was going to continue, and he was not allowed to do too much.

"locomotoemortis!" In the first spell, Cedric chose a control spell without hesitation. Once Augustus was restricted from moving, the next duel might enter his rhythm. A blue light flew towards Augustus with an afterimage, and a smile flashed in Augustus's eyes, focusing on control and attacking as a supplement. The opponent in front of him had the same duel idea.

Augustus waved his wand, and a wall of hurricanes appeared in front of Augustus.

The wind flow in the middle is complicated. The gust of wind blew Augustus' long golden hair, the priest's robe fluttered, and the blue light that flew from Cedric entered the wind wall and was easily strangled to nothing.

There was an uproar from the students below. This was the first time that silent spellcasting appeared in front of everyone, and this unknown spell made many senior students, including Cedric, feel inexplicably confused. A flash of surprise flashed in Snape's eyes, such a method was indeed enviable at such an age, and it seemed a bit overkill to have Cedric as his opponent.

Wind wall technique, fourth-level magic, Malfoy smiled, maybe he can cast this spell soon, looking at the confused and envious eyes around, Malfoy suddenly had a strange sense of superiority, he understood, The trajectory of his life has completely changed since he met Augustus. What he has to do now is to follow the footsteps of Augustus closely, and pursue and explore the truth of magic bit by bit. The road, no matter the countless scenery and thorns on the road, as long as you follow behind Augustus, you can see the final road.