
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Movies
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85 Chs

Diagon Alley trip

At this time, Augustus was standing with his parents at the entrance to the main street of Diagon Alley, and on the cobblestoned street with no end in sight, walking the wizards dressed in different clothes, these wizards in this legend opened the eyes of inquiry In the eyes of the wizard, it was like a walking group of large or small light groups. These light groups, bright or dark, respectively represented their strength.

Walking along with the flow of people, the dazzling sunlight casts on a stack of pots outside the nearest store. Hanging above the pot is a bronze-brass-tin-plated-silver cauldron, all models are complete, automatic stirring-foldable.

"Now we need to buy you a wand first. Although you have mastered wandless spellcasting, believe me, the effect of a wand and no wand is still very different." Clovis turned to Augustus and said.

"Wand? It looks interesting, maybe it will help me understand this low-magic world better." Augustus nodded calmly and followed Clovis and Aurora towards the wand shop.

It was a small, run-down shop, with peeling gold lettering on the door that read: Ollivanders: Well-made wands since 382 BC. In the dusty window, a wand stands alone on a faded purple cushion.

When they entered the store, there was a tinkling bell from somewhere behind the store. The shop is small, with nothing but a bench.

"Good afternoon." A soft voice suddenly sounded in their ears. Following the voice, an old man was standing in front of them. His big pale eyes were like two shining moons in the dim shop.

"Hello, Ollivander, it's been a long time since I saw you." Clovis reached out and patted Ollivander's shoulder with a smile.

"Oh, yes," said the old man, "yes, yes, Duke Clovis, Lady Aurora, you came here and bought your first wand, it was like yesterday. The young master is your child, and today is to choose a wand for him."

"Of course, it seems to me that the wand chooses the owner rather than the owner," Ollivander continued.

Hearing such interesting words, Augustus' eyes that looked around the room fell on Ollivander again.

"Then, sir, how did you let the wand choose its owner." Augustus drew a perfect arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Every Ollivander wand has a super-magical substance, that's what it's all about, Mr. Julius. We use unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers, and dragon nerves. Each Ollivander's wands are unique because no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are the same. So for a wand, each owner is also unique, and when the wand meets its owner, it will emit Dazzling brilliance," Ollivander said lightly, looking at Augustus.

"Well, then, Mr. Julius, which arm do you use for the wand?" Ollivander continued.

"Uh, I'm used to using my right hand." Augustus raised his right hand and touched his straight nose.

"Hmm." Mr. Ollivander glanced at him and took out a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket. Walking up, I was about to measure for Augustus. was rejected by Augustus.

"Sir, don't bother, I think I have found my wand." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ollivander's back in the middle of the shelf, and a long box suddenly slid out automatically a straight silver wand. It flew over, and when the wand was held in Augustus's hand, the huge magic power he had been suppressing suddenly erupted, and the various facilities and rooms of the Ollivander Wand Shop were instantly blown to smithereens. Then it rolled to the ground, and several shops next door were implicated. Clovis and Aurora looked at their son in amazement, as if they did not expect the magical runaway that Augustus never appeared to be so terrifying.

"This, this is impossible." He didn't pay much attention to the bombed-out shop. Looking at the silver wand in Augustus's hand, Ollivander, who had big eyes, seemed to bulge out.

"The elder wand's brother wand, the silver moon wand, what does it mean to be born at this time?" Ollivander, who was staring at the silver wand, muttered to himself.

"Is it called the Silver Moon Wand? It's a good name." Augustus said indifferently. At this time, in the eyes of Augustus, this silver moon wand is like a huge luminous body, exuding a powerful light. "However, I am very sorry for blowing up your store, and we will compensate for it as soon as possible."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter." Ollivander waved his hand and continued: "I'm sorry I can't tell the material of this wand, but since it chooses to follow you, please cherish him, Mr. Julius. "

"Of course." Holding the wand, he seemed to feel the surging magic of Augustus. The silver moon wand in his hand seemed to have a blood connection with Augustus' palm. Looking at this beautiful wand Augustus Both continued: "Whether the wizard chooses the wand, or the wand chooses the wizard, I think, for the two, they already have each other when they meet together."

Walking out of the street, it was almost dusk, Augustus glanced at the list sent by the school.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


First-year students need:

1. Three sets of plain work gowns (black)

2. A plain peaked hat (black) for daytime wear

3. A pair of protective gloves (made from dragon skin or similar materials)

4. A winter cloak (black, silver buckle)

Please note: All student clothing must have a name tag


All students are required to prepare the following books:

Standard Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

The Theory of Magic, by Adobe Laughlin

The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Emory Switch

A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, by Phyllida Spohr

"Magic Potions and Potions". by Argonne Giger

Monsters and Their Origin, by Newt Scamman

Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense, by Quentin Trimble

[other equipment]

a wand

A large pot (pewter, standard size 2)

A set of glass or crystal vials

a telescope

a brass balance

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad

I would like to draw attention to parents here, first-year freshmen are not allowed to bring their brooms1

Now that only the wand has been completed, to buy the many items on the list before the stores close, Clovis also had to summon the house-elf to come over and start acting separately.

At this time, Diagon Alley was immersed in the afterglow of the setting sun, and some dim sunlight swayed unscrupulously on the streets. On the roof, pedestrians came and went in the yellow light and shadow.