
Harry's Darkness Pt 2

Here's hoping that the new year brings us lots of new and exciting opportunities in out lives. This new year will be out year. Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong.

Thanks for being here with me.

Happy New Year 2022


Ch 14 Harry's Darkness Pt 2

"Harry! Harry! Wake up!" someone shouted as harry.


Harry jerked up to see Emma Granger shaking him up while Daniel Granger and Uncle Vernon were standing there silently.

He was he was covered with sweat and immediately figured he had a nightmare.

He thought he had gotten rid of these pesky nightmares by the sleepless drought which Ginny usually concocted for him as she always disked his nightmares. But he suddenly missed Ginny, if she was to be here, she would cook a concoction for him, even though she hated his nightmares, she hated him being weak, she always was a good person, except a little extreme sometimes, which was why he still could not believe she was an instrument in his death, which he still could not accept till now.

"Harry! are you alright?" asked Emma to which he looked around.

"Hermione! Where is she?" he literally screamed.

"She is sleeping Harry!" Emma said confusedly.

Harry immediately jumped from his bed in his pajamas and ran outside and onto the Grangers house.

He found that they had locked the house and pointed his finger at the lock and said immediately,"- Alohomora-" to which the door opened and he jumped forward.

The Grangers and the Dursleys followed behind him confused why he was like that.

Harry went upstairs to Hermione's room and found her sound asleep. Her hair was all over the place and she was drooling. She was muttering something inaudible. After seeing her safe only could he relax.

He dropped himself near her bed and kneeled on the floor and placed his head near her feet and started to cry silently.

"What-" said Daniel who entered and saw him.

"Stop" said Emma and stopped him from entering Hermione's room and disturbing Harry which she concluded was essential for him.

"Harry, boy, come back, it's late, you can come see her in the morning" said Uncle Vernon.

After a minute, Harry wiped his eyes and stood up and looked at Hermione sadly.

He wanted to touch her, to touch her bushy brown hair, to hug her like it was the last thing he ever wanted to do, he wanted to keep her close and never let go.

At that moment, he steeled his heart, He was going to do anything to prevent her from harm, from sadness, from Heartache, from emotional anguish, from all the things wrong which she will be exposed in the future.

He wanted her to be Happy, to feel Joy in all things, he wanted her to Triumph in all the things she will do, he wanted her to find a better Romantic interest than the one she had in her previous life, he wanted to feel Excitement, which she had lost after all the battle with the ministry while moving up the ladder in her career, her wanted her to be rid of Anxiety and Sadness which had been in her life where she had never confided in him, because he had drifted from her life.

Yes, yes, he wanted Power, Absolute Power, Terrifying Power, he wanted not to feel the Helplessness when he had found her dead, he wanted to be rid of his Weakness, he wanted Supreme Power to eradicate all evil which he and Hermione had been associated with and had controlled them, Even Voldemort didn't torture them like the Death Eaters, the disappointing ministry which had failed them and the wizarding world which had turned out to be a disappointment.

Many a times he had wondered what would have happened if he had never received that Hogwarts letter which had messed up his life.

Once can say it was a boon in his life as well as a curse.

He had once wanted to escape from the confines of the Dursley so he had embraced the Magical side of Britain which he had come to love, because there he had his First Friendship, First Love, First Heartbreak, First Father figure, First Fatherhood.

Harry suddenly felt sick and went to the nearest bathroom, and retched inside, the thing he had tried to ignore for the couple of weeks had come to haunt him again, he could see his three children, innocently smiling at him, asking him when he will be back from his job, whether he will buy them a new Firebolt for James, or a Potion book for Albus, or some chocolate for sweet little Lily. He still found it hard to imagine the woman who had birthed to three little angels had murdered him in cold blood, her scalding look when she accompanied Ron when Ron had killed him had given him many a sleepless night which he thought he had successfully buried.

But the past had a way of catching up to you and smacking you hard. And Boy did it smack him hard.

He suddenly felt someone pat him as he finished retching and then he had warm water in his hand handed to him by Emma.

She had crept up to him and given him the warm water to help him rinse his mouth.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Emma.

Harry shook his head and then stared glassily. He wondered what his children were doing right now. Whether they missed him. Whether they loved him. Whether everything was all a dream.

He had desperately wanted a family which he had found in the Weasley's. Now thinking back, everything had fit perfectly in his life, like how he had immediately found the Weasley's as the first family in the wizarding world and how he had latched on to them. How he had only couple of friends during the Hogwarts, how despite Hermione as a friend helped him, he always had an ache in his heart, felt empty before he had his children, was it because he wanted to have a family or because he wanted to be accepted in a family, or was it the loneliness growing up which had broken and cracked his heart. He had never felt loved, he thought he was loved when he was with Ginny, but he had felt content to be in their family and not because he was with Ginny. Did something change?

Did Ginny ever love him for himself? Or was it like one time when a Drunk Hermione had blabbered that Ginny was only with him because of the reach his Identity could help her. And the next morning when he asked Hermione, she had shrugged it off as a drunken nonsense. Was there something he had missed? He was an Auror for freaking god's sake.

He did not want to think about those now. He was tired, weary and sad of all things now.

He stood and washed his face now. It showed it was Midnight now.

"Sorry for disturbing Dr. Emma, you too Mr. Daniel" said Harry apathetically.

"You should not avoid me, Harry. We have to talk about this! whatever this is. It is not good for you. I reckon that day when you told us about the past, you had left a lot. I assume some of your problem lies there. We can fix it only if you let me." Emma said earnestly.

"No, not yet" said Harry firmly.


"Maybe someday! but not today" said Harry, and he stumbled feeling tiredness taking over him, and then Uncle Vernon reached out catch him, but Harry recoiled at the touch and immediately pulled himself. And he went back to his room.

Emma, Daniel and the Dursleys all witnessed his recoil from the touch. Uncle Vernon awkwardly cleared his throat and said "Thanks for the help, Emma and Dan".

Emma stopped them when they were at the living room and asked," Can you explain what was that?"

"What was what?" Vernon gulped, "Don't play games with me Mr. Dursley, just because Harry didn't say anything bad about you doesn't mean I am ignorant of these little things, which don't fail to escape my notice."

Vernon Dursley again cleared his throat awkwardly, and Petunia pushed forward to save her husband from further embarrassment.

"It will take some time; do you want to hear now?" asked Petunia.

"The children are asleep; now is as good as any time!" said Emma Granger.

Petunia looked at Vernon and he nodded at her, they all comfortably sat at the sofa, and Petunia started narrating, how she was close with her sister, Lily Evans and then one day she got the letter from Hogwarts and how she did not want to be apart from her and asked the Headmaster Dumbledore to include her too, but he had rejected her, and from there on her jealousy flared and wanted nothing to do with those with the magical powers.

She mentioned how she had pushed her sister away from her, and they had never reconciled, after which Lily had James Potter and Petunia had married Vernon, because he was from a traditional Christian family.

And then how everything collapsed one day, when she heard the news through a letter about how her sister died and then, how miraculously Harry had showed upon her door and they all hated him for intruding in their lives, how looking at him reminded her of her sister, and then how they had MENTALLY abused him by calling him names and then PHYSICALLY overworked him, and how they had starved him most of the times even though he was the one doing most of the cooking.

Emma had tears in her eyes and Daniel was shocked and Angered at the injustice faced by the child and how the Dursleys had treated him, who he had thought were decent folks.

Then Petunia continued how they had never felt remorse or bad for doing those things to Harry, and then how one day Harry had come back in time and suddenly with Dudley reached across some place to meet some God and how they came to understand that they had been cursed, only the Dursleys and not Dudley, and how harry had removed the curse which they never knew they had.

Emma and Daniel nodded, but still it was new for them, as Magic was a new concept to them who had always believed in science.

"It suddenly makes a lot of sense, his withdrawal, his not opening up to people, even though he is older than he is now, I think he never got the proper treatment for his mental health which had impeded his emotional growth." Emma spoke her thoughts.

Petunia smiled sadly, and "then you know the rest, which he told the both of us, about his two friends and how he and your daughter died by the same friend who they had trusted all their live. I guess we should ask him the full story."

"Yes, we should" said Daniel interrupting," did you know who killed them?"

"I think he said someone by Ron, but I am not sure about the full name!" said Petunia.

"But I know if he doesn't share this, his past with someone, it is bound to bring him trouble, it will lead him to a path of Darkness, which he may never return from!" said Emma silently.

All were lost in thought individual to them.


This was the most anticipated day for both Hermione and Dudley as they had planned to go to Diagon Alley.

They were all excited including the Dursleys and the Grangers. Both happy and worried for their daughter.

"Ok listen now!" said Harry and everyone looked at him.

"You will mention my name as Harry Potter" said Harry solemnly," do you hear me?"

"Why?" asked Hermione Immediately.

"Because Harry Potter is a Famous Wizard known Globally for defeating You-Know-Who, the Greatest Dark Wizard the wizarding world have ever faced, and even after 8 Years his Fame is like a Thunder from the Sky" came a voice.

Harry froze as he recognized the Voice.

Harry turned to look towards their door which had been opened now, as he knew that the Blood wards which was in this place should have made this place unrecognizable by any Wizard.

The sight which greeted him was a Blond-haired kid, smiling Evilly, and then near him a lightly greyed haired Good-Looking woman scanning their surroundings and a Scarily good looking, White Blond-haired Man looking near them.

"Draco" uttered Harry.


Check out my Other novel [ 6 Times a Day ]

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