
Harry Potter and the Blood of Kings

The heiress of house Pendragon wakes up 1500 years in the future. With no family left she tries to find her place in the 20th century. I'm not that good at writing this so yeah please read my story and if there's something you don't like then please comment. The updates will be inconsistent.

waryfishy · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Clothes, Parchment and Tea

As dawn slowly approached, Eleanor, who was still sitting on the balcony, saw the large glass doors below her light up.

Smiling she turned and dropped back onto her feet.

With a new spring to her step, she strode back into her large bedroom.

As she entered she closed the doors behind her so as to not make the room colder than it already was.

Going over to her bed she pulled the long silver rope that dangled from the ceiling.

A minute later Victoria strode into the room, her long black and white maid uniform trailing behind her. The scene she walked into did surprise her immensely, a fully awake Eleanor readily sitting on her bed.

Her eyebrow shot up as she walked over, "I see you've awoken, your highness."

Nodding Eleanor looked over at Victoria and smiled, "Yes, I thought I should start the day nice and early."

Smiling back Victoria said, "A wonderful idea, your highness."

Walking over to the closet she looked through the different dresses, picking out three she turned around and presented them to Eleanor.

One was dark red and black with white lace frills running down the sides.

Another was a soft purple colour and was made of different layers of fabric.

While the last was white with pink highlights.

"So which one will it be, your highness?"

Looking over the different dresses she contemplated for a while.

It was quite an important day since she would meet Lady Malfoy, a person who carried significant power, later today.

She had received her letter of acceptance a few days ago and so had asked Cygnus to remove the fidelius charm from the mansion.

Luckily he had complied, and with that out of the way, she would, in the future, be able to host parties.

"I'll wear the red one.", Eleanor said pointing at it.

Nodding Victoria quickly put the other two back and, placing the dress on the nearest table, reached back into the closet pulling out a pair of black stockings, black lingerie, and black gloves.

Turning around she smiled at Eleanor, "Well then your highness, should we start."

Getting into the dress was a long and tedious affair so as always Eleanor struck up a conversation, "Victoria?"

"Yes?" the maid asked as she laced up the back of the dress.

"Did-" she groaned slightly as Victoria tightened it, "Did you sleep well?"

Straightening up Victoria moved around Eleanor to check the bodice, "Oh yes, I slept excellently."

Nodding Eleanor smiled, "Good,".

Moving over to the bed Victoria grabbed the pair of gloves and while she was slipping them onto Eleanor slim white delicate hands was asked, "Victoria, I would like you to find someone for me."

Looking up the young woman smiled, "Of course your highness, who will it be."

"I" she paused, "I would like you to find me a priest."

Victoria looked confused, "Your highness, I didn't know you were religious.

If I did, I would have brought you one long ago."

That made Eleanor giggle, "Of course you didn't, and anyway, I haven't had much time to pray in the last few weeks."

Nodding Victoria stood up and while walking to the jewellery box said, "I will try and find one that is suitable to our situation."

Sighing Eleanor smiled softly, "What would I do without you?"

"Oh, I think you would be perfectly fine, your highness." Victoria said as she returned, red teardrop-shaped earrings in one hand, and a silver necklace with a small ruby in the other.

It was a few hours later, and Eleanor had relocated herself from her bedroom to her study.

She now sat at her desk rifling through a mountain of scrolls containing contracts house Black had made with other noble families.

Removing the topmost scroll from the pile next to her. She undid the silk cloth holding it together and spread it out on the finely crafted elder wood table, the legs of which were exquisitely carved rampant dragons holding up the table with their paws.

Her eyes skimmed over the parchment as she read through the terms and conditions.

The door to the study creaked open but Eleanor didn't look up, too focused on the contract below her.

Hearing the light thud of a cup being placed down next to her she looked up, "Thank you, Victoria,"

She then looked down at the cup and saw steaming hot oolong tea, "oh yes, and could you bring me some blood please?"

Bowing VIctoria smiled, "But of course, your highness."

Picking up the teacup Eleanor blew on it while she watched Victoria leave.

Looking back down at the parchment she started sipping on the tea while reading through it.