
Dissolving An Accord

After the third amendment—about the existing approved Apparition Points was discussed and passed, Chief Warlock called for a lunch break.

During the lunch break, Lord Malfoy talked with the other Lords and Ladies of The Wizengamot.

After the break was over, they all returned to the chambers and the doors were again closed.

The second half of The Wizengamot session was always kept aside for any announcements that needed to be made and announced to the general public.

Generally, these announcements would affect various alliances.

The naming of Heirs, change of heir presumptive or heir apparent, declaration of any family feuds, declaration of any dissolving between houses, declaration of fealty or friendships within various Ancient and Noble houses were done during the second half of the Wizengamot session.

As soon as the second half of the session started, Lord Malfoy stood from his seat.

The scribe noted, "The Chair recognises Lord Malfoy."

With his usual poise, Septimus strode down the stairs to the floor of the chamber.

He spoke, "I am here to give a notice pertaining to my house to this exalted body."

At his words, murmurs rose between the various factions.

After all, what could House Malfoy have to declare at this point?

The Lord and The Heir had been already announced and accepted by The Wizengamot magic.

There hadn't been any deaths or dissolving of marriages between House Malfoy and some other house.

However, those with keener minds and sharp ears had already heard the rumours of what had happened in The Slytherin Common Room.

They could take a wild guess that Lord Malfoy was going to scrape off a layer or two off House Lestrange.

However, the next words out of Lord Malfoy's mouth took away their apparent joy and schadenfreude smiles at watching someone being brought down low.

Septimus Lucien Malfoy paused for effect and then with a flourish mentioned.

"The Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy hereby announces that the Accord of Détente signed between House Malfoy and House Lestrange is unilaterally disbanded by House Malfoy with no provisions for an Accord of Friendship or Allies on the horizon."

Those words took the sails out of everyone who was thinking that even if House Malfoy took a larger bite out of the pie named House Lestrange, they would still be left with bones to gnaw upon and soup to drink.

An Accord of Détente was at its centre an undertaking.

It was signed and sealed by magic.

It proclaimed the lessening of hostilities between the two named houses through treaties, trade agreements etc.

It also specified that none of the members of either house could take up their wands against each other—not even in defence of a house they had signed an Accord of Friendship with.

Lord Malfoy's words of having dissolved the Accord of Détente were simply announcing to all and sundry that House Malfoy had taken away any kind of support they had provided to House Lestrange: be it monetary or magical.

Lord Lestrange was blindsided by the actions of House of Malfoy.

But he couldn't let that show on his face, so he kept a stoic expression.

However, his widened pupils were enough of an indicator of his state to these willy foxes who travelled the blackened waters of politics.

Still, Lord Lestrange stood from his seat and went to the floor, made a small bow to the chamber and spoke, "Lord Malfoy, do you really want to dismantle the accord?"

If somebody asked Lord Lestrange, he would truly say that he was just following the established procedures of giving the other person a chance to rethink their decision.

However, his words spectacularly backfired on him when Lord Malfoy turned to him with a derisive snort and with a dismissive glance mildly retorted.

"Lord Lestrange, let us not waste time on small talk. House Malfoy has decided and if House Lestrange wants to contend on this point, House Malfoy is ever ready to call upon Lady Magic itself to pass judgement."

Everybody present felt a cold shudder pass through them at Lord Malfoy's words.

If Lady Magic was called upon and she deemed that the offence was egregious, she could even take away Heir Lestrange's right to helm House Lestrange.

Lord Lestrange didn't want his son to pay such a great price for his actions.

Giving up Détente would incur losses for his house financially.

His house would have to seek more loans from Gringott's to keep running their current operations.

They would even have to lose a few properties that were bordering on Lord Malfoy's lands.

It would still be a far better cry than having his only son lose his right to a hereditary seat that was his birthright.

Lord Lestrange had millions of thoughts running through his mind in that instant.

He also realised that though Lord Malfoy was exacting vengeance on his grandson's part, he had still shown some mercy by not calling upon Lady Magic at the first instance.

Coming to a swift decision, Lord Lestrange gave a half-bow to Lord Malfoy and consented.

"The Ancient and Noble House of Lestrange confirms and agrees to the words of Lord Malfoy."

Thinking further, Lord Lestrange still found a way to keep his son from further retaliation.

"As Head of The House of Lestrange, I also hereby petition House Malfoy to not take up arms against me or mine."

At Lord Lestrange's words, Abraxas couldn't help but admire the other person for keeping his head straight in even in such circumstances.

In fact, if the person being manoeuvred by Lord Lestrange had been anybody else except himself, he would have cheered for Lestrange.

However, the circumstances were quite the opposite.

This could be a pivotal moment for both—House Malfoy and House Lestrange.

With Lord Lestrange's words, Abraxas had two options.

He could either throw his toys out of the pram and break all relations with House Lestrange and open themselves to backstabbing and retaliation.

Or he could graciously allow them both to pretend that it was all water under the bridge, save face and leave the option of extending an olive branch.

Lord Malfoy assented to the second option reluctantly.

Anyways, it wasn't a total loss for him and The Winzengamot session came to an end.


Author's Note -

Heya Folks

I know I didn't write it as Lord Malfoy completely decimating House Lestrange. My reason is that anyone who is a political leader has a sharp enough mind not to fall into a dig that an opponent has dug knowingly for them. It doesn't seem realistic to me.

Anyways, THANK YOU to everyone who is reading and supporting my work.

On another note, you can also go and check out my original work, 'Quick Transmigration - Counter Attack of Various Characters'.

The first arc itself is around 94k+ words and am currently working on the second arc.

Would love to hear your thoughts about my original work as well.

Sending loads of hugs your way.

Shiksha Jerath x

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