
Harry Potter and lust

This not my book it someone I only post

Nameless345 · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

chapter 18

Septima Vector: Jaimie Alexander

Aurora Sinistra: Lesley-Ann Brandt {Maze from Lucifer}

Madam Rosmerta: Hannah Waddingham


Since his wild night with both Tracey and Daphne Harry had noticed they were a little chipper and seemed to be walking around with bigger smiles than usual. They had to try and not give anything away when they were around him in class but both had been the brightest stars in Slytherin at least in terms of demeanor. They were the only ones with smiles or the ones who looked happy to be in school.

Trace and Daphne had both told him that they had slowly started wearing tight clothes to show off their new breasts and all the girls in their dorm were jealous of them. Daphne was able to laugh it off saying they were always that big while Tracey had to say it was just a massive growth from puberty. The boys had also noticed but didn't dare say a word because Daphne wouldn't hesitate to curse them. They had also noticed other boys in different houses started to notice. Together they had to be every boy's wet dream but only Harry was lucky enough to know what it was really like to be with both of them.

Harry hadn't asked anyone new out since that night instead choosing to wait for this weekend for more time with Fleur. Also there was the fact Desiree was more than happy to fill his free time. Like always she was his perfect slut doing anything he wanted and vice versa. He was so lucky to have her because she made this year bearable. Instead of constantly worrying about the tournament or the backstabber Ron. He could just be happy in bed with Desiree. The same went for Desiree who liked the simplicity about Harry and not having to be on her toes with an impulsive and cruel master. There were times in the past she was afraid to sleep with the horrors of the next day but with Harry she couldn't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

However that all changed Friday night when he received a weird summon from one of Hogwarts house elves. The elf told him to meet Professor Vector in her Arithmancy classroom. He even had to ask directions because he didn't know where it was. He wasn't a student of her's and besides meeting her in the carriage he hadn't spoken two words to her.

That had made Desiree all excited; she was practically jumping up and down in excitement. "You are going to fuck her right?" Desiree needed to see her master fuck this woman. She was simply beautiful and Desiree hadn't felt this way in a long time. There had been some women over the thousands of years she has lived who caught her eye and Septima was one of those lucky few.

Harry pushed those thoughts out of his head, "This is probably a school matter she isn't going to have me summoned to her classroom to shag her out of nowhere. Besides the carriage ride where she told me to take a shower we have never said a word to each other."

Desiree held firm on her position, "I am telling you master she wants to fuck you. It's almost curfew on a Friday night. I bet she is feeling lonely and needs a good hard fuck." Desiree even was doing hand motions to prove her point which made Harry roll his eyes at her wild antics.

Harry had to not let her crass words affect him so he didn't walk into her office with a full on erection. "It is probably something else. I took back that wish where girls wanted to have sex with me if I wanted to shag them."

Desiree rolled her eyes at her master's naivety. "I am telling you master she wants you. I bet she heard one of the girls talking about it and wants to try it out for herself."

Harry threw up his hands, "Who would she hear it from?" He was careful and never let anything slip and most of his conquests are the same way. The only one he could think of was Fleur who was quite open and might spill her guts to Septima about their sex life. Fleur had already done so with Gabrielle which ended up with him getting a very explicit letter of what Gabrielle wanted him to do to her after she had gone through her maturity.

Desiree started out listing out girls while counting fingers. "Daphne, Tracey, Katie, Penny, Madam Rosmerta, Hermione, and maybe Sinistra who is a fellow teacher."

If she heard it from Sinistra then that worried him because she wouldn't want sex but to maybe castrate him. "Let's just hope it's something else because I don't think she would be too happy if she found out I was sleeping with her fellow professor."

Desiree changed back to her ghost/genie form, "Then let's go see but before we do let's have a wager." Desiree had this plan for a while and it was a game she played with all of her master's in the last thousand years at one point or another. It was a way to get a little enjoyment which was to wager on something and once she wins she gets to get as much pleasure as she wants. Like a full day of nothing but oral sex for her or a few days where her master would have to take care of his own needs. Her best record had been a full week off of sex duty which her master honored but made her pay for it later.

Harry scoffed, "Wager? You don't have anything I already haven't had." It was a callous but truthful statement.

Desiree crossed her arms over her cold buxom chest. "If I win I will get to tie you down and use you anyway I please." If she won she had something planned that would make him beg for a release.

"Fine but if I win we are doing the horse cock thing over again but it is going to be a twenty inch version of this." To emphasize his point he grabbed his already big package. He had to admit that he had a good time with Luna and having both of them with that giant cock was one of the best times he had next to having both Apolline and Fleur at the same time or his first time with Desiree.

Desiree shivered thinking of him doing that again, "Deal." Now she didn't know which one she wanted more. 'I guess I'll win either way.'

'I heard that.' Harry said through the link as he gave himself a once over in the mirror to make sure he looked his best for this meeting. Once he was satisfied with the way he looked he made his way to the Professor's office. The whole way he was rehearsing what to say and answers to any possible questions.

Septima's Classroom

Septima couldn't believe she was actually doing this. It had been a week since Aurora spilled the beans to her about her relationship with her student. Since then she hadn't been able to get it out of her head. Every night she was visited by an erotic dream or vision. Some started out normal and she was in her own bed and he started slow. Then there were some nights like last night where she was teaching in class and he walked in before ripping open her robes exposing her breasts to the class. All before she gets bent over her desk in front of the entire class and gets shagged so hard she shamefully cums in front of her students.

That one should have been a nightmare but she woke up soaking wet every time. On Wednesday she even went to Aurora's class to speak to her and she had clearly been shagged right before she arrived based on her disheveled appearance. Septima didn't even ask since she already knew who the culprit was.

Now here she was wearing no knickers under her teaching robes sitting at her desk waiting for Harry Potter to arrive. Just as she started to get impatient he walked into her classroom and stood in front of her desk. "Sit down Mr. Potter."

Harry was taken back by her stern tone but did as she asked. Looking back he ground the closest seat and sat down. Professor Vector was just staring at him. Almost in a way that made him uncomfortable. "What's this abo-"

Septima cut him off, "Just be quiet and sit for a moment." The boy shut his mouth and just sat there while she stared at him. Taking in his appearance she noticed he put in an effort to tame his wild hair. Those green eyes of his pierced hers and she almost melted right there. He wasn't even looking at her and she could feel their power. Now all she could think about was staring at them at the moment of climax. 'Thank Merlin I'm not wearing knickers or they would be ruined right now.'

Harry was now definitely uncomfortable the way Professor Vector was just staring at him. He kept his mouth shut and just sat there almost trying to avoid eye contact but eventually gave in and connected with her. He never noticed before but she had green eyes as well but a different shade than his own. Hers were a little darker and not the almost pale or bluish green shade his eyes were.

They sat like this for close to five minutes almost as if they were having a conversation with their minds. Professor Vector broke first, finally clearing the last hurdle in her head as to why she shouldn't do this. That voice was now quiet as her body started to respond just from his presence in the room. It was hard to not be aroused as she thought back to the memories Aurora showed her. Now she wanted to see it for herself. "Stand up and drop your trousers. Let me see your famous cock and see if it is as great as people say." She decided to throw an insult his way hoping he would make her eat those words later.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the professor as he stood from the chair. Without hesitation he was ready to just follow her demands. Bringing his hands to his belt he took his time as he undid his belt before pushing both his trousers and boxers down. It revealed his semi hard cock which wasn't fully erect but still looked impressive at eight inches. It wouldn't need much to raise it to its full length.

Septima licked her lips when she saw his cock revealed to her. 'It looks even better than it did in Aurora's memories. A little more pink and even his balls look a little bigger now.' Clearing her throat from the frog she had in it she stood up and walked around her desk. The closer in proximity she was to him the quicker it filled to its maximum length. By the time she was in arms reach it was bobbing and twitching demanding her touch. She didn't disappoint and wrapped her hand around him. In her palm she could feel his angry veins pumping blood under her touch as well as the heat he was throwing off. His cock felt like an inferno that would surely scald her insides in the best possible kind of way.

Harry saw her eyes on his cock as she explored him as she started to stroke him up and down in a loose grip not for stimulation but exploration. "Is it up to your standards, professor?" On certain days he would call Aurora professor instead of her name which made her cum extra hard at the taboo of a student fucking her in her own classroom.

Septima looked into his green eyes, "We will see, but so far you are above all my past lovers. Now let's hope you don't pop too quickly." She knew he wouldn't because from the memories she saw Harry had the stamina to give Aurora multiple orgasms for every one of his.

Harry couldn't resist moving his hand behind Professor Vector's head and bringing her mouth to his. She was surprised and resisted for a moment until she felt his tongue licking her lips wanting access. She opened her mouth desperate to feel what skills he had. Within moments their tongues were dancing together in a heated battle. She was still clothed so she couldn't feel the heat of his body against hers but she could feel his cock pressing against the front of her robes.

Harry felt Professor Vector pull away from their kiss if only for a moment so she could start to undo her robes before slipping them off. Revealing her naked body to him, she could feel her face heat up as his eyes looked her up and down. His eyes focused on her breasts for a moment before looking down her flat stomach to her wet pussy. While she was hairless she hoped he wasn't able to see how aroused she really was. Looking down herself she saw that his cock now had clear drops starting to leak out of the tip.

Harry was expecting her to resume kissing him but after she looked down at his cock again she fell to her knees in front of him. "Oh professor." Harry said as she kneeled under his cock.

Septima looked up at the boy as she had to lay down some ground rules. "No professor. Call me Septima." She saw him nod so she turned her attention back to his cock which looked even bigger when she was eye level with it. Looking up at him past this pillar of cock she said, "This cock is outrageous. How is it so big?"

Harry chuckled, "Thanks I guess. Are you having second thoughts?" He ignored the question of how it was so big because that would be hard to explain.

Septima felt her face get red in embarrassment like he was taunting her. Squeezing her grip around his cock harder she said, "No I just have never met any man with a cock this big before. It's almost not natural." Septima said suspiciously.

To stop the questions his hands moved to the back of Septima's head and guided her to his cock. She accepted his guidance and opened her mouth wide as he pushed his cock past her lips. Within a second he could feel his cock at the back of her throat being blocked by her gag reflex. He was only half way in but he would have to make do with that.

Septima felt his cock hit the back of her throat and thankfully Harry's hands weren't pushing her to go deeper. That showed a level of maturity that lent itself to his vast sexual experience. She knew his sexual experiences must be much larger than the average student. This was something boys usually didn't learn until they were out of Hogwarts. When she was in school boys were very eager to try and get every girl to deepthroat their entire cocks in one go. Using her right hand she started to stroke the half she couldn't touch with her mouth. With her left they went to his big balls which were larger than average. She enjoyed rolling them back and forth in her hand and even lightly grabbing them which made his cock jump in her mouth.

The wet sounds of Septima's mouth slurping on his manhood was a glorious sound. Looking down he saw that she was looking up at him. "I really didn't expect this when you summoned me to your office. I thought you were still upset about Hogsmeade and now you have my cock in your mouth." He had to admit Desiree was right.

'Thank you master and I hope you listen to me in the future.' Desiree said as she moved around the couple with a camera taking shots of Septima with her master's cock in her mouth. She wished Septima was able to get more down her throat but this was better than nothing. Desiree didn't know why but she was very attracted to the professor. But now Desiree was going to have so many pictures to choose from anytime she wanted some alone time while Harry was in class.

Harry ignored his genie and just focused on his blowjob. "I'm gonna cum." He felt her trying to pull back but his hands kept her there. "You don't want to miss this."

Septima felt his strong hands hold her mouth on the tip of his cock and she winced waiting for the bitter taste of a man's seed on her tongue. It was something she wasn't a fan of but she was forced to go along with it for now. When he was done filling her mouth she planned to let him have it for cumming in her mouth. That was until she felt the first glob of cum hit her tongue and it tasted sweet. It tasted amazing and she didn't know how to wrap her head around the fact it was coming out of Harry's cock.

Harry saw Septima's eyes go wide when he started filling her mouth with a baby load instead of what he gave Tracey and Daphne the other night. Then her eyes looked back up at him questioning if what she was tasting was real. This load was only a mouthful at the most. Seeing her cheeks puff out as she swirled it around her mouth as she tried to understand what was happening was almost comical. After a few moments she swallowed every drop before pulling away without Harry's hands holding her down.

"Explain." Was all Septima said as she got off her knees and crossed her arms as strands of spittle dripped off her chin.

In these situations it was hard not to laugh, "It's a little side effect of a potion. Did you like it?" That was the best excuse he had for this wish from Luna.

Septima had a million more questions but the throbbing need she felt from her pussy was getting too hard to ignore. She could feel her arousal dripping down her legs now. The potion answer was enough for her at the moment. "We will be talking about this later but right now I need that cock."

The slick smile of satisfaction came over Harry's face as he closed the distance and pressed his cock against her tight stomach and he whispered, "How do you want it? Do you want it the way I gave it to Madam Rosmerta during Hogsmeade weekend?"

"I knew it." Septima said in triumph she knew he had sex and she had a hunch it was with the busty bartender. "I have a dream of you bending me over my desk facing the class." Harry was willing to make that dream come true as he walked them behind her desk before turning her around and pushing her on her own desk. She had cleaned it off for tonight so her breasts were pressed against the cool and soothing feeling of smooth wood. Being bent over the desk she felt Harry fixate on her bum now. His hands were all over her bum and she could even feel him spread her cheeks for a look at her virgin hole. "You have to earn that hole. Don't think for a moment I would let you start with that hole without you proving to me that you can handle it." She had watched Aurora's memory of anal sex with Harry and since then she had tried it by herself and it wasn't the worst feeling in the world. Her friend spoke of it so highly she was going to have to try it.

Harry brought his hand down on her pale ass with a loud smack as he spread her legs wider. "Fine, how many orgasms do you want?"

Septima turned her head, "You think it will be that easy?" The serious look on his face showed that he wasn't kidding. "Five. Make me cum five times and you can be my first in my bum." It was almost laughable that he could get her five times in one night. The most he has seen from Aurora is three.

Harry smiled, "Done." Without any more build up she rubbed his cock up and down her plump folds before slowly thrusting into her wet heat. He expected the woman to be tight and not just from her attitude but body I'm general and he wasn't disappointed. Pulling back the first few inches he pushed back and went a little deeper this time. He did this over and over until he was fully inside her and could already feel her walls pulsing and twitching around him. The second full thrust he went a little harder making her moan wantonly.

Septima had words she was about to say but it was all caught in her throat as she felt Harry plunge all of that massive cock in her pussy. Her fists found the edge of the desk trying to hold on before she shot off the desk in surprise. It was so sudden but so welcome her body lit up with pleasure. "Fuck!" She said in response to his penetration. She wished she was able to take a deep breath before he started because with just one big thrust he knocked everything out of her. 'Oh no.'

Harry let her get used to the feeling of his cock as it burning into his shape. Like most girls he was the biggest they had and they needed a second to get used to him. Her warm wet walls did feel good and plenty tight enough for him. "It really must have been a while for you because you feel as if you haven't been shagged in years." His hands massaged her ass before going up her sides as he pulled out and pushed back in slowly. Like expected she moaned loudly as she felt his cock scrape out her insides.

Septima felt her body reacting to his cock like none before him. With just a couple thrusts she was close to her first climax and there was no way to stop it. 'He made me cum so easily.' Grunting with every deep thrust Septima had to let him know what he was doing to her. "I'm so close. Just a little more." The climax was just out of reach but once Harry heard that he started moving his hips faster and even harder to the point she felt her body tremble with every thrust. "I'm cumming. Fuck I'm cumming on a student's cock." Septima moaned as she felt her pussy tighten around her student's cock. 'Not my student, just a student.'

Harry didn't stop thrusting into the professor even as she came. He saw her hands pound on the desk as she even rested her head on the desk. She just resigned herself to taking his cock. "One down, four more to go." He really wanted her ass. He watched it jiggle and shake as he fucked her juicy pussy and he couldn't wait to take her anal virginity. It was always a special thing when a girl gave up that hole. It made Harry feel powerful and let him set a standard no man could hope to match. Some witches think they wouldn't like it and within minutes he can feel them get tighter as if they are trying to keep his cock inside of them forever.

Septima wanted to groan at the fact she challenged him with five orgasms. She didn't know why she said five but one already had her head spinning five might have made her head explode. Even now Harry never stopped using her body as his own little wet hole meant for his pleasure. She was his toy, he wasn't her's.

Both of them were lost in their own thoughts as loud clapping and slapping of skin drowned everything out. While Harry was doing most of the heavy lifting Septima had started to push back and try to meet his thrusts. It seemed to be working because less than five minutes later she was ready to cum again. "Fuck I'm cumming again. Your cock is too good."

"Yes it is. My cock is perfect and made for little slut professors like you. Professors who dream of their students to just take them and give them the shag they never had." Harry taunted her, throwing away her request of not mentioning the fact she was a professor.

Septima couldn't be mad right now, not when the entire lower half of her body was shaking from an impending climax. In her mind she wanted to tell him to stop but she did feel a small rush of arousal to her already soaking pussy. "Yes I'm a slutty professor who needs your cock. I can't live without it."

Harry loved hearing Septima just accept her place in life which was under him taking his massive cock in her pussy. "I promise to come around as much as you want. I can give you orgasms anytime you want. Maybe I can even hide under your desk and eat your pussy in front of your class. Would you like that? Would you like to show your students how big of a slut you are?"

All his words hit Septima like going head first into a brick wall. When she first called Harry to her office she planned for it to be a one time thing but this was going to be impossible to quit. "I don't care what you do. You own my pussy. Just make me cum and you can do whatever you want."

Harry was a little worried he broke her. The once proud and stern professor was now a sexually broken cock hungry slut. Harry tore his eyes away from her pale and jiggling backside to look at Desiree who almost had her own fist inside herself. 'Are you hearing this? Did I break her?'

Desiree didn't stop fucking herself with her hand as she answered her master, 'She will be herself tomorrow but right now you are giving her something she has never felt before. She has been sexually frustrated for years and now she has you so don't go thinking she needs anything more than sex right now.'

Harry took his genie's advice and continued to pound the professor's pussy. Right now it had to be one of the wettest he had ever fucked because the squelching sounds were so loud he was sure if he could see her face would be red. On every hip pullback he was worried about slipping out and thrusting forward and maybe entering the wrong hole. So he tightened his thrusts and was now in what Desiree taught him as rabbit thrusts. With his big cock now all he was doing was slamming his entire cock into her cervix over and over. Sometimes this wasn't the best feeling for a girl so he also thought to stimulate another part of her body.

Septima was convinced Harry was going to fuck her though the desk. Her legs even started to get a little numb from the corners biting into her thighs. She had let her mind wander for a moment but was quickly brought back to reality when she felt his fingers touch her stiff and aching bundle of nerves. She let out a scream as she felt him start to rub it in tight circles as he gave her pussy a pounding.

'I wish my fingers could vibrate.' He said to his genie through their mental link.

Desiree didn't take her hand out of herself but used her free hand to grant the wish. He barely had it for a second before she heard the professor's pitch change to a much higher tone as she screamed in what had to be another climax. 'I will have to try that out tomorrow before he goes to visit Fleur.'

Septima screamed herself hoarse as she came for a third time. She didn't know how but his fingers were vibrating like it was a wand. Trying to look she craned her head to look back. Only his cocky smile greeted her as he said, "That was three, only two more to go."

Septima didn't understand how he hadn't cum yet, "Why haven't you fucking cum yet?" It came out more demanding than she intended but she was pouring sweat and felt like a mess and that wasn't including the juices she had running out of her on every climax. She was sure there would be a puddle of her fluids on the floor when he was done.

Laughing Harry responded, "You want me to cum? Okay this time I'm going to cum and fill you with so much hot cum that it will make you think twice before questioning me again." He had been holding off his climax which was hard but on her fifth and final orgasm he wanted to fill her to the brim. Now he was going to cum and make her beg him to move onto her ass.

Once again he started moving but this time it was back to deep and hard thrusts all the while her pussy was still trying to milk him from her last orgasm. Septima could feel his cock get stronger as it started to twitch and hit her insides even harder than before. 'Shit you might have bitten off more than you can chew. Now he really means it and is going to give me a creampie I will never forget.' She hadn't had sex or even been cum inside since about five years ago. Then she was drunk and didn't even remember the feeling of him cumming inside her; she just woke up with his dry seed on her thighs.

As Harry never stopped thrusting he decided to kick it up a notch by fisting Septima's hair and lightly pulling it back. Just enough to get her attention. "You like this professor?"

"Yes, pull my hair like you own me. Your cock owns me. I'm such a bad professor." She felt him pull her hair harder and it was at that moment she reluctantly came again. She didn't know what it was but she had snapped and all of her sexual frustration was coming out the most whorish of ways. Thankfully he wasn't her student or else she would never be able to look at him without blushing or acting normal.

Harry chuckled as he felt her cum from the hair pulling. "Ok here it comes, Septima." This time he wouldn't give her a normal load. This was going to be one of the big ones that would forever be burned into her brain. Slamming his cock back inside her tight pussy for the last time he started to fire rope after rope inside her waiting womb. He quickly filled her up to the point where Septima just collapsed.

Septima expected a few ropes of hot cum but what hit her was a storm of cum that filled her to the limit. 'How can he have this much cum inside him?' It was simply too much and even made her question if the anti-pregnancy potion would work with this much cum. "Fuck too much. Pull out."

Harry followed her directions and watched as he left her pussy gaping as his white seed came running out before falling onto the floor. His cock was still hard and glistening with all the love juices from this slutty professor. Walking around the desk he got his first look at the satisfied look on her face. Her stern face was now one of bliss.

Septima was happy that the monster cock was out of her now numb pussy. 'He fucked my cunt numb. I might not even be able to sit down tomorrow and he hasn't even touched my ass yet. Fuck I made a promise.' While in her head she had her eyes closed as she basked in this feeling. That was ruined by a warm sticky thing pressing against her cheek and lips. Opening her eyes she was once again face to face with the giant cock that hadn't lost an ounce of hardness. She just accepted his cock and dropped her jaw for him to slide it in her mouth.

As she sucked him she managed to milk a few drops of his sweet cream and with that mixed with the tangy taste of herself it was a pleasant taste that she wouldn't mind more of. Now she just had an image in her head of sucking his cock after he fucked her pussy every time after this one.

Harry enjoyed her light suckles and tongue work. She was clearly a little out of it because it wasn't as enthusiastic as before. Looking down at his black haired teacher he took in all of her soft features. Her cute nose that led into her high cheekbones along with her green eyes made her the hottest professor. No offense to Sinistra but Septima Vector had her beat. 'That is a secret I will take to my grave.'

He let her enjoy the moment for a minute. "I counted four. So do you want one more before I take your ass?"

Septima couldn't take another one in her pussy. It had been fucked so well that it needed a week of rest after the pounding it took. While she wanted to go climb into bed she did make a promise to him. Letting his cock pop out of her mouth with a loud pop she said, "You can fuck my ass but you better be more gentle than you were with my pussy."

Harry smiled at the woman before she rolled her eyes as he walked around to her behind. Presented to him was her nice and round bum. Clearly she was in great shape because it was firm and round just the way he liked it. He gripped her firm ass while not as firm as Tracey's; it was still plenty firm for what he had planned. Sliding a finger down her crack he saw her shiver. "Let's just try a finger for now."

Septima nodded and as soon as she felt his finger start to prod at her asshole she felt her insides be coated with a slimy layer of lube. 'I didn't even hear him mutter a spell.' She was distracted about the slimy feeling she almost missed as he pressed his finger forward and penetrated her puckered hole. 'That didn't hurt at all.' She moaned as she felt his finger slide in and out of her and just when she was about to ask for more he added a second finger. Together those two fingers stretched her out and made her feel more comfortable about what was about to come next.

Harry heard Septima's moans get louder and faster showing that she was clearly into this and ready for the real thing. Pulling his fingers out he gripped his pulsing cock and pressed it to her virgin hole. Slowly pushing forward he heard her gasp before she started groaning. "Still feel okay?"

"It feels weird. A good kind of weird but different." She could see why this was attractive to Aurora; it was a new kind of feeling that could only get better.

Harry was enjoying her tight ass wrapping around him just like all the others that came before her. He liked being the first. The first to be given the honor of their forbidden hole. The wizarding world still had a small taboo about it but he was doing all he could to dispel it. He hadn't had a complaint yet.

This slow anal fuck went on for minutes as Harry let Septima control the pace and would only speed up when she told him. A few more minutes after that Septima finally gave him permission to move a little faster. She moaned like a whore as she felt him sheath all ten inches in her ass on every thrust. It was going so much better than she thought it would go. "Keep going Harry, I think I'm starting to love this." Every muscle felt like it was stretched around Harry's cock.

Pulling out of the witch for a second Harry rolled the professor over on her desk so she was now laying on her back. Spreading her legs wide he hooked his arms underneath her knees. "I want to see your eyes when I make you have your first anal orgasm." With that he thrusted back in and found a spot that made Septima's face change. Finding that spot again he started to hammer it. Hilting himself on every thrust and impaling her beautiful perky ass on every hard thrust was the highlight of his day.

Septima had to close her eyes and bite her inner cheek as Harry found a spot inside her that she didn't know she had. Being flipped around his cock now hit it perfectly. All she could do was moan because she didn't want to sound desperate while getting her ass fucked. Right now she didn't care how this ended but she was sure it was going to end up with her waiting and able for this to happen all over again.

Harry picked up on her hints and kept hitting that spot over and over. "I can see you trying to keep it in. Just tell me how good this is."

Septima crumbled, "Fine I love this. I love feeling your big cock in my ass. Just don't stop." While it wouldn't be as quick as her pussy she was going to cum eventually and it was going to be hard. 'I'm just a whore and I don't think I have felt happier.' Years of boring days of teaching students half of which were too stupid to carve a simple rune array. All of those headache inducing days were worth it if it led to the shagging she was currently receiving.

He couldn't put into words how beautiful Septima looked. She was covered in sweat and even some of her hair looked wet from sticking on her sweaty face and neck. The way her small breasts bounced on every thrust or the way her pink nipples had hardened. Or the look in her green eyes was also something that was a treat to see, it was submission. She submitted to him and now he had claimed every one of her holes. Unable to help himself he took a moment to go down and kiss her. When his lips met hers she fought for a second before she melted into it.

When the sloppy lust filled kiss broke she asked, "What was that for?" Not that she wasn't pleased with the kiss, it just seemed to come out of nowhere especially when his manhood was buried in her ass. 'It just feels weird to kiss someone who is doing something so dirty to you.'

Harry resumed thrusting, "You have no idea how beautiful you look right now." He wasn't lying; she had an angelic glow and looked like a woman half her age. If he didn't know her he could have almost believed she was Tracey's mum. Both had dark hair and tight bodies that he could make moan and cum over and over again.

His words made her face heat up worse than before because she felt exposed. Besides his vast sexual prowess it was clear why she imagined so many women would want to sleep with him. He genuinely cares and treats you like a queen...a slutty queen. There was no mistaking that he would make you admit to him and to yourself how much you loved what he was doing to you. She said things tonight she never dreamed of saying. For tonight she imagined that she would have been more silent and just enjoyed the ride. Because who would want to admit to a student your most sexual thoughts.

This went on for a few more minutes but Harry increased his speed a little more the more responsive she became. He felt her milking his cock which meant she was getting close to her own climax. "That's it, Septima. Merlin I love fucking this ass." While it was true he said that to every girl it didn't diminish the truth of the words.

"I'm cumming!" Septima screamed as she felt her asshole get impossibly tight from her first anal orgasm. 'Oh Merlin this feels good. I'm going to have to apologize to Aurora.' Aurora was right. While it felt weird and uncomfortable at first but it quickly turned to an unbridled joy.

"I'm gonna cum too, get ready." Harry grunted out as he felt himself about to reach his end. He could almost feel his balls getting ready to fill Septima with her first anal cumshot.

"Cum on my face." Septima blurted out. She couldn't take another big load in any of her holes. Her pussy was still struggling with his first one. It still hadn't completely drained out of her yet. Her hungry womb seemed to be keeping a tight hold of everything it could.

Harry did as she asked and pulled out of her now gaping hole and climbed into the desk before aiming his cock at her face. She closed her eyes and let him fire his hot seed all over her face. This was a compromise she could live with. Not one inch of her face wasn't covered by his hot cum. She was convinced this had to be some sort of spell to be able to cum this much.

Harry was panting just having had his own explosive orgasm. As much as he wished he could have finished in her ass he didn't have a problem painting her face. "You look even more beautiful now." He even heard Desiree agree with him as she finished with herself and had taken up her camera to snap memento shots of this moment. Harry would want to remember but she had a feeling she was going to get more out of the photos than he was.

Septima chuckled at that as she wiped her eyes clean but left the rest on her face. "Thank you but I think it's time for you to go. Get back to your dorm without being seen. I won't be able to explain why I had a student in my classroom so late." Although she had a feeling she was going to have to explain this to Aurora sooner rather than later.

Harry nodded and did as she asked, walking around the desk he pulled on his trousers. It was throwing him off with how she went hot and cold after he gave her the best shag of her life. "Well, summon me anytime you need a good shag. I will come running with bells on." Harry said awkwardly as she didn't laugh at his joke. Now he just walked to the door leaving Professor Vector a cum dripping mess. "Bye." His parting words made him look like an idiot on the way out. As Harry closed the door he mentally berated himself for saying bye.

Desiree didn't know what the change in the professor was either but followed her master out of the room. 'She seemed like she was in a hurry to get master out. I wonder if she needed to be somewhere.'

Septima laid on her desk for a minute hoping that Harry was far enough away. "Alright come on out Aurora."

The side door leading to her quarters opened and her friend walked in with a big cat who ate the canary smiles. "How long have you been there?" Septima asked her best friend.

Aurora laughed at her friend's position. She was laying naked on her own desk after Harry bloody Potter fucked her into submission. "I asked the elves to inform me when and if you summoned Harry to your room. Then I used your Floo to enter your room and watch. I got here when you started blowing him."

Septima was embarrassed and if she could see past the white cum on her cheeks she would have seen it. "You didn't mention his cum tastes like sweets."

Aurora laughed, "I don't know what sweets you have but it isn't that good. I have swallowed a load here and there but it's just a crowd pleaser." Walking towards her friend she took in Septima's body. While Septima had seen Aurora naked in her memories this was the first time Aurora was seeing her naked.

Septima pointed at her face, "Taste this and tell me it doesn't taste like sweets." She had Harry cum on her face in part to show Aurora and in part to enjoy herself.

Aurora walked closer to her disheveled friend and swiped a finger up her face before shoving the dripping finger in her mouth. She was expecting his usual salty taste but instead it was pure sugar.

Septima wished she had a camera because the look on Aurora's face as she was trying to process this new development was priceless. "So this is new?" Septima said as she pushed some of his cum towards her open mouth.

Aurora finally was able to wrap her head around it enough to go in for seconds and with two fingers take a bigger scoop off her friend's face. To which Septima responded, "Hey!" Aurora sucked her fingers clean before she continued talking, "This is really new. I haven't blown him in the last three weeks. Have you ever heard of something like this happening before? Do you think it's a spell or potion?" She heard him explain to Septima it was a potion but she didn't completely buy it.

Cleaning her face of all of Harry's sweet cum she managed to suck it all up. "I don't know, I have never heard of it. He must have invented it because we have never heard of it."

Aurora sat in the chair in front of her friend's desk as she hopped off and slowly got dressed. "It can't be a potion. In our staff meetings Snape always goes on and on about how big of a dunderhead Harry Potter is when it comes to brewing. While most of that is biased I can't imagine learning anything from Snape when all he does is pick on you."

Septima was finally dressed and casted a cleaning charm on her face so it wasn't sticky in a second when it dried. "It's just bizarre. It has had to have happened more than just this time. Who do we know that has fucked Harry Potter in the last three weeks?"

They were both silent for a moment before they both blurted out, "Madam Rosmerta!"

The Three Broomsticks

Aurora and Septima walked into the bar to see a few regulars at the tables and Madam Rosmerta behind the bar cleaning and polishing glasses by hand. She spoke first, "Aurora come to have a little nightcap?" Madam Rosmerta swiftly poured a glass of firewhiskey before the woman could answer.

Aurora and Septima both sat at the bar on the stools. "No, we came here to ask you some questions." Aurora said in a hushed tone. Before she started to ask questions she looked around to make sure no one was listening before throwing up some privacy charms.

Madam Rosmerta was a little worried about how serious the two women were. "If you confiscated bottles of firewhiskey the students didn't get it from me." While it's true she sold a few to the Weasley twins a while ago they promised it would only be used in a celebratory manner in the privacy of Gryffindor tower.

Septima waved her hand, "We don't care about that. This is about Harry Potter." She saw Madam Rosmerta go stiff at that question and start looking around for an excuse to leave.

Aurora saw the panic in the older woman. "We don't care that you slept with him because we are guilty of the same thing." Aurora reassured the woman because Madam Rosmerta was acting like she was in trouble. She had only seen that look in students they caught in the broom closets with their bits out.

Madam Rosmerta's jaw dropped hearing that before she started cackling like a mad woman. Harry had said he had shagged older women before but he didn't mention that it was with two of his teachers. "Shit that little lady killer. I thought I was a pervert for sleeping with a fourth year but he is all man isn't he. You two would know that cock makes you feel things you have never felt before. I-"

Aurora cut the woman off, "Enough of that we just want to know if you sucked his cock." She could tell Septima was a little on edge and was getting impatient.

Madam Rosmerta drank the glass of firewhiskey she poured for Aurora. After she felt the sweet burn of the alcohol she answered, "Oh yeah. That wasn't the weirdest bit though that little bugger wanted my ass. Can you believe it? Kids these days, am I right?" Both women blushed and averted their eyes and gave enough of a tell for Madam Rosmerta to pick up on it. "Bloody hell he shagged you both up the bum. And I thought I was a pervert."

Aurora leaned towards Madam Rosmerta and put her hand up to hide her lips from Septima while whispering. "This one told Harry he could have her's after he gave her five orgasms and at four she just gave up and let him have it anyways." When she watched the pair from the other room around climax three she didn't know how Septima was going to take five and then add on top of that the definite anal orgasm that would accompany a buggering by Harry.

Both women laughed while Septima heard every word and just punched her friend in the arm. "Will you shut up Aurora? At least I knew it was going to happen and practiced. You just got bent over your desk and once he shoved his fingers and tongue in you were happy to let him shove his cock up there too." She didn't like to think of herself as so wanton. The only reason she even summoned Harry was because she hadn't had a real date in over the last year and hadn't had a proper shag in five.

Aurora shuddered thinking about how Harry had quickly convinced her to take him up her bum. "I shouldn't have shown you that memory. Would love to see how much you would have panicked when he tried to push that thing in your ass."

Madam Rosmerta was enjoying their bickering and it was all over Harry Potter. 'Who knew a fantastic shag would net me an even more entertaining cat fight between two grown women.' It almost made her wish they could summon him right now and they could all take this to her apartment up stairs. Both Professors weren't bad looking and it had been two decades since she shared a bed with another woman. "Well I promised him I will let him take my bum next Hogsmeade weekend next year. I have only used my fingers so far but I have a long way to go if I want to take all of his broomstick."

Septima couldn't believe the biggest whore in Hogsmeade didn't let him take her up the bum. Hard to believe Madam Rosmerta would even have a limit considering there was a rumor four years ago that she took on a group of seventh year Ravenclaws. While she didn't know if it was true it was something she didn't immediately wave off as a rumor. "Enough we want to know if his cum tasted different to you."

Madam Rosmerta shrugged her shoulders, "I only blew him once so I don't know how he is supposed to taste usually but he was unusually sweet. If that's what you mean." She thought back to that cumshot in her mouth whenever she had a sweet from Honeydukes. She even went on a mini shopping spree to find the exact sweet it tasted like.

Aurora asked the next question seeing Septima get more and more frustrated. "Did he tell you why he tasted that way? A spell or potion perhaps?" Both professors were hoping for an answer.

Madam Rosmerta tilted her head, having to think back. While she remembered the sex she had a hard time remembering what they talked about besides him wanting her ass. "I think he said it was a potion he was working on but that might have been a lie. He seemed to be stalling for a moment until he came up with an answer." Pouring herself another glass she added, "If he came out with that potion he would have a full vault by the end of the week." That potion would be a miracle in a vial that would help women everywhere.

"Did you see him take anything?" Septima asked.

"No, I kept serving him Butterbeers and had a pretty good eye on him when he started to flirt with me. I still can't believe he managed to get me in that back room. Those eyes really suck you in." Madam Rosmerta said. She didn't want to seem too easy and slutty but she had been talked into that back room by uglier men who were big and rough looking. While Harry was a little younger than what she would usually go for, his body was all man.

Aurora teased the bartender, "Are you sure it wasn't another part of him that drew you in?" Aurora agreed he had mesmerizing eyes but when she saw his erection that was what made her act.

Madam Rosmerta blushed for the first time tonight, "I will admit that was part of it and his looks certainly didn't hurt. Tell me how he got you two." She was dying to know what he did to bag two professors.

Septima wanted to leave right now but Aurora grabbed her arm and forced her to sit down. "We want your word that you won't say a word of this to anyone especially Minnie." Septima demanded.

Madam Rosmerta put up her hand as if she was in the Wizengamot. "I swear. Now tell me the story." She had never been so excited to hear someone at the bar to tell her a story before.

Aurora went first and told the bartender how she ended up being shagged by Harry on a regular basis. Madam Rosmerta seemed a little jealous of the professor by the end of the story. It hadn't even been a month yet and she was missing him. That toy he gave her got plenty of use and almost every night she couldn't wait to go upstairs and kick off her shoes and take off her corset before laying in bed and using the toy over and over. She had even brought it to that shower and used a sticking charm to the tiled wall before backing into it pretending Harry was behind her.

Septima went next and told the bartender how she became interested after being trapped in a carriage with him. She was forced to smell the scent of the two of them together and then when she saw her friends memories it broke her down. She eventually caved and invited him to her class for her own shag.

"That's quite the story, you two. I knew Harry was special but not that special. Who else do you think he is shagging? He can't just have a thing for older witches he must be shagging everything that can move. Do you think he put the moves on Minnie" Madam Rosmerta was confident Harry was spreading his seed far and wide.

Aurora answered while ignoring her comment about Harry seducing Minerva McGonagall, "We know the Veela champion for sure. They went to the ball together and he saved her sister from the lake during the second task. No way she didn't thank him for that level of heroism. Other than that I couldn't tell you. He is pretty isolated and doesn't go after girls in the open. He works in the shadows and is able to sneak behind the backs of everyone." She did admire Harry's discretion and there had been zero rumors about him shagging her.

Madam Rosmerta nodded trying to think back to Hogsmeade weekend. "He was at the bar looking for a girl but they were all in groups or dates. Which is why he chose me I guess." She didn't mind not being his first choice. She felt special for attracting his attention at all given her old age.

Septima was still trying to think about the question they came to ask. 'What is Harry's secret?' This boy had the charm and skill to pull three adult witches, two of whom shouldn't even think about sleeping with him. 'He is only going to grow from here. I would hate to see him in seventh year. By then he will have half of the girls in school in his bed. If adult witches can't turn him down, what hope did a teenage girl have thinking with her hormones? Merlin knows when I was that age I shagged boys I still regret today. All of them weren't half of what Harry is today.'

The trio of witches did share a drink together before they parted ways and Madam Rosmerta made a toast for Harry's big cock which made the two professors blush. Now both of the professor's walked back to the castle a little buzzed asking each other questions as they tried to piece together this mystery.

Once in the castle they went to their own rooms, each promising they were going to go to the library's forbidden section tomorrow and look for any books about potions or sex magic.

Room of Requirement

Desiree had demanded sex when they arrived back at the room. Harry was more than happy to comply but Desiree put up a wall of mirrors and changed her body into the form of Septima Vector.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked. This was his first time seeing Desiree change her body into someone else's.

"You have no idea how turned on I was watching you fuck her." Desiree in his professor's body wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her slim body into his. "Come on master fuck me in her body. Let me watch as you make me cum over and over."

Harry groaned as his resolve crumbled as Desiree's hand went to his trousers. "I guess I have no choice." When Desiree was this horny he was just along for the ride as it was almost his job to help her get through it.

"No you don't and don't think I forgot our wager. Once your Veela weekend is over your cute ass is mine." She roughly claimed his lips before he started stripping down. Soon they were both naked and he turned her around.

In front of the mirrors she had a view of this body being lifted up and being dropped down on her master's cock. The sex lasted another two hours and by the end Harry was so drained he had to almost crawl to bed. Desiree and the real Septima had drained him to the point where he didn't even want to get up tomorrow to go visit Fleur. Right now he felt like he could sleep three days straight. 'Insatiable slutty genie.' Harry thought loud enough for her to hear.

Desiree had changed back into her regular human form with a smile on her face. "Love you too master. And I think you fucked me so well I won't need to wake you up early for more." While she was insatiable he didn't hesitate or say no to her demands. If anything he was holding back earlier with the real Professor Vector because with Desiree he spanked, slapped and fucked her so hard she felt that her human body was going to be sore tomorrow. He showed no mercy on her poor ass and had to have spanked her a hundred times on each cheek. Not to mention the pints of hot cum he made her swallow or take in each hole until his balls were completely empty. It was an end that truly was one of her favorites. To be a cum filled and covered mess for her master in the body of his teacher was simply divine.

Harry curled his body into his curvy genie and fell asleep almost immediately. Desiree stayed up for a little while longer stroking her master's head and playing with his eternally messy hair. 'There is a night and day difference between my master now and the day I met him. And I couldn't love him anymore for it.' Her body soon fell victim to exhaustion and joined Harry in sleep not long after.