
Harry Potter and House Atreides

Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born with a destiny beyond his understanding, is forced to unite the three worlds - the non-magical world, the magical world, and Caladan - to secure the future of his family and people. When a conflict breaks out between the forces of evil to take over the world as he knows it, he will discover a secret that will change the way he sees the world and begin the beginning of the end. Warning: This is a story between the Harry Potter and Dune franchises, here you will see a lot of Dune history merged as best I could with Harry Potter, all of this takes place in a slightly changed world but all the main characters will still be in the story with a changed development. The central world is Harry Potter, the Atreides house is set in his universe. Therefore, all the events of Harry Potter before Hogwarts happened in an equal but different way.

SrCuervo · Book&Literature
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75 Chs

The Minister of Magic

Longbottom House.

Mr. Longbottom and his wife Augusta Longbottom were discussing how to proceed regarding the palace of magic.

"At worst we would be expelled from the sacred 28 magical families for dishonoring the honor of and beliefs of the most influential families in that circle." Said Mr. Longbottom unconcerned about any commotion his upcoming decisions would generate.

"It would be nothing different as it was with the Weasley family, we shouldn't make such a big deal out of it." Augusta Longbottom nodded with understanding.

As was known, the Weasley family had been expelled at one time for alleged complicity in having marriages with wizards born to non-magical parents.

However, even if the Weasley family is considered a stain on the name of the sacred magical families, everyone knew that the numerous wizards with the surname Weasley could be one of the families with a large number of wizards.

And it's not as if it affected him much to not belong to this magical circle among families, as even families that are pure were not considered when creating this supposed list of names.

The Weasley family was said to have been included in the list of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, published in the Pureblood Directory in the 1930s. However, they regretted their inclusion on the list, because they said they had ancestral ties to many interesting Muggles. Their protests earned these families the opprobrium of pureblood doctrine advocates and the epithet "blood traitor."

Therefore, when the Longbottom family's intentions are discovered, the complaints of the other families will give opprobrium to those advocates of the pure-blood doctrine and they will receive the epithet of blood traitors.

"The benefits will outweigh the losses, we will never consider ourselves as enthusiastic worshipers of blood supremacy, let's not forget that the Mortifages belonging to this stupid ideology left our family with painful scars." Augusta Longbottom said in a cold voice.

"I'll take care of talking to the Minister of Magic, I suppose he would be busier for starting his plans since he recently became Minister of Magic." Said Mr. Longbottom calmly.

"Your health has not been good lately, I should be the one to step up to the plate, my last moments of life will be spent helping with something that could bring my son back." Mr. Longbottom knew better than anyone that he was dying. However, he wanted to live his last moments trying to help his family.

"Then everything is in your hands, I will always support you in everything." Augusta Longbottom said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Said Mr. Longbottom with a calm voice.

After making a decision, Mr. Longbottom used Flu Dust to go directly to the Ministry of Magic.

Flu Dust is a magical powder capable of transporting a person from one place to another by means of a Flu Network. This network connects most homes and buildings in the magical world. These powders were invented in the 12th century by Ignatia Wildsmith.

To use them, one must throw the powders into a fireplace fire, which turns an emerald green color. Then enter the fireplace and say clearly and loudly the place you wish to reach. Failure to do so may result in ending up in the wrong place. On the other hand, during the transport itself the user must be careful to keep the elbows close to the sides to reduce the risk of hitting something and accidentally veering off the path as a result of the blow.

An alternative way of using the Flu Powders, used mainly to allow a wizard or witch to establish direct communication with other wizards or witches without the need to leave the place from which the Flu Powders are used, consists of repeating the same procedure used to move from one place to another, but putting only the head inside the chimney, so that the rest of the user's body remains in the same place from which the powders are used; In this case, only the head is transported from one place to another but without affecting the functionality of the user's body, so that, thanks to the Flu Powders, the user's head can engage in conversation with those at the destination by speaking from the chimney.

This type of transportation is much faster than brooms, but slower than Apparition. However, unlike the latter, it does not require a license to be used.


British Ministry of Magic.

Whitehall, London, England.

The Ministry is responsible for regulating all aspects of wizarding society, including education, jurisprudence and economics. Although this type of body operates with relative autonomy from the Muggle government of each country, there is sporadic contact between the two.

In the years prior to becoming Minister, Fudge was formerly Junior Minister in the Department of Accidents and Disasters in the Magical World.

Mr. Longbottom knew Fudge very well, so he wanted to get him to agree to the opening of the Palace of Magic.

After traveling through Powder Flu, Mr. Longbottom walked a few steps before meeting someone.

"Mr. Longbottom, it's a surprise to see you here, what's the occasion for the visit?" a young wizard asked.

"Is Minister Cornelius Fudge in?" asked Mr. Longbottom directly.

"Yes, he just arrived just a moment ago." The young wizard nodded.

"Good, let him know I want to meet with him." After a few more words, the young wizard led the way to the Minister of Magic's room.

Arriving at a door, the young wizard knocked lightly and said, "Minister of Magic, Mr. Longbottom would like to meet with you as soon as possible."

After a while, a voice was heard from the other side. "Is he outside?"

"Yes, Minister." Replied the young wizard.

"Tell him to come in."

"I understand." The young wizard turned to Mr. Longbottom and said, "The minister is expecting you Mr. Longbottom, you may come in."

"Old Cornelius, I suppose you will be very busy with your new title." Said Mr. Longbottom with a smile.

"Old Longbottom, I thought you would be bedridden, I am very surprised to see you here today." Said Cornelius with a smile.

"Nonsense, I have a few more years to go before I leave this world." Said Mr. Longbottom.

"Well, I guess you're not here to congratulate me." Said Cornelius after sitting down.

"I have a great opportunity that needs your approval and supervision." Said Mr. Longbottom as he handed over a document that Paul had prepared in advance.

The document explained in great detail the workings of the palace of magic, as it in turn explained where and how it would be built.

"Let me see this..." Cornelius said with a smile.

After reading the documents, the expression on Cornelius' face became more and more serious. "Old Longbottom, this could turn the magical world upside down. Not to mention the ancient families, they would go mad."

"I am aware of the repercussions to my family name if this document were to be passed." Mr. Longbottom shook his head and said, "Looking further into the future, such a magical organization would stabilize the power of the Ministry of Magic and generate unimaginable support for you."

Hearing these words, Cornelius' face frowned with stress. Despite being the head of Britain's magical community, the minister, however, could be pressured by public opinion and the media alike.

With this in mind, if he were to support the idea of the document, his name would be strongly supported by most wizards in Britain. However, families who believe in blood supremacy would see it as a major headache.

"Old Longbottom, let me think about this, I'll let you know tomorrow." Cornelius said no more.

Mr. Longbottom nodded understandingly and said, "Don't take into account what would happen in the long run, if we take the negatives with the positives, you would gain by agreeing. However, you would never gain anything by refusing."

"See you later Cornelius, no, I should call you Minister." Said Mr. Longbottom as he left the room. He knew he would do everything for the future of his family, his time left was very little and he did not want to retire without leaving him such a powerful insurance that would protect all the Longbottoms for sure.