
Harry Potter and Fates Work

My Name Is Adam Silver and my world just got tipped over. You'll have to read the story to understand but let just say that fate loves to f### me over.

Ibrahima_Diallo_9444 · Book&Literature
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Harry Potter and Fates Work: Shadows

Ollivander Pov:

" I can't access his mind HE might want to know about this, i'm going to have to tell HIM about this. In the war against god's we can't have any unknown factors" I think before seeing them out of the store.

Right after they leave I go to the back shelf before pouring my magic into it and waiting a few seconds before I hear a click and a screen comes outside of the wall. Placing my hand on  the key pad I place my hand on it before saying his name under my breath.

" Why have you summoned me Ollivander, you had bet have a good reason for you to disrespect me as such" I hear a deep rough voice say through the screen.

"I am sorry master but I think I have found the perfect one for you, he seems different fro the other students of this year and can control his magic exceptionally well" I say pausing to hear his answer.

"I need you to get all information on him if you are correct about him then you will be rewarded handsomely. If not then I want you to dispose of him I don't want any loose ends in my plan." He says before ending the call. My master was a man of few words, so I wasn't surprised when he ended that abruptly.

Even speaking to that man hundreds of times I can never understand how he hides his true identity from the rest of the world. He always seemed like a secretive man but I never could tell what he was hiding until I met him.

The great wizard Albus Dumbledore the man who defeated grindelwald, the man who even Lord Voldemort was scared of and also the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Day of the Train  Ride to Hogwarts

Today is the day I go to Hogwarts, throughout this whole week all I have been doing is training my control over my magic as much as I can. Because I have a bad feeling about a certain headmaster from the books I can tell something is weird about the way he carries himself. 

Anyway,  Me and Daphne just got to the platform behind the wall. Daphne went over to greet  Rose along with Astoria and Grace.

  I was looking around for a certain person and finally spotted him in the back of the crowd chatting with family. Sneaking up behind I bring my hand back before slapping him as hard as I can across his head.

"Fuck" Theodore screams before clasping his hand around his mouth with a  look of fear on his face.

"What did I say about you cursing in public. Sorry about that honey I don't know where he learns these words." Christina Fenwick Nott says to Theo and me, before grabbing his ear and pulling him away to a corner for a lecture. Leaving me on the ground trying and failing to hold in my laughter.

" Adam I didn't even see you sneak up on him! Good on you though Theo needs some humbling sometimes!" Tiberius Nott says in that booming jolly voice of his.

This is another of the changes in this world. Instead of Tiberius being one of the many pureblood death eater activists. He is the powerful and renowned ministry of magic and also one of the best friends of Aunt Grace.

Flashback 2 years back:

I woke up earlier than I usually do to workout today. It turns out today a friend of Aunt Graces will be coming, so I had to get ready really early on in the day.Walking into the bathroom I wash the sweat off my body before putting on a Sleek Black suit with Silver buttons.

Going down the stairs into the dining room I see three people I don't know talking to my parents.

"Oh you must be Adam,  my name is Christina Nott I am a friend of your  Aunt. This is my husband Tiberius  and this is Theodore". She said a bright smile spread across her face.

Looking at the kid who looked about my age. I could guess who it was from his distinctly rabbity features and tall and skinny frame.Grabbing his hand I shook it before sitting down at the table and chatting with Daphne and Astoria.

"I heard your pretty good at potions from grace. If you want you and Theo can go make potions since hes good at it too." Christina said the smile still on her face.

I was kind of surprised that he knows how to do potions. I had been begging Aunt Grace to teach me how to do them, so when she taught me I had gotten insanely good at them.

"You make potions" I ask letting the surprise get on my face.

"I can show you do you have a potions room" He asks me a cocky grin on his face. I can immediately tell he is confident in his skills. So we go to the basement and then to the potions room where all of my equipment is.

"You seem confident in your skills let's see if you're actually as good as you think you are" I say before grabbing some gloves and goggles and putting them on.

"Let's see, I was actually planning on making a specific potion today. Do you know what the Skin Cleansing potion is." I say as I grab a book off the wall .

"Who doesn't know what that is billion are made off the fact that they can make these potions" He says not surprising me that he knows what it is.

The Skin Cleansing potion does exactly what the name says it purifies your skin of all of it's impurities. As you can imagine woman will go to extraordinary lengths for this potion, but the problem is it is very hard to manufacture.

"I think I might have found a way to make it more cost effective, while keeping the same effects."I say as I start getting ready to do it. Looking over at Theodore I see him watching me intently. As I bring out a Glass container.

  End of Chapter