
Chapter 2.

{A/N: Since no one suggested a time period, I'm just going to pick an earlier time period and hope someone comments on this for suggestions on time periods he should visit before he get to the 1900's. Evolution in this Fic isn't 'real'. Adam and Eve were Homo Sapiens to modern muggle terms. This won't affect anything though.}

-19 Years later-

I still look back on that day. The day I was born into this world and god recognized I wasn't supposed to be here. He told my parents of my situation. He offered me a place in heaven as an angel in order not to mess things up too much. I of course… Accepted. Cause even if I fall, it's not that bad as it still boosts my strength. When I was made into an angel my body rapidly in the span of minutes grew to the standard height of a 10 year old. I made sure he knew before I continued that I don't plan to stay an angel for long.

My ageing stopped when I turned 19. I find this the perfect age for my future plans. I studied any kind of magic I could get my hands on. I did practice my Denial of Nothingness and the Time magic a little bit. I now feel as if I could jump spans of anywhere from 1 second to 150,000 years into the future at a time. But I held back from doing so to study what might not be available later after I jump.

In fact, I got so powerful I displayed 6 pairs of wings.

{A/N: This is my own angel ranking system. The lowest angels only have 1 pair while the strongest has 7 pairs. Which is not the max amount just what the strongest Michael has. I know this is not historically accurate but he is one of the most well known. Not all major religions will be part of this. Only some.}

I'm aiming for seven before I plan my time jump and then become a fallen. I've also met the three siblings. Magic, Fate, and Death of the Harry Potter universe. Of course there are other mythologies not yet born. Ouranos and Gaea have not yet had the Titans that would start the Greek Pantheon.

I only need one more year of training and studying to gain another pair of wings. If I were to compare myself now with Merlin, I would be 10x stronger. When you become fallen, your power decreases considerably. If I fell with 7 pairs of wings, I would be only 2.5x stronger than Merlin without the use of my True Magics. This would be at his peak as well.

The only reason this is true is the deal I made with god. When I fall, I would be a lot less powerful than a normal angel who would fall that has the same current power as me, but in return I would be more knowledgeable in anything related to magic.

I don't want to be too overpowered. Even with my True Magics. I really only cared about being immortal. The other ones weren't as important, but still important.

-1 Year later-

I have finally gained the last pair of wings I need and am ready for my first big time jump. I should inform my parents and god of my leave. Not necessarily where I'm going. I'll tell my parents first.

I descend down to earth where my parents live. Yes, I have free access to earth. I say my goodbyes, and they get very emotional. Especially my mother. I can see the sadness in my fathers eyes as well. I take them both in an extremely tight hug.

Eve: "Karnn, be careful and stay safe" she says still a little bit teary

Adam: "What your mother said"

I smile brightly at them.

Karnn: "I will"

I hug them one last time before I leave. Cain has already killed Abel. So they only had me and Seth. Now it will just be Seth.

I go straight to god's throne room.

Karnn: "I will be leaving now"

He just smiles and nods at me.

I open a time vortex, look back at god one last time before jumping through.

It takes a minute before I'm spewed out onto hard ground. That hurt, I should have been ready for impact.

I traveled to exactly 3100BCE when the first reported Stonehenge was finished being 'made'. I wanna see the so-called mystery behind it.

I assume it's a side effect to massive leaps in time trav… Oh…

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