
The Greengrass! Part-1

{Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{07:24 PM, 18th Sept 1991}

Daphne looked at the weird situation at the Slytherin table, it's almost been a week since the incident and while it had taken a while for her to get used to the new reality it still baffled her. There were many iterations of the same story going through the Hogwarts rumor mill, that Hector beat four 6th year students in a one vs four and then forced them to shoulder the blame for all the dark magic he had done so they were expelled. Every rumor was more outlandish than the other but Daphne knew the truth, or maybe a part of the truth.

'Dad mentioned that Hector used their law firm's services to represent his interests and that they settled on 10,000 galleons per family with the Selwyn paying a huge stack of 50,000 galleons to drop the matter.' Daphne collected her thoughts as she gazed at the lone Slytherin sitting at one end of the table happily munching on some mashed potatoes. Try as she might she could not figure him out and this was bugging her a lot, there were three seats empty from where he sat before Daphne's group sat.

Daphne had grown up learning all about how to run a successful business, she knew how to read a person, collect blackmail material, and use them to get the best out of any situation, so knew what she needed if she wanted to thrive, the first part of the plan was to be the superior political block in their year. While she was happy that Hector's thrashing had stopped Malfoy for the first couple of weeks but now as he was starting to gather allies in the upper years the situation was becoming tenser. And at the center of it all sat Hector Jackson, happily munching on his food lost in his own world like he had no need for companionship he was watching with amused eyes as everyone danced to his tune.

She knew she needed to know where he stood but at least she had better chances than the Malfoy, she almost snorted when an amused voice broke through her veil of thoughts, "Don't tell me you fell in love with him soo soon..." Blaise's annoying voice got him an icy glare as his reward.

"We need to figure him out if we want to have some power in the house," Daphne hissed at him, "What do you guys think about him?" Tracy asked her small group.

"Well, he's cute?" Tracy blinked as Daphne glared at her, "Okay, okay..." she waved her hand in mock surrender, "He's different, I don't think he is interested in playing house politics." Tracy finished and Nott snorted, "Sure he has no interest in house politics, he already made the biggest move by getting rid of Selwyn..." he snorted.

Tracy turned to glare at Theodore Nott when Blaise interrupted, "I don't know, he's powerful, a prodigy at wanded magics and maybe bored but yet he still for some reason doesn't want company or friends, maybe he was hurt by someone close before so he has trust issues and that's why he never approaches anyone out of his own accord, he's polite, he'll reply but in such a disinterested manner that you would want to stop and end the conversation, it's maybe a part of his defense mechanism, It's been almost three weeks since the term started and he still hasn't received a single owl that means no family and no supervision, which easily correlates to his personality, smart, aloof and had no regards for authority, if you want to deal with him, leave no cards unturned because chances are he could figure it out and maybe turn the tables on you like what happened with the unfortunate four."

Blaise finished his observation and then went back to his food as Tracy looked at him with her Jaw hanging open. Daphne wasn't surprised with his astute observations, Blaise was smart and observant, he was like Hector in a way so maybe that's why he could so confidently guess most of the things.

Daphne mulled over everything Blaise said before she stood up and walk towards Hector, maybe it was time to get to know the enigma herself.


Harry has had the most amazing few days of his life, he had explored Hogwarts a lot, and now that the Slytherin house was keeping their respective distance from him, Harry happily enjoyed the school more and more, as he kept exploring the castle, he realized that there was at least a hundred empty classroom spread around the whole castle.

Apart from exploring Harry had gotten back to studying magic once more, as he had learned all of the spells in his magical curriculum from here on till their 7th year, Harry decided to observe and maybe try and breakdown how spells are formed and maybe try creating his own spells, which led to him reading about runes and arithmancy.

Now Arithmancy Harry didn't fancy, it was too restricting, it bound the vastness of mana into magical equations and thus derive spells through it. It sounded too much like math to steal Harry's interest, Runes on the other hand while still being restrictive allowed Harry to feel the mana move and watch the effects that spells have with it.

And from runes, his studies slowly jumped to rituals, and there Harry was intrigued, the idea of balance and sacrifice called to Harry as he felt a familiarity with the subject. His musings were broken as Harry felt Daphne move from her seat and cross the 3-seat barrier before sitting in front of him, Harry regarded her curiously.

"How are you doing Hector, I'm seeing you are favoring the mashed potatoes, how are they?" Daphne started the conversation politely. Harry looked at her curiously before he asked bluntly, "What can I do for you heiress Greengrass?" It was a couple of years ago when Harry was researching human emotions for infiltration and to level up his acting skills.

There he came across the word Sociopath, maybe it was caused by having [Gamer's mind] active for years, maybe because of his trauma from his time in Hydra, or maybe it was because of his aunts, or maybe it was because he was abandoned in favor of his brother, so Harry knew he was a Sociopath, so as the Greengrass heiress was important for his future plans he asked her bluntly if he needed any help. After all, playing school and gathering knowledge and power was a good thing but he knew what he wanted to do. He still had HYDRA to deal with...and... yeah he definitely needed some goals, maybe becoming a dark lord and terrorizing everyone won't be soo bad after all...


AN: Yeah sorry about the late chapter yesterday... anyway back to our daily schedule!

P.atreon current chapter- 30, Target till tomorrow same time 34, -patreon.com/WN_Translations

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