

Harry woke up the next day and saw outside the window. It was very bright, he did not remember when is the last time he woke up so late. He slept peacefully without anyone banging on the roof or the door.

He turned and looked at the beautiful snow owl in the cage he felt slight guilt 'sigh, I didn't even give her name and feed her at night. I need to bring some bacon for her. Hope she likes it'

After his hygiene, he went downstairs for breakfast. His aunt and uncle treated like he never existed and Dudley ran away as soon as possible. Harry cooked his breakfast and some bacon for the owl.

While eating he thought of many names of the owl but he didn't like anything. After doing the dishes he went back to his new room.

He opened the cage, the owl opened his eyes and looked at him. " Here girl have some bacon, I am sorry I didn't give you food yesterday," said Harry

"Hoot" she came out and sat on his shoulder and rubbed his face with her head.

"Haha... Thanks for forgiving me. Here eat this. I think I'm not good at naming but I will try my best to give you a great name"

He started to read the books again. This continued for two more days. Finally, he decided on the name of the owl. Hedwig, named after the saint Hedwig a powerful witch. He read an introduction about her in 'A history of magic' book. He liked that name ao kept it to his pet.

"Hedwig, do you like the name girl?" "Hoot"

He smiled and played with Hedwig for a while.

He loved her very much and hoped she was not tampered with by someone.

The next day Harry went to the living room

"Uncle Vernon?"

Vernon who is sitting on the couch looked at him with his beady eyes.

" I am going out today to meet Hagrid."

Vernon first showed some fear then grunted and start to read his newspaper.

'Well, they still have some fear of Hagrid. I can finish my shopping for clothes today. I need to buy new glasses too.'

Harry hailed a taxi and went shopping. First, went to an eye specialist and bought a high-end glass. After that, he bought many new dresses. Everything was top branded and felt very comfortable for him. Harry was very happy to wear a new clothes instead of Dudley's old dress. He was really glad he changed galleons to pounds.

He also bought some makeup items for his second visit to Diagon Alley.

There lots of shopping bags, he loaded the taxi with the help of a shopkeeper. He gave them extra tips too.

He asked the taxi to drop him near the street end and not near his house. After the taxi left, he checked left and right. When he is sure no one is there, he has taken the shrunken trunk from his pocket to keep all the shopping bags inside.

The shopping took him the whole day and he had lunch outside. It was already evening when he reached home.

He didn't greet anyone and directly went to his room.

Hedwig was not in the room. He didn't lock her in the cage. He was getting anxious 'Did uncle and aunt did something to Hedwig'.

He was getting angry and wants to run down at that moment he heard feathers rustling. He looked back Hedwig was flying into the room through the window.

"Hoot" She came in slowly tilted her head one-sided.

Harry ran towards Hedwig and hugged her while laughing.

"Girl, where you went. You made me anxious for a moment... what is that... a mouse?? so you went for dinner??" there was a dead mouse on Hedwig talons.


"You eat it outside. I can't clean it and it will smell bad"

"Hoot" she flew outside. 'It seems she understands me very well. Maybe one day she will talk to me. Magic is really wonderful'

He shakes his head and started to read the books again.

' I need to go to that Diagon Alley again. I can hide the scar and add some freckles to my face. The new glasses will also help. The wig I bought also will be very helpful. With brand new clothes, I don't think many will recognize me.'

After some time Hedwig came again. Harry played with her and told her what all he did today. He liked talking with her even though she will only reply "Hoot" or tilt her head. She is adorable and became an important part of his life very soon.

He did his daily meditation and switched off the light.

" Good night, Hedwig."

" Hoot Hoot"

She was standing on top of her cage and looking at the sleeping boy like a guardian angel.

Next chapter