
Harry's disappearance

One month later, on Harry's home planet in the Headmaster's Office in Hogwarts.

"What do you mean with he just vanished? How can a person just vanish? Are you sure it wasn't accidental Magic, and he apparated somewhere random?" asked a grumpy-looking man in full black robes.

The visibly annoyed man is thin, with sallow skin, a large hooked nose, and yellow, uneven teeth.

His hair reached his shoulder, and the hair itself was greasy black, framing his face in curtains.

At the moment, he was talking with an older man. The man had long silver hair and a beard reaching to his stomach.

He had a grandfatherly aura that he consistently showed to the outside. He is composed in all moments, and to every question, he would know the answer, but of course, he would only seldom give them out, or when he gave them out, he gave it out in riddles.

It wouldn't do to answer straight. Where would his whole image as a wise older man go?

His name was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, prefect and head boy in his old Hogwarts days. Later in his career, he worked as Professor for transfiguration. Nowadays, he is simultaneously the headmaster of Hogwarts, Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump, and Chief Warlock.

He influenced the wizards and witches worldwide and was called the second coming of Merlin in his youth.

"Of course, I already considered this option, but I placed over 100 different kinds of trackers on him, but they all broke about one month ago," Dumbledore said calmly while watching his death eater spy with sparkling eyes. Of course, Dumbledore knew that Snape played the spy for both sides. He wasn't stupid, and he was sure that Voldemort also knew, but in the end, it was just an excellent game for him and Voldemort to play. It would be boring without competition.

Voldemort is a dark wizard that terrorized the whole of Britain some years ago until the prophecy child stopped him. Dumbledore himself was surprised when he got a Prophecy that a child would be coming that is on equal terms of power to Voldemort himself.

The Prophecy was as follows:

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Not wanting the danger of the child in his country since he knew that someone on equal ground as Voldemort would still be stronger than him, he released half of the Prophecy to Snape, his loyal death eater dog.

Of course, at this point in time, he wasn't his spy, but Dumbledore knew the moment he knew the Prophecy would lead Voldemort against his childhood friend Lily Potter he would crawl back to him to protect her.

Only days after Snape discovered who would be targeted in the Prophecy, he returned and swore a binding magical contract to Dumbledore. Dumbledore didn't forbid him to give information to Voldemort, but it was only the information Dumbledore wanted to give out.

Securing his spy, he just led the situation to play out, and one day when his alarms of the wards alarmed him of an intruder.

Dumbledore knew he couldn't go instantly or his plan wouldn't be successful, so he waited for an extra hour and then apparated to the house where he was sure everyone was dead.

The situation played as he thought, and his plan worked. The only variable that wasn't planned was the survival of Lily and James Potter, who weren't present while Voldemort came to the house.

It seems like his pawn Peter Pettigrew was babysitting the two boys at that moment. Peter sees it as a perfect opportunity and calls Voldemort to the house.

That fact made Dumbledore a bit angry since he even told the two Potters that they shouldn't leave the house, but they didn't listen...

Checking the two children, he instantly knew who was marked as equal through his detecting of a Horcrux in the little black-haired baby. Knowing what he needed to do for the greater good, he declared the other twin the "Boy Who Lived" for destroying Voldemort.

Then Dumbledore spun his tale that Voldemort wouldn't be dead and would come back in the future. Dumbledore already knew that Voldemort created more than one Horcrux, but why would he tell anybody? He would know what is better for his own country.

Since he knew that it would be easier to manipulate the real boy who lived when he had a troubled childhood, Dumbledore tried to convince Lily and James to give little Harry to his aunt and uncle so that he could be protected from the remaining death eaters and they could concentrate more on David.

David needed all the training and attention he could get to fight the dark Lord in the future.

Surprisingly to even Dumbledore, the Potters instantly agreed.

He didn't even need to bring more arguments and didn't even need to use his Magic on them. They just agreed. Even though Lily knew that her sister hated her to the bone, they just agreed...

The only remaining problem that followed was the insistence of one Sirius Black. Still, since Dumbledore didn't care about one man and had the parents' permission, he instantly delivered the kid to his Uncle and Aunt.

Surprisingly it seems to Dumbledore that they showed happiness in getting the little boy, but since that wouldn't do any good to Dumbledore's plan for the greater good, he worked his Magic and used some Compulsion charms to make them hate the little boy.

The plan worked perfectly, and he regularly got reports of the boy's abuse. It warmed Dumbledore's cold heart to hear all the reports.

It would be perfect, just some years, and he would have his ideal weapon for the greater good against Voldemort.

After the school name debacle, he also knew the boy's new surname and was surprised.

Instantly confirming with the Goblins, he found out that Harry was the new Lord of the Peverell family.

It made Dumbledore very happy since he had no plan to ever inform Harry about his family and possessions.

After only some days, he successfully crafted a Marriage contract with Harry Peverell and Ginny Weasley so he could gain the money in the vaults after Harry's apparent death.

Since Dumbledore knew about the Horcrux in Harry's head, he only has to tell him in the last seconds of the war against Voldemort, and he will walk to his death voluntarily.

He just has to wait for the last second to inform him since it wouldn't do for Harry to research Horcruxes since it wasn't that hard to remove them.

Harry has to die after the war with Voldemort for the greater good.

Even his own weapon could be dangerous in the future.

Dumbledore already knew since Harry wasn't the first weapon he was creating.

The last one, Tom Marvolo Riddle, turned into his enemy only after some years of manipulations.

But now, after losing Harry's location, all his plans were in shambles. The boy disappeared one month ago, and not one of the trackers could detect anything.

Even more annoying, the wand he got from his old lover Grindelwald was stolen. He thought it was Harry who had done it, but how. He knew the Peverells were the original user of the Three Deathly Hallows but could they really summon them to themselves?

Dumbledore was furious. He needed to find that damn boy and get the situation back under his control, but where can the damn boy be?

"Over a hundred different trackers? Why would you do something like that? And why would you call me of all people? As if I would care about one attention-seeking brat. It is already bad enough for me to teach these dunderheads in your school." Snape said, bringing Dumbledore out of his thoughts.

"Now, Now, my boy, it's for the greater good that I installed all these trackers on him," said Dumbledore in a wise voice while Snape just rolled his eyes.

'Yeah, the answer to everything. The all so good greater good of Dumbledore' thought Snape.

"Okay, back to my original questions. What can I even do to find this boy?" Snape asked with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Well, you could hear around the remaining death eaters and look if anyone knows something about this."

"Why would anyone even want to find this boy?" Snape asked.

"To pressure the potters, of course," Dumbledore answered with twinkling eyes.

"Yeah, as if they would care what happened to the boy, they even disowned him so the other brat could be the family's heir. That I would be imprisoned by you just to help Lily makes me angry till this day, I should have let them be killed."

Snape himself was thrown away as a kid, and it made him angry that Lily, his childhood friend, and crush, would do the same to her child.

All the love he had for his childhood friend at that moment crashed.

He is even happy that he never got together with her. James can have her for all he cares.

'How could I have misjudged her character so badly? I even checked her for memory manipulations but nothing. I am happy that I contacted Petunia after the debacle with Lily. If I didn't know that Petunia wanted a second child but couldn't get one, he would have taken the brat. Even though I think I would have never gotten him since this old coot, even disabled Black to get the kid. For what reason he does something like that, I don't know, and even if I ask, I become this 'greater good' answer shit.'

"By the way, what did the Potters say when they heard the news of their kid missing?"

"Oh, they trusted me to get him back," Dumbledore said easily.

"So they didn't care about it. Whatever, I will ask around but don't expect any results from this useless endeavor."

When Dumbledore wanted to talk more with Snape, a panicked Minister of Magic walked through the emergency floo in Dumbledore's office. The current minister

of Magic is Millicent Bagnold. She has long brown hair with light brown eyes. She seemed to be in her mid fifty's and looked panicky at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore just raised one of his browns and waited for the Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold, to start talking about the problem.

"Dumbledore! It's bad!"

"What is the problem, dear?" Dumbledore said with his grandfatherly personality coming back, seemingly calming the Minister of Magic.

"There is an emergency! A bigger area was created in the middle of Diagon Alley, and the stores around were pushed back. Now in the middle of this area formed a fountain with some benches. It's actually lovely when you think about it."

"Come to the point." The headmaster said.

"Oh, of course! The scariest thing of everything is that a pure pink display appeared on top of the Fountain. It's a wonder. Only the muggles in Diagon alley can see this display. The Muggles outside Diagon Alley can't see it."

"The display also shows the following words 'Let the fun begin. The new official Britain Witches and Wizards leader board'." The minister of Magic said.


"Yes, It says in 2 months, the richest and most powerful witches and wizards will be named and shown on the board. The strongest Wizards will be even shown with attributes and their strongest points."

Dumbledore just sits on his chair and thinks about the situation. Who could even do something like this? Will the Leaderboards be accurate?

"Well, I will investigate it and inform you of my findings in the future."

The Minister of Magic again calmed down and left the office in a happy mood. Everything will be alright now that the most powerful wizard in the world will investigate it.

After that conversation, Dumbledore investigated everything about this pink display but couldn't do anything against it. It scared Dumbledore about who could do something like this, but in the end, he had to wait for two months and will see how it would play out.

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