

Some wept, some laughed, some shared a quiet moment of companionship with others, like Luna and Neville, he saw. Some sat listlessly, staring at nothing as they grappled with the reality and the aftermath of what they had all endured. And still others, like Ginny, shared their grief for their lost loved ones with friends and family with tight embraces and murmured words of love. It was like knives of molten fire and searing ice tearing through his soul.

Ginny. Another person I've failed. Harry had failed her in so many ways, and now he'd betrayed her trust in and love for him by falling in love with someone else. I should talk to her, tell her the truth. She deserves to know the truth. And then, the sword through Harry's heart; Just then Ron appeared at the main entrance to the Great Hall. He was holding Hermione's hand, and they were standing so very close together.

Suddenly, it was just all too much. He'd been brave for so long, fought so hard, he'd stood against evil and death itself and come out the other side. But this was more than Harry had in himself to handle. He had stretched himself too thin, torn himself open and bled out all the strength that was in him to win against Voldemort. He could never be with Ginny, and he could never tell her why. Telling her the truth would hurt… everyone. Ron, Ginny, and all the Weasleys. But most of all it would hurt Hermione.

Hermione… Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then turned his back on the Great Hall and silently left the way he'd come. It took him longer to leave Hogwarts than it had to enter. Stealth was essential now, as it had not been before. He couldn't afford to be stopped or seen so he kept to the shadows and side corridors as best he could. Along the way he found a black cloak, most likely abandoned by a death eater during their retreat. Harry slipped it on and pulled up the hood. It was a little big but it would help him blend more fully into the shadow and keep anyone from recognizing him right away.

It was easier to reach the bridge than he'd expected, though he supposed he shouldn't have been surprised. Most, if not all, of the survivors had congregated in or around the Great Hall. Once he'd reached the midpoint of the bridge, he stopped. He walked over the edge, where a large span of stone railing had been destroyed, and stood there a moment while staring into the vast chasm beneath him. Harry took the Elder Wand, nearly forgotten until now, from his pocket. Such a little thing, he thought as he contemplated the wand in his hand, so many possibilities. With this I could… So many possibilities…

But no, it's too much power for any wizard to command. Any living wizard at any rate. Dumbledore was… special. Without any further hesitation, Harry Grasped the Elder Wand firmly in both hands and snapped it in half. The broken wand gave a little sigh and a little puff of light and that was all. He let the pieces go and watched as they disappeared into the chasm, then he turned and continued on his way.

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