
The blood of a coward

I stare in shock as her body goes numb in my arms. Her beautiful face emotionless and unmoving makes me aware of just how real all of this is, and the blood oozing out of the wound in her head covers my hand in her warm red blood. 

I don't know when I started to scream but all I know is that the moment the warriors started to drag me away all the sounds of bombs and guns faded and all I can hear is silence and my eyes can only see her small body laying on the cold cement. 

"No" I start to scream over and over for them to let me go. How can I go back knowing I promised him I would bring her back. How can I face him after his little sister's blood is still on my hands. How could I ever look Blake in the eyes?

"Quiet, unless you want to be left here to die " I instantly stop screaming and just watch her body disappear if we climb the stairs. I'm truly a monster even with her blood on my hands, I still can't die alongside her. I'm worthless and that's all I will ever be. 

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