1 The Cat

Seven-year-old Harley doesn't have any brothers or sisters. She has never ever had a single pet. Her parents don't think she is up for the responsibility. This makes her sad because her greatest wish is to share special moments with a kitten of her own. She loves to play with cute bouncing bunnies. Harley is crying in her bedroom which is painted teal with stuffed teddy bears in it. They don't really count because she wants a real pet. Harley's room is the middle bedroom of the apartment. She goes to the living room to look out upon the passing cars and, sees a grey kitten swishing its tail on the other side of the street. She watched the kitten run from one street to the next as if it owned the street. Harley smiled at the sight of the kitten because she thinks cats are cute and, affectionate. She always wanted a cat for a pet. Her father doesn't like cats at all. After Harley watched the kitten strolling down the street for a while she went to her room and, got ready for bed. She put her pajamas on. Then she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She went back to her room. She climbed into her bed and, closed her eyes. A few minutes later she heard a cat meow. She opened her eyes and, couldn't believe what she saw. A cat was on her windowsill. It was a beautiful cat. She thought the cat was funny.

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