
Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

[Ding!] [Cashback System Activation Requirement Met!] [System Binding In Progress...!] [System Successfully Linked!] [Spent $1,000. 10x Critical Hit. Earned $10,000. The money has been transferred to account XXX-XXX-XXX] [Spent at least $1,000 on a beautiful lady. Received 1 lottery ticket. Do you want to use it?] [YES][NO] Kyle was a man that has never had any luck in life and he was on the verge of ending it all after being fired from his minimum wage job due to a customer's complaint which turned out to be a lie but due to the customer being an attractive lady, no one believed Kyle. To make matters worse, he had to pay for the damages that was caused by the customer. Beautiful people, they had it easy, didn't they? This was his last step and he knew that he wouldn't see tomorrow as he searched for a river to throw himself in. He thought his mind finally broke as there was no explanation for the Cyan Screen that popped up as he clicked the [YES] button. [You have drawn Charm!] [Charm: There is nothing the user can't charm his way out of or into! The universe has blessed you with charisma!] "Hahaha! I must have lost my marbles..." Kyle muttered to himself but his phone soon rang out to show that he had a notification. And to his surprise, he saw $10,000 sitting in his account and his jaw dropped. "THIS IS FOR REAL!!!"

User_Name_Triple · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Hi, I Am Ella

The strange exchange with Aiysha came to an end, it was hard for Kyle to say if she was flirting with him or being friendly but he hoped it was the latter.

There was no doubt that she exuded a kind of aura that piqued his interest but this was an interest he couldn't act on.

He checked his phone and saw that Jane had replied a few minutes but was surprised by her invitation for him to come over.

[[Hey, here's a crazy idea, want to come over?]]

That was all the message said and there was only one thing that came to his mind which was sex, was she calling him over to seal the deal?

If that was the case then he had grossly misjudged her but there was also a possibility that this wasn't the case.

Kyle wanted to stay optimistic, he already had a golddigger in his harem, and the last thing he needed was another one.

He wasn't going to turn down Jane's generous offer and with nothing else to do, he was down for it as he had nothing to lose in regards to this.

He got dressed and headed out, trying his best to avoid Aiysha as he didn't know what her deal was as of yet but some tension in their conversation seemed to be on the rise.

She never visited his place before to report any problems and always waited for her husband to do so but maybe that was for her safety? Maybe it was because she thought Kyle was some dangerous bum but after interacting with him, her view changed.

Kyle got into his car and drove to Jane's place. He didn't know what she wanted but he was going to accept her offer, sending a text message to confirm his acceptance of said invitation.


It took a few minutes as Kyle was driving at the speed limit, his driving skills made him feel invincible, it was almost like he was immune to accidents at this point.

Kyle knew she had a roommate but he didn't know the gender of the said roommate, it would be weird if she stayed with a man who wasn't her relative and his brief visit didn't detect any masculine presence.

If a man were living there, he would have left some kind of imprint in the apartment. 

Kyle parked in the driveway, he knew that Jane would be waiting for him and probably knew right when Kyle pulled up. He was right. 

Jane peeped through the window and shut the blinds when she saw Kyle's car. 

"HE'S HERE!" Jane exclaimed, Ella shot her friend an exhausted look. 

She was acting like a schoolgirl in love and this was a recipe for disaster. 

This man must be a love bomber of some sort and when he inevitably left her friend broken, she would be the one to pick up the pieces and that was work. 

"Relax Jane…" Ella said before clasping the book in her hand shut. 

" Go freshen up, I will attend to him," Ella said, choosing her words carefully.

Jane didn't even think twice and ran into the other room. 

Ella was aware of men making passes at her despite showing interest in Jane due to her bustier appearance and she was certain that this man was no different. 

The doorbell soon rang and she took a deep breath, adjusting her clothes to reveal the top of her cleavage ever so slightly as she opened the door. 

She saw a tall man standing in front of her, forcing her to look up to meet his gaze. 

"He's taller than I thought he would be," She thought as Kyle flashed her a smile. 

"You must be Jane's roommate. Hi, I'm Kyle," Kyle introduced himself even though he knew this lady already knew who he was. 

And that was what roommates did, they told each other everything and this interaction would most definitely be discussed as well so Kyle knew he had to be on his best behaviour. 

This was why his eyes were focused on her face, not the huge melons 

Kyle noticed that he had a goth-like appearance which was appealing in its way but he wasn't going to fall for whatever this was.

"Hello Kyle, I have heard quite a lot about you. I'm Ella," Ella introduced herself.

"That's funny because I have heard nothing about you," Kyle responded, this was meant as a joke and luckily, it was received well by Ella.

"Ah, I see. You are a funny one. I can see why she likes you," Ella responded as she stepped aside to allow Kyle in, Kyle walked past her and heaved a silent sigh of relief.

He had to remain focused because the goal was to max out her bar, the last thing he needed was conflict with her roommate.

Kyle needed the roommate on his side to influence Jane in his absence and that was why he had the leather bag in his hand.

"Why did she invite me over if her roommate was going to be here?" Kyle thought to himself.

Ella had on a black singlet, her tits could barely be contained within as the side of her breasts were visible but due to the colour of the singlet, it was difficult to see her perky nipples.

This was probably for the best because, in the end, Kyle was a man.

Kyle sat down on the couch there with Ella sitting right across him, Kyle could see her smooth thighs crossed over each other, this lady had on bum shorts and had utmost confidence in her body for her to not think to change despite a man coming through only solidifying Kyle's belief that this was a test of some sort.

"JANE! YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE!" Ella screamed at the top of her lungs and the very second, Jane rushed out of the room almost as if she was trying to go back in time to stop Ella from saying those words but all she saw was Kyle sitting in the room.

Jane had worn a fitting crop top that hugged her body with a cute skirt that hung just above her knee.

"Hey beautiful," Kyle said with a smile, not minding the presence of Ella and all Jane could do at that moment was stand there like a log of wood with her face flushed red.