
Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World


Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 167: Rip and Tear Until It's Done

Chapter 167: Rip and Tear Until It's Done

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -

Summoning the Rider-class servant, it was an androgynous-looking boy who is fancily dressed appeared in front of me.

Introducing himself as Astolfo, one of the twelve Paladins of Charlemagne.

He may look very cute and beautiful beyond all compare, also act and dressed like a girl but that's actually a guy.

A genuine boy.

Under that skirt lies the Chunchunmaru hiding in female's underwear.

He's a guy that you called a tráp.

A Schrödinger's Trap: A female-like entity existing simultaneously as male and female. Its biological gender can only be determined upon the observation of its genitals.


"Stop it, Haru! Paimon can clearly hear all your long nonsense explanation in your mind. And it's wringing in Paimon's head."

"Then don't read my mind."

"But you're not saying anything and just continued to look at him." Paimon retorted.

Astolfo became embarrassed, fidgeting around.

"Master... if you look at me like that, I might... I might..."

"Tsk!" I got annoyed.



"Right now, the best way to know if it's a boy or girl is..."

Holding his right shoulder with my left hand, I went close to him.

Astolfo became flustered, panicking.

"Eh... Master... We can't! I think this is too early--Ah!"

I grabbed his crotch.


His eyes became empty.

He's passing out.


I felt a male genital under her skirt.

"See, he's really a boy." I confirmed.



He fell on the ground, holding his crotch while twitching.

"Astolfo!" Paimon came to help him.

"Harukin, you're terrible! You don't have to do that if you already aware of it!" Paimon scolded me.

"Sorry, Rider. My curiosity get ahead of me."


"Anyway, I have a request for you."

Glancing at me,

"What is it, Master?"

"I want you to watch over my daughters."

"Daughter? You have daughters!? You look too young to have them."

She immediately stood up, shaking off her skirt.

"Don't think too much about the details. I just want you to protect them."

"Then if it just protecting, I don't really mind. Where are they right now, Master?"

"They are currently inside the guild, eating with Komi-san and others. My daughter names are Nana, Kurē and Diona. Please watch over them."


"Well, we're going now. I leave them to you."

"Mmm!" he nodded with confidence.

I opened the world gate and I was about to enter inside with Paimon,

"Wait, Adam!"

Reginleif descended out of thin air then jumped towards me.

"Reginleif!?" I was surprised.

Catching her,

"Divine Treasure Forge... Völundr!"

She lit up and turned into her knuckleduster form on my hand.

*I wanted to come with you.*

"What about the goddesses job?"

*Don't worry. The angel is the one strictly watching over them.*

"If there's no problem over there, Fine then... you come with us."

Entering inside the gate,

"Bye-bye, Master!" Astolfo cheerfully waved at us.

Passing through the end of the gate, we arrived on a vast, grassy field which reached out to a small forest.


"Wow! This place looks peaceful. I wonder where we are in Maple's home world."

"Harukin! If we arrive in the city, I want to eat their specialties on 5 star restaurant."

"Yeah. I want to learn new recipes here."

"Paimon, let's go and look for someone we can ask our current location."

"Yes!" Paimon excitedly said.

When we turn around, we stopped when we saw a European-styled home, standing three stories tall with blue roofs and light orange walls.


Seeing the building, our face went paled.

"Paimon... you want to eat their special meat here, right?"

"Hey! Who wants to eat a human child meat that has been producing here!?" Paimon retorted.


"Demons..." I answered.

"Your luck is really bad, Harukin. You're always pulled in a dark world whenever you travel on another world."


I sighed, taking out a gun from my dimensional storage.


I raise gun in my hands then cocked it, making it ready for firing.

"Haru, isn't that Mine's imperial arm? You haven't returned it yet?"


"I'll borrow it for now."

I tried to aim with it in front me.

"Now, Paimon. Where are those demons lurking?"

Paimon pointed on a certain part of the small forest,

"It's over there. There's a gate there where they shipped out the children."


"Dark Berserker... Requip!"

Dark Aura shrouded my body and turned into a giant black armor.

It's skull helm and bevor slowly transformed to a shape of beast.


"Can we just move to the next world, Haru? We have to take Maple's best friend before Veldia attack the Axel Town or else your quest will fail."

"We can?"

"Yes... You really didn't think about that because you wanted to slay the demons here."

Opening the system, I checked my world gates menu,


World Gates

Home World [Move]

Owari no Seraph World [Move]

Fairy Tail World [Move]

Akame ga Kill World [Move]

Unsaved World

Hayate no Gotoku World [Locked]<350Days 11 Hrs 10 minutes 48 seconds>

Date a Live World [Locked]

Alternate Konosuba World [Move]

Promise Neverland World(New!) [Current]

Random World 3(New!) [Move]

Random World 4(New!) [Move]

Random World 5(New!) [Move]


"Three new worlds!? The system didn't notify!"

"It did but you were sleeping with Komi-san at that time last night."

"Why do you sound like I'm doing something lewd with her?"

Paimon turned away from me,

"Paimon didn't say anything like that. Your daughter Diona was between the two of you last night."

"This emergency food..."

"Hey! Stop calling Paimon an emergency food!" Paimon retorted.




"Ehe te Nandayo!" Paimon angrily responded.

"Anyway, let's go. I also want to test my new devil fruit ability. It's dangerous if I don't know how to control it properly."

"Well, you're right about that."

"Now, let's slay some demons!" I energetically shouted.

"You really just wanted to vent your frustrations because you arrived again into a dark world."

"Let's go!" I ignored what Paimon said.

Paimon was looking at me with squinted eyes.


- Several hours later -

(3rd person's POV)

Inside the orphanage home(farm house), a young, fair-skinned girl of thin build who has emerald oval-shaped eyes and notably thin eyebrows. Her hair is a light orange color that is short and messy, sticking up at all angles around her head and worn parted to her right with a single longed lock curving upwards to one side from her parting, and another from the base of her neck.

She's wearing a white shirt and skirt along with plain brown shoes.

There a tattoo number that can be seen on the left side of her neck which is "63194".


She went inside the dining room holding a broom to clean up the place.

Seeing a staffed animal toy sitting on top of the table, she immediately let go of the broom and grabbed it.

"Connnnny?! How could you?!!" she yelled loudly.

She talking about her fellow orphan who just leaved their orphanage and get adopted.


She was trembling,

'How is this possible? How can you be so careless right after that heartwarming speech you gave?! How?!'

Remembering her,

'I suppose she was a little on the forgetful side, but this is just nuts!!' she thought.

Her fellow orphans enter the dining room

"Wha... What should I do?"

"I mean... she already left!" said by a young girl of average height with fair skin. She wears a big pair of circular-lensed glasses over her grey eyes. She has short, straight olive drab hair kept in a Chinese bob hairstyle. Like all the other children at the orphanage, she wears the standard uniform; a white shirt and skirt along with plain brown shoes.

'65194' is the number tattooed on the left side of her neck.


"It's too early to say that." said by a slim boy of average height with somewhat messy short black hair, parted to the right so that the longer, chin-length clumps on his left obscure much of his face. Around the sides, it appears to spike upwards, following the shape of his head, and he also has triangular forest-green eyes with noticeably small black irises.

He wears the standard orphanage uniform- a white shirt and trousers along with plain shoes. The number "81194" is tattooed across the left side of his neck.


"Just now, I saw some lights turned on over at the gate through the bathroom window."

"There's definitely a possibility that she still hasn't left yet." he explained.

"Let's bring it to her." said by a young boy with short, tidy white hair that's worn parted to his left, a prominently longer piece curving upwards on the side of his head, resembling a horn of sorts, and narrow, inward-tilting blue eyes. The most distinctive physical trait of Norman is his thick eyebrows.

Just like others, he wore a white shirt and trousers along with plain shoes. Number "22194" is tattooed across the left side of his neck.


"Norman..." Emma mumbled.

"Although, it's probably just better to ask Mama to send it to her later..."

"It'd be best for Conny's sake if we hurry... right?" Norman smiled kindly.

"Yup!" Emma happily smiled.

After that, Emma tried to go out of the house to see Conny but the backdoor was locked.

*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

"It's no use. Of course the backdoor is locked!"

"I guess it's no surprise... since mama is out."

Norman was with her, preparing something.

"It's no problem. A lock like this can be easily opened without a key."

"There's a trick to it, like a small wire puzzle."

"Huh?! Norman?"

"I wouldn't do this if circumstances didn't call for it, but..."

Norman showed his two small wires and used it to pick the lock of the door.

"But right now, we have to."


He unlocked the door then opened it.

"We'll just share the blame together."

After they got out of their orphanage home, the two of them quickly ran outside and went to the gate which leads to the outside world.

Arriving together at the gate,


The two of them saw gate was totally destroyed,

"What happened here? The gate was destroyed. It looks like it was opened by force." Emma was surprised.

"Let's see what inside." Norman said, entering inside first.

Inside the gate, they saw a four wheel truck.

'Whoa... A real car...' Emma was amazed.

Norman looked inside the driver seat,

"There's no body inside the car."

Emma went behind the truck and curiously looked inside,

"Maybe they'll find it if I just put it in the truck."


She froze when she saw a big monster cut into pieces and head part was stabbed by several iron rod on its face.

It was dripping with unique blood color.

She stepped away, dropping the staffed toy in her hand.


Norman went towards her and looked inside together.

The two of them was completely shock from what they saw.

"What is this? Where's Conny?" Emma panicked.

"Arrrghh!!! Please spare me!"

They heard something behind the door near them.

"Rip... And Tear..."

"I'm begging-- Arrrghh!!!..."

The scream became soft then ended.


The two of them quickly went and hid under the truck.


The door opened loudly and someone walking out, dragging something.

"And Tear..."

Emma silently crawled and tried to look outside,

Her eyes widened when she saw giant demonic armor, dragging a dead monster.

[Play: Doom Eternal OST - The Only thing they fear is you]


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

Sorry, pictures later I have to go to work.