
Brewing storm

"Alex Maxwell could be behind what has happened." Ryan Doyle shares with Talon Hopkins and his entourage.

Doyle looks at their focused eyes and continues. "Coincidentally, we share the same enemy. I have some disagreements with Maxwell."

Hopkins has a suspicious look but still listens.

"I am willing to cooperate. In exchange, I would like some assistance for my personnel affairs." Ryan says carefully.

"And what is it that you want?" Talon fixes his eyes on Doyle.

Doyle hesitantly peeks at Jared Thompson before steeling himself to answer. "I want Lily Lambert." He blatantly declares, hinting he knew Talon's underhanded trade to some extent.

Julie Morel was the most excited about his request. Before Hopkins comes up with a decision, she breaks her silence and laughs loudly. "You still have a crush on that bitch? I mean Lily," she asks with amusement.

Doyle becomes beat red from embarrassment. But he stands his ground, waiting for Talon's answer.

Hopkins smirks, "Now, I'm also annoyed with that son of a bitch so let's hear your plan. If things work out well, I'll help you with Lambert. Besides, taking his girl would be good revenge for my losses."

Hopkins approaches Doyle and guides him toward the sitting area. They pass by Jared Thompson, ignoring him callously as he stands patiently on the side.

Jared knows that Hopkins has been dissatisfied with him since the breach incident. He finds it unfair that Hopkins dumps the blame on him every time to the point of letting it all blow, but he restrains himself, knowing his boss' capriciousness.

Thompson is used to Hopkins' fits. Even so, he kept supporting his superior, concocting plans and taking care of things for him.

Nevertheless, to resolve their predicament, Thompson asked Ryan Doyle for help. To be more specific, he asked Ryan Doyle's father for help through his son.

Doyle sits on the armchair facing Talon and Julie Morel. After discreet eye contact with Thompson, he begins to talk again.

"Right now, 33 percent of the shares are held by Maxwell shell companies, making him virtually the majority holder. Richmond corp holds 27 percent. And the rest is split between several parties." Doyle explains.

Talon is impressed by Doyle's explanation and urges him to continue, not knowing that Thompson was the one who came up with the insight.

"I understand the control of the nightclub is important to you as it is one of your main sources of revenue." Doyle peeks at Hopkins' concentrated look. He raises his head, waits for Thompson's nod, then resumes his monologue.

"What I am proposing is to buy as much as possible with the remaining 40 percent to regain the majority. And to do so, I will furnish part of the funds." Doyle proposes, already having made the negotiation with Thompson before coming here.


There was nothing more to add after Ryan Doyle's speech. Hopkins eagerly agrees to the proposition. "Alright, Doyle! I'm counting on you for the matter."

"And Lambert?" Ryan hesitates.

"Don't worry," Talon replies and looks at the smiling Julie Morel. "We will take care of it. You will have your fun." He smirks.

"Hey, Jared!" Talon calls with a slight annoyance in his voice. "Take care of Doyle here. And don't you fuck up again, Jared." He addresses condescendingly.

("You just want to blame me, you arrogant prick!") Thompson stays silent but curses Hopkins in his mind.

After instructing Thompson, Talon stands from the sofa, shakes Doyle's hand to confirm their agreement, and accompanies him to the door.

Thompson also exits the room, leaving Talon and Julie inside.

"Thanks again, Doyle. Let's proceed as we have arranged." Thompson talks to Doyle on their way.

"No worry! I'm just glad Mr. Hopkins agreed to our plan. But are you sure that you didn't have to be the one talking to Mr. Hopkins? Everything was your idea after all." Ryan is puzzled.

A sad expression appears on Thompson's face. "It's okay. It was better that you were the one presenting things. Talon and I had a small disagreement, so he would not hear me." He sighs in disappointment.

Doyle looks perplexed, but Jared swiftly changes the subject. "Anyway, with your support, we can quickly get back on our feet and resume operation normally. And don't worry about your request. I will personally commission trusty men." Jared smirks

"Are you sure it's safe, though?" Ryan has mixed feelings.

"Is it Safe?" Jared laughs. "Nothing we do is safe, Mr. Doyle. But the outcome outweighs the risk, isn't it?" He reassures the uneasy young man.

"After all, that's the reason you agreed to cooperate with us, right?" Jared tries to convince Doyle. "Anyway, it's going to be alright. Leave it to us."

"Hm! I see." Ryan doesn't look convinced.

Noticing him wavering, Thompson says sarcastically. "If you are too scared, we still can drop everything."

Doyle still wavers, so Thompson continues. "But honestly, think about it. You could have her smooth jade-like skin all to yourself, but instead, you are not brave enough to seize the opportunity." He tempts him.

Thompson waits for a reaction.

"I wonder if Maxwell has already caressed those beautiful curves." He speaks rhetorically, attempting to provoke Doyle and perhaps persuading him.

"No!" Ryan abruptly responds, a little irritated at the thought of Maxwell and Lambert together.

"Lily is mine! I must be the one who has her! Let's proceed!" He adamantly declares to Thompson.

Jared is appalled by Doyle's lecherous look. He smirks awkwardly, a bit disgusted, and talks again. "Great! Anyway, everything should be alright. We received a new perfected product that, in addition to having a stronger ecstasy effect, can wipe the victim's memory for 12 hours. It's plenty of time for you to have your fill."

Thompson readjusts his glasses, contemplating Doyle's disposition. Even if he was going to assist him with this dishonorable act, he couldn't help but be surprised by Doyle's willingness to go that far to have a chance to lay with his crush, wondering how desperate he is to be willing to take such drastic measures.

("Well, it's none of my business, whatever kinky interest he has. All I need is his fund.") Jared thoughts to himself.


The second day of the school anniversary celebration hit off without a hitch. Maxwell's group had their turn to take care of their class booth the previous day. So, they were free to roam around for today.

Three beauties accompany Maxwell throughout the campus ground. And because of that, the prying gazes of admiration from the onlookers follow them everywhere. But, they became accustomed to the attention, completely ignoring them and immersing themself in having fun.

They pass by different stalls, merrily trying snacks and enjoying drinks. Eventually, in the late afternoon, they arrive at the central stage, where many students await the next performance.

Maxwell's group was further in the back in a less crowded corner. Yet, they could still feel the insane volume of the crowd's chant.

The exhilarating atmosphere from the enthusiastic chant of the passionate students, impatiently waiting, suffocates the air. The audience intensifies their shouts in unison, louder and louder, taking Maxwell and his group a little aback.

"Wow! Look at this huge crowd!" Ivy states, looking thrilled because of the exciting atmosphere.

"Careful, Vy! Stay close, so you don't get separated." Lily worries about her little sister and rushes her hand forward to catch Ivy.

"It's okay, sis! I'm not going anywhere." Ivy reassures Lily by holding her arm in return, making her let out a gentle smile from relief.

"But, this is impressive! Just how many people are here?" Lily raises her eyebrows. "It's like there are more people than yesterday's assembly."

"It's your junior girlfriend's turn now, right?" Eliana looks at Maxwell with a teasing smile, attracting the intrigued looks on the Lambert sisters. "Her group must be pretty popular."

"It seems Yuna and one of her friends have received an offer to debut as k-pop artists." A young man approaches the group and explains.

"Andy!" Alex calls, slightly surprised by Norton's sudden appearance.

"A k-pop artist, you say? Here in Leven? How come?" Ivy expresses her amazement.

"Does that mean your junior girlfriend is going abroad, Alex?" Eliana teases Maxwell but makes Norton's composed expression twitch in irritation. He hated the idea that Yuna Shin could be Maxwell's girlfriend.

"Not exactly. Yuna declined! Even so, there are a lot of online videos of their dance rehearsal, raking up millions of views." Andy clarifies.

"So they became online celebrities?" Alex conjectures when the crowds suddenly erupt in loud cheers as the stage lightens up and smoke invades its top.

"It has begun."

Four figures slowly emerge on the stage, rising from below, as the bass of the gigantic speakers begins to play rhythmic music. Soon the silhouettes came into full view. They were girls, full of youthful energy, wearing matching outfits with different color schemes.

Yuna Shin was among them. Like the others, she wore a crop-top and a baseball jacket, displaying their school's emblem; hers was black with white sleeves, contrasting her pink twin ponytail. She had a black half short half checkered white skirt with a black belt adorned with metallic parts, and she wore black leather half-boots with platforms and long socks.

To summarize everything, despite being amateur, their performance was electrifying.


After half an hour of performance, Yuna meets with Norton and Maxwell's group backstage. Seeing them, Yuna excuses herself from her friends and walks toward them.

"Oppa! You came!" She exclaims joyfully. "Nunadul, too." Yuna bows politely, looking at the girls. "Thank you for coming."

Finishing her greeting, she raises her head and finally notices Andy Norton. "Geh! Norton was also there!" A displeased expression appears on her honest visage.

"What? Am I not welcome?" Norton complains with a pout.

"Yeah, yeah! Welcome, welcome!" She answers lazily and turns back toward Maxwell.

"Oppa, how was I? We were good, right? Did you like our song?" Yuna eagerly bombards Maxwell with questions.

"Woah! Slow down! We enjoyed your show." He answers casually, making Yuna giggle in happiness.

"Nonetheless, you were really scouted by a k-pop agency? Well, no wonder, seeing your show." Eliana jumps into the conversation.

"That was spectacular." Lily also adds, complimenting Yuna. Ivy, glued to her sister, nods energetically, acknowledging their declaration.

"I'm glad you said that, but I rejected their offer."

"Why?" Ivy seems disappointed.

"If I do, I will not have enough time to practice fencing." Yuna declares as if it's obvious.

All continue their discussion for a while, merrily socializing with each other. One of Yuna's friends also joined the conversation midway, while the two others excused themself earlier.

"How about going somewhere together this evening?" Maxwell proposes to the group.

"Really!?" Yuna and the youngest Ivy answer eagerly.

"Can Somi also come?" Yuna asks Maxwell with puppy eyes, grabbing her friend by the shoulder. A silver-blonde girl with reddish-brown pupils. Her complexion was similar to Yuna Shin, but at the same time different as she has mixed ethnicity.

"Of course, sure!" Alex gives a warm smile. She was the one always accompanying Yuna, even during practice.

Norton and the rest of the girls were also on board with the plan.

"So, where are we going?" Norton asks.

"My eomma has a restaurant not far from campus ground. If everyone does not see any inconvenience, we can go there." Somi suggests politely.

____ End of chapter 27 ____

____ Bonus Chapter ____

"How is he doing?" A man seated on the leather desk chair asks a young man in a tacky suit in front.

"He's looking for trouble again," The young man lets out a long sigh and raises his shoulder. "He could have ended things quickly without going too far, but he decided to antagonize Richmond."

"He is really driving us hard, you know?" He continues with complaints.

"Is that so?" The man responds with disinterest and changes the subject. "Continue looking after him. Make sure to take good care of him."

The young man lets out another sigh. "What did I expect. You are the harsher one." He complains again. "Don't worry! The Young Master is smart enough to take care of his own business."


Enjoy the chapter guys! And yes, I'm setting things slowly to conclude things with Talon and Julie. But I also want to write about Maxwell and his girls' daily life.

ElderGrimmcreators' thoughts
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