

Lying sprawled on a weathered cushion, the early morning bird songs roused a figure, prompting him to rise, his tousled black hair falling untamed.

His gaze wandered until it finally settled on a person.

A smile danced across his face as he addressed this individual who seemed to ignite a spark within him.

"Hey, gorgeous," the man known as Ace greeted the woman, who was draped in what appeared to be an oversized T-shirt that clearly wasn't hers.

However, due to her well endowed body, the shirt barely looked like it didn't match as her breasts made a contour around it, her nipples piercing through, a tantalizing sight to behold.

"Hi, baby," the female responded, adjusting her sitting position as she tinkered with her mobile device in hand.

Ace looked at her, a sly grin playing across his face as he admired the gorgeous sight he beheld, his eyes tracing from the lady's thick thighs all the way to her chest area, his favourite place. 

You might want to check on your sister. She's at it again.You know, the blue word?" Belinda, Ace's girlfriend, urged him, her tone tinged with concern.

Ace swiftly bolted from the chair, making a beeline for a partially open door, forgetting all the unholy thoughts he had just before then for his girlfriend.

As he hurried, he fired off a barrage of questions at Belinda, all the while attempting to slip into a pair of shorts.

"Did she miss her dose last night?" Ace inquired, his confidence in his memory wavering.

"I'm not sure. I would've checked on her myself, but you know how she feels about me... so..." Belinda responded, a touch of indifference creeping into her voice as she returned her attention to her mobile phone.

Ace, standing at the door, shook his head, uncertain whether to voice what he had in mind for Belinda or to keep it to himself. Nevertheless, he didn't want to upset his girlfriend, so he proceeded to check on his sister. She was in a room, resting on a bed marginally better than the worn-out couch he had just vacated.

He scanned a small table, where an assortment of medication containers lay scattered. His eyes darted about, but to his dismay, he couldn't locate what he was looking for. He let out a sigh and then turned his focus to the woman on the bed.

"Hey... hey... are you alright?" Ace rushed over to the blonde girl, who, at first glance, appeared far from well. Her complexion was pallid and drawn, her eyes bore the weariness of sleepless nights, and what was most conspicuous was the faint, pulsing glow around her neck.

"Blue..." Jennifer, Ace's ailing sister, murmured in the feeblest tone imaginable.

"Okay, Jenny. I'll go get you some medicine, alright? Meanwhile, I'll leave you with Brenda. She'll whip up something for you to eat. Please try to have it, okay? She won't harm you. She's my girlfriend and a part of this family, okay?" Ace spoke to Jenny in the softest tone he could muster, not wanting to disturb her further.

He placed a tender kiss on his sister's forehead before rising and hastening back to the living room, weariness etched across his face.

Ace hurried back into the living room, frantically sifting through a pile of clothes, sniffing each one under the armpits before discarding them in apparent horror.

"Are you heading out already?" Belinda inquired from behind Ace.

"Yeah, I have to. I need to go find her medication. Could you do me a favor and prepare something for her before you leave for work?" Ace requested.

"Prepare something?" Belinda echoed Ace's words.

"You know, breakfast?" Ace explained, his tone uncertain.

"Well, if you look around, you'll see there's nothing left. I used up what we had last night," Belinda clarified.

"Hold on," Ace said, visibly stunned by the news as he rushed over to a table in another corner of the cramped living room. Their small living space didn't offer much room for arrangement, but they made the most of what they had. The kitchen and bathroom were in the parlour, with the bathroom just next to the entrance door. So, visitors were greeted with a view of the bathroom upon entering.

The kitchen was a small wooden enclosure Ace had fashioned, resembling a compact dog house. Here, they kept an assortment of pots and basic kitchen utensils, reflecting the modest life they led.

"There's nothing left. And I distinctly remember that you and I were the only ones you served last night. How is there nothing left?" Ace questioned, still puzzled about the vanishing leftovers.

"Well, I got hungry and had a midnight snack!" Belinda admitted.

"Wait, does that mean Jenny hasn't had anything to eat?!" Ace exclaimed, his frustration mounting.

Belinda, engrossed in her device, didn't respond.

Ace shook his head several times before donning a long-sleeved shirt and plain trousers. He slipped on black shoes and, as he began buttoning up, Belinda approached, gently swatting his hand away to take over.

"Hey, you..." She whispered, a glimmer of remorse in her eyes. The heavy load on her chest, pressed against Ace's, she left the buttons to wrap her hand around his neck.

"I'll prepare something for her, don't you worry about that," Belinda said, searching through Ace's eyes with a sultry look on her face. 

"Now, hurry and get her the medicine. But be careful, I don't want anything to happen to your sexy self!" Belinda said, running her hand down to where the sun doesn't shine and grabbing the staff that parts the sea.

Ace gulped and she giggled in return, aware she had him just where she wanted. 

"I love you," Belinda said, planting a tender kiss on Ace's lips before finishing the remaining buttons for him.

*Author's note!*

*Let's get more support on this book please

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