
That time I took interest in far easter beauty

"This should be the part of the forest where that powerful enhanced species was spotted."

Even though Kai knew exactly where the monster was thanks to [Omni Universal Perception] he still decided to ask.

"No. I think it's closer to the cave system ahead."

It was Kaguya who answered him.

It has been around a month since the 3 Familias joined forces to subdue the seed of chaos (enhanced species) purposely scattered all around the continent by Evilus and in just a month their progress was going astonishingly well, and it was all thanks to Kai's [Omni Universal Perception] that pinpointed the very exact location of all the targets.

[Omni Universal Perception] in its base state allows Kai to sense everything 20 kilometers around him.

He had literally become a living and walking radar.

And this in its base state.

Giving all his focus and with the assistance of [Genius One] Kai can perceive everything in a 2000 kilometer distance.

Unfortunately, the amount of focus and mental power needed to execute such a power is astronomical and isn't good for Kai's current physical vessel.

Besides, Kai had been downgrading his [Omni Universal Perception] to make it look like he can only pinpoint the possible location.

He didn't intend to advertise his capabilities to strangers.

Currently, Kai has joined the main party to subjugate a very dangerous enhanced monster from the lower floors of the dungeon.

This was the most dangerous task so far, so most of the participants were level 3 and above.

The level 1s isn't even allowed to participate while the level 2s was designated to the job of a supporter.

At first, there were some concerns regarding Kai and the goddesses joining the main party in this subjugation but after being reassured that Kai can freely escape using the power (void step) he had displayed in the first day they relented.

However, when it comes to the gods, the others couldn't really do anything about it.

Gods are stubborn beings and wouldn't take a no for an answer that easily.

As of now, Kai is at the front of the carriage enjoying the peaceful and fresh scenery brought by nature.

While Kaguya the vice captain of Astraea Familia is acting as the coachman of the ride.

"You seem to be longingly expecting this journey Kai-sama."

Kaguya politely pointed out her observation.

Kai raised his eyebrows on guard around Kaguya.

Although she's not an enemy Kai couldn't really let his guard down against the woman.

Every time he looks at her, he is reminded of his former self, Gojo Satoru.

He and her are similar in a certain way and that is their unpredictability.

"There's no need to be so formal to me, miss Kaguya."

Kai decided to reply but still chose his words carefully.

She's dangerous in a strange way.

"Is that so, Kai-sama."

She looks straight to him in the eyes a strange glint can be seen on her own eyes which gives Kai a cold sweat making him unconsciously move back a little.

Seeing his reaction Kaguya smile became bigger that it almost turned into a smirk.

Kai couldn't help letting out an audible gulp.

"Then please stop referring to me as if I'm a stranger, calling me 'MISS' sounds wrong to my ears. You know it hurt my feelings."

She said, wiping the tears that escaped her eyes.

Kai cringed seeing her act which she deliberately exaggerated.

"Instead you can refer to me as Kaguya onee-san."

And just as Kai had expected, Kaguya made her move.

Such a scary woman.

Yet for some unknown reason he likes her this way.

Their similarities between each other are what make him want to be closer to her.

He could have avoided her if he wanted to by riding another carriage but chose this one because most of the passengers of the carriage are people he took interest in

Kai jolted taking a sudden step back because Kaguya's lovely face is just a meter close from colliding to his.

If he hadn't moved he is certain that they would've kissed each other.

Successfully avoiding her slight accidental stumbling (purposely) Kaguya lets out a sigh, though on the inside she's smirking.

Unbeknownst, to him, that was a test, Kaguya had cooked out of a whim to determine his capabilities.

The fact that he can react fast against a level 4s speed confirmed her hunch about his real prowess, although even if he couldn't dodge her accident that way she'll be able to taste his lips, but unfortunately not now it seems.

"Kaguya really is persistent. She couldn't take her eyes off Kai."

A cheerful voice luckily came and diffused the awkward atmosphere.


… Ouch…

Alise's high-class breasts class plate armor slammed onto Kai's back, making him stagger a bit, Alise's suddenly embracing him from the back.

"Oops. Sorry about that, Kai." (Alise)

Kaguya gave Alise a glare which the latter utterly ignored.

"Why do I feel that you aren't sincere concerning your apology?"

Kai retorted, seeing Alise's unusual expression.

"Nah. Don't bother overthinking, you genius kid…"

Unbeknownst to Alise and Kai, she is jealous because he has been spending most of his time with Kaguya, Laurier, Emma and, obviously, his sister Bella lately.

Laurier and Emma being long-time acquaintances and friends is understandable but Kaguya this made them suspect that Kai is into far eastern beauty.

The others also notice this behavior of his.

Even the two goddesses we're getting jealous of.

Kai did not know that him giving unconditional attention to Kaguya garnering everyone's mind to speculate about his preference of women.

Besides even if he did know about such matter he'll just shrug it off as nothing important.

"Kaguya and Alise can't really take their eyes from you, Kai.

To be able to charm both the captain and vice captain of the Astraea Familia truly as expected of Zeus-sama's grandson.

I'm envious.

You even set your eyes on my little Laurier…"

Hermes being Hermes began to annoy Kai and everyone else.


Asfi smack the god in the head making him stop before he could continue any further in making everyone's mood sour.

She gave a short bow to Kai in apology to the annoyance brought by her patron god's presence.

But Asfi was curious as well on how Kai was able to make the ever so illusive and kind-hearted Laurier fall for him just from meeting a couple of times.

Unfortunately, before Asfi could voice out her question they have company.

"We have guests…"

Said Kai in a cheerful tone.

Next chapter