
Garden Of Eden

The tree stood before her majestic in nature. It's golden leaves shimmering in the sun rays. Warmth filled her body, she felt at peace. Cautiously she reached out and placed her hand on his bark. The tree was cool to the touch and she could feel an energy radiating from its core. Slowly trickling into her vision she saw her life. She saw her parents, her family, and even her once beloved horse. Once her vision cleared of all the good memories she started to see her dark ones. She saw her mother and father fighting . She heard there words ringing out in her head as if it was only yesterday she was hiding in the corner listening to them argue. They never wanted her.. they never wanted kids. Tears rolled down her cheeks from her eyes but she could not look away. She could not stop. It continued with her being homeless, living out of her car. Working 3 jobs , working herself to death. Then the night she thought she was safe. She was with friends. But they wouldn't take her home. They told her they would leave in the morning. She heard her cries, the sound of her vomiting and she saw the picture of a man standing next to her ready to take a leak , that's when it stopped . Someone had her hand and lifted it off the tree. But who? She wasn't alone. Turning around she faced a tall man, he looked young but she could tell from his slight crows feet in the corner of his eyes that he was older. He had a shaved face and short blonde hair that was slightly messy. His eyes were almost has blue as hers, as she gazed up at them stuck in a momentary trance they looked playful and childlike. After a moment she jumped back.

" Who.. Who are you? " She stuttered slightly.

With a Cheshire grin and a calm demeanor he leaned against the tree.

" My name is Nathaniel.. little Owl. "

Who is he calling little owl? She was offended by his name calling.

" And you are...? " He said it with slight impatience.

" Maggie! and who are you calling little owl?" she demanded.

With a chuckle he folded his arms over his chest. " Your eyes are large and bright and you stuttered , so since I didn't get your name properly I thought little owl suited you. You are certainly cute like one"

His forwardness took her back slightly and she could feel the redness growing in her cheeks. This man was at least 20 years older then her even if he didn't look a day over 27. He could be part of this world or he could be a diver. She couldn't ignore her slight attraction to him but she had to tread lightly. He continued as if reading her thoughts.

" I am a diver... I am surprised to find your here. No once else has ever made this far..." His eyes turned a couple degrees colder as he spoke.

" You must have more control then most if you ended up here . This is what I call the garden of eden !"

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