
1 - World Dyed Red

<p>Sirens could be distantly heard while the jagged footsteps were screaming through the previously white-washed walls, however no longer. "3 2 1 NOW!" a mature-looking, muscular toned man commanded. <br/>Gruesome. This was the only word that could define this scene. <br/>A child - around the age of 6-7 - could be seen sitting in the middle of this so-called 'battlefield' with unaffected eyes. She sat there and continued staring at the unresponsive figures known as her parents. The men, who just previously barged in, paled up and some weak-stomached police men puked onto the blood-red floor. Walls splattered with blood while headless corpses could be seen gushing out blood like a nice and warm waterfall. The young girl's hair was drenched in the thick, red blood and her cold eyes never turned away from the corpses and dried-tears could be seen under her eyes.<br/>The men looked in horror at the girl who sparkled so brightly in the horrid room. However, pity and condolences could be seen through their eyes. The man who previously commanded the men was the first to step forward. "Child are you alright?" he said with a sense of fear in his voice, yet the girl didn't speak. She didn't even talk.</p>