1 My friend Pamela...

As i walk down the store aisle to find someone to help me, 'I feel lost and confused, what should I do?' I think to myself 'I'm never gonna find anyone. I'm just wasting my time!'

"Naple! HEY NAPLE! STOP AND LOOK AT ME! Excuse me, I'm trying to get to my friend, please excuse me, Sorry." she pushes through the crowd trying to find a way to me. "Well, goodmorning to you too." I chuckle as she tackles me for a hug. "OH BOY! DID. I. MISS. YOU! You where gone for so long. I thought you had found a husband and had a few kids already, or even DIED of old age!" I buckle in laughter. "You're so dramatic Pamela. I was not gone that long it was only 3 months!" I gently say to her.

'I wish I could tell her everything, but I am so tired I can't even walk correctly.' she notices my drowsiness "Naple, I have prepared something wonderful for you. I hope you enjoy it. You'll get to relax and rest." she grabs my wrist and starts walking me out of the airport store and shoves me in her car.

"You parked in front of the entrance?" I say a bit surprised. "Yeah. they where trying to get me to go somewhere else but I told them I was picking up VIP and they wouldn't like it if they stopped me. Y'know cause you can loose your job and with that they left me alone."

she had been the only friend I had since pre - k. she is the kindest person ever. Worries too much about me. I have only had one boyfriend ever who hurt me and she beat him up so badly he ended up in the hospital. So I hired her as my body guard for the modeling industry. You are probably wondering why I didn't take her on my recent trip to Japan and thats because her father got seriously ill the night before our flight. we called each other every night whether it was midnight or one in the morning. I called and listen to her cry. He's gotten better with the proper medicine and care.

"How is papa?" I ask worried as we arrive to the hotel. She puts her head down and relaxes a bit "He's doing ok. Thanks to you he's gotten way better. He has heart surgery tomorrow and a kidney replacement next week, but honestly I don't think he'll make it. Mama passed away 2 years ago as you know and he has been holding on just to watch me and you grow up and now that he is satisfied with our living arrangements and knows that we'll have each other to take care of everything together he wants to say goodbye." she starts crying. "Oh Pamela, it's ok. If that is what he wants then I will have everything canceled and put him on hospice care." she leans over to me laying on my shoulder and let's go. bawling her eyes out I hold her and cry with her quietly. She lifts up her head and begins to speak "As much as I want to argue I know its for the best. I'll have plenty of time to get over it and heal and return to happiness. he won't have that luxury of healing and getting to enjoy his heart better and a good kidney so we'll give it to a child who has been waiting years for it." We both agreed and I made the calls the next morning. The kidney went to a cancer child who was young and healthy and ready to go home she'll get to enjoy her life now. I paid the heart surgeon extra for even willing to do it and hired a hospice nurse. Papa was happy to be left alone and at home where he could just pass easily.

A week has gone by and papa has called for us. we walk in happy to see him "Hey my girls, how are the both of you doing?" we hugged him and said we where ok and he sighed a gave a slight smile "I called the both of you in because I feel my time is near. Pamela please shed your tears and go back to being my happy little girl. Don't stay sad okay?" Pamela starts crying as she says yes sir. He then turns his attention to me "Naple thank you for being there for my daughter. You are like my second daughter. You have taken such great care of us and I am so proud to see the two of you all grown up and responsible enough for me to leave and not worry on how you both will make it till tomorrow or even next week. I love you as my own please take great care of Pamela for me." He smiled and closed his eyes for the last time. I got everything situated and taken care of so Pamela doesn't have to worry about a thing.


"Pamela?" I look around the mall for her. 'where did she go?' I can't ever find her in the mall she jumps from one store to the other. Today is her birthday. I brought her to the mall and told her she had no budget. WORST MISTAKE EVER! She's like a child in the candy aisle. "PAMELA? WHERE DID YOU GOOO?!" I yell hoping she's not far away as I twist and turn. looking up and down every store I see when I bump into a wall or so I thought. "OH. when did they put a wa-" i look up to se a handsome man standing in front of me "I'm sorry miss I didn't see you. let me help you up." He puts his hand out for me to grab. So amazed by his beautiful blue eyes and his beautiful tan skin to top it off he has a dirty blonde hair.
