"Perception on Exile"
Io was a great planet that was secondary to none. The enormous star and its people had abilities that accomplished many glorious deeds. The universe granted every newborn life power. It was something that lies inert within the centre of the cosmos, a place that is still unexplored by anyone.
Even with tremendous potential, a dagger would eventually get blunt if it wasn't used for anything,
Io was destroyed in six months, and no one knew how many survived. The end of a star is also the birth of a new one. The planet split in two and those two halves attracted surrounding moons and started their journey through the universe to reach something or someplace that only they know.
The Io we have now is a dead half-star, that is surrounded by moons. And its other half was lost in the war along with several other moons. Snowfall festival is celebrated once every five years, as we do not have a large lifespan to celebrate it once in a while. That festival is still the only way we pay our respects to our ancestors who fought for us and died for us.
"This is the history we know about ourselves, and this is what we tell the children after they learn to call their parents. The kids smile gratefully, they thank the land, their parents and our deity. As a teacher who was qualified to teach as soon as I graduated, I never once saw a child who felt a sense of loss, no one wanted to find the other half of Io, he was being forgotten, and I couldn't bring myself to call him she or a mother planet, Io raised me, he gave me strength, he gave me a new father. If there's something I want to do to him, that is to find the civilization who made him fall this far into a state of feeling lost, I will find them and… and…. " - he woke up from his dream as he fell out of his bed and kissed the floor
"Oh yuck eww I swallowed my hair… ugh" - he cried in regret, first thing in the morning and then saw himself in the mirror and spent several minutes falling in love with himself and was rambling about how girls couldn't resist him
And then he realized - "Oh yeah I'm a teacher now, I should stop drinking on the first day of the week… actually who's gonna know nevermind,"
He walked downstairs and washed his face, held his hands high, waiting for the towel to touch his palm, and after wiping his face, it flew back upstairs and was left in a position to dry near his bed.
Then he floated down in the most grumpy way possible and hit his head against the stairs and kissed the floor again. "Ouch I feel sleepy" - he said while watching his sister give him a box, a gift box from his father. Who is wishing him luck in getting into the university,
He was disappointed as he saw what was inside - "Dad I'm not the man you think I will be… I'm not meant for all this" then he teleported himself into the bathtub and his clothes were teleported on top of a pile of his other used clothes.
"My name is – Clyde and I look after General Kiyoshi's house, my father, adopted me, and I write books, and articles while I'm at it, and today is my first day as a teacher in the university I graduated from… my brain feels like I woke up already but oh well, I'm nervous"
And he heard a voice call for him -
"Oh Clydeee, get down here, you better hurry up young man, dad wished you luck and sent some presents despite his schedule" - she says
He wakes up, holding his head and heard his sister call for him, notices his towel that's completely dry next to him… "Weird-d-d-d dododoooo" and he walks down two steps, then floats down another two steps and then teleports the remaining steps and moves into the dining hall, this time he walks.
"Hey, are these presents for me?" He asked and she replied while nodding her head as she was packing his snacks, he skips lunch and finds it embarrassing to eat outside.
And when he was about to touch the box, a knife came flying from the kitchen and stopped right in front of his heart, - "CLYDE gets ready and then have a look inside, GO NOW", the knife moved along as she spoke like how a maestro moves a baton.
"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME" - he screams.
"Use some conditioner on your tail, it doesn't look soft" - and as he says she was ready to throw back the knife again
Then he teleported back to his room with a smug face.
Clyde was dressed up, and ready to go, opened the door as he said his bye-bye to his sister and was about to leave but then he walked in again
"Oww crap, I almost forgot to take a look, sorry dad I'm on it" - he unknotted the ribbon and opens the box
He smiles.
A genuine smile that then turns into a smirk
"Thanks, father, you knew what I wanted even though we never talked much, I'm not surprised, I've always looked up to you" his sister heard those words while she was cutting up fruits in the kitchen. She was quite confused but was also happy for him.
"He misses you" - she said
After placing the box in his room he left to meet his new students, who are almost his age. Clyde is an exception when it comes to intellect and speed, he's quick at everything except one, taking hints.
He then walked out of the house and went past the gate, looked up and noticed everyone hurrying for work as they flew past at high speeds he inhales, and disappears
"I'll be back at seven, cya."
coming soon