
Reviews of Hamon User in MHA


Hamon User in MHA


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Why did you skip all of his childhood. I kinda wanna see how he would act growing up. Also why are you starting the main story so fast we know nothing of the MC what he like, dislikes, hates and puts up with. Then you made him OP right of the bat we don't even know why he wants to be strong. I wanna see how he grows with hamon, find out new things with it fail, succeed and get ideas from it not instant mastery. I'm not trying to hate or be mean but the story is so boring and cliche that it hurt to read. Spice it up make the MC know nothing of the MHA world. If you get mad at this don't pull the "Don't read it if you don't like it" stuff. To many people can't take honest criticism and it shows in there very boring and basic story's. There is potential in this story but it has a very bad start.

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a question for ya if there's no harem will the thots still flock __________________________________________________________________________