
Chapter 54

"I have collected all of the relevant data Sir, and we now have all we need to implement a takeover," said Omni.

"What do we have so far on the two of them" Asked Axel. Omni brought up a bunch of data which included emails, voice recordings, and videos which showed some of the things that they had done.

"For Admiral Parangosky, we have gathered her saying things regarding, spending lives to save the many and sacrificing entire colonies to learn more about the Covenant. One such instance was during the battle of Chi Ceti IV where Parangosky worked alongside the Commander on the ground to test the capabilities of the Covenant army which resulted in thousands of lives lost" Stated Omni.

Axel scrolled through the list of things which was more than enough to pin Admiral Parangosky as unfit for duty and expending her power to waste human lives on gathering information on the enemy. 

While some might agree with her methods, the people and Hundreds of thousands of people within the UNSC would not agree with her methods which wasted thousands of lives.

"On the other hand, Admiral Gardner had allowed her to do this by not interfering and his position as the Chairman has not been exactly peaceful. Many people who challenged his authority and ability have either disappeared or been put in prison on false charges" Explained Omni.

"Even recently some officers have been court martialed after speaking out against the actions of the UNSC during the early stages of the war. Though these officers have been shut up there is still evidence if you dig deep enough" Finished Omni.

"Nice, this should be more than enough" said Axel as all the information so far enough to cause some problems in the upper echelons.

His allies within the UNSC have expanded over the years. That plus his popularity amongst the soldiers would make his rise to power easy.

Within the Security Council everybody besides Admiral Gardner, Admiral Parangosky and Admiral Jackson the CNO was an active supporter of his rise to power.

General Black (UNSC Marine Corps), General Stone (UNSC Airforce), and General Graham (UNSC Army) were all still part of the UNSC Security Council and they had all slowly became supporters of Axel in the beginning of the war.

In the beginning from 2525 until now 2531, saw a rise in Officers supporting Axel. Mainly because of the new younger officers who began to rise in the ranks and the older officers began to retire due to old age, injuries, or other health related matters.

Each one of the Generals for each branch was made aware of the plan and fully supported it. One because of a growing divide within the UNSC Security Council, and on the other hand was that Axel had the support of the majority within the UNSC and almost all Humans on each planet.

So, on June 2nd, 2531, the data against the two of them were leaked and broadcasted to every human planet. And then once the media companies got their hands on the information, they continued to spread it which caused some major protests on Earth and a few inner colonies.

The information had reached so far that within 12 hours Earth and the inner colonies had seen massive protests at UNSC facilities calling for vengeance for their loved ones who were lost because of a test conducted by the UNSC.

On June 3rd, 2531, a general meeting of the UNSC Security Council was called by Admiral Gardner which is exactly what Axel wanted. All members were required to attend to discuss a rising problem within the UNSC and major development. The atmosphere was tense as the attendees assembled, whispers and hushed conversations bubbling beneath the surface.

Of course, they were all faking it as they knew what was about to happen next. As Admiral Gardner took the podium, a hush fell over the assembled room.

"Admirals, Generals" he began. "The recent information which has surfaced against me, and Admiral Parangosky is fake" Stated Admiral Gardner trying to lie and make things clear.

Admiral Gardner continued to speak with conviction, determined to sway the room. "The false information was deliberate, meant to drive us apart and distract us from our mission. If we succumb to these fabrications, we risk losing the war due to in-fighting."

"I have a suspicion of who is behind this," stated Admiral Parangosky, taking a sip from her cup. "It must be Admiral Woods. He's the only one with the capability to orchestrate something of this magnitude. But I'm sure you all knew that didn't you?"

General Black was the first to stand up amongst the attendees "Indeed you are right Admiral Parangosky". As if on cue a squad of marines burst through the doors.

Admiral Gardner stood up from his seat in disbelief while Admiral Parangosky took another sip from her cup. Next to Admiral Gardner was Admiral Jake Jackson who stood up as well. "What is this?" he questioned.

"It has been determined that the two of you and your plans are costing us in the long run. Wasting UNSC soldiers' lives and causing their families to suffer is not what the UNSC stands for nor will I allow it to continue" Stated General Black. The other attendees had all stood up in agreement as this was the plan from the start.

"Your all Traitors!" Yelled Admiral Gardner as a massive vein showing his frustration popped up on the side of his head.

"This has never happened in the History of the UNSC, how can you accuse them based off fabricated claims that have yet to be verified" Cried out Admiral Jackson.

"Men arrest the three of them" Ordered General Black as the marines moved in the arrest the three of them. Admiral Gardner and Jackson tried to resist but they were no match against the marines. Admiral Parangosky just stood up and accepted her fate.

She knew when she had lost so she didn't try to resist as it was too late to run. She didn't regret what she did, nor would she go back and change her decision. What was done was done and there is nothing that can be done about it.

After the general meeting was over, it was announced that the two of them were arrested and would be trialed for the evidence stacked against them. In the meantime, a new chairman would be chosen in the coming week to replace Admiral Gardner. At the same time a new CNO would be chosen to replace Admiral Jackson.

Meanwhile Axel was selected as the temporary head of ONI until his position became official. Though this appointment would turn out to be not so temporary after a while. His position as the Chairman was also already decided by the UNSC Security Council, they were just waiting a week for things to blow over and the population to calm down.

It was a new time for humans as a new era was about to usher in with them at the forefront.

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