
Halo: Anomaly in the Galaxy

In the rich and expansive universe of Halo, where superhuman soldiers known as Spartan-IIs fight against the relentless Covenant forces, a remarkable tale unfolds. 'Halo: An Anomaly in the Galaxy' follows the journey of a young boy who becomes an unexpected participant in the legendary Spartan-II program. Amidst the chaos of war, this boy finds himself standing out from the rest, possessing special genetic factors that catch the attention of renowned scientist Dr. Catherine Halsey and seasoned military officer Captain Jacob Keyes. Instead of being subjected to the usual path of abduction, he is 'adopted' by the duo during a critical review process, marking him as the first candidate to be accepted into the program. Bestowed with the name 'Alpha' as a symbol of his pioneering status, the young recruit embarks on an arduous training regimen alongside his fellow Spartans. As battles rage and the conflict intensifies, 'Halo: An Anomaly in the Galaxy' delves into the untold events and epic clashes that have been overshadowed by the broader narrative. Through the lens of this extraordinary Spartan-II, readers witness the profound impact that a single soldier can make on the outcome of war. This gripping novel provides a fresh perspective on the Halo universe, delving into the untold tales of valor and resilience. 'Halo: An Anomaly in the Galaxy' paints a vivid portrait of a young hero's journey, his unwavering determination, and the indomitable spirit that sets him apart in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

MEMES_R_gud · Video Games
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26 Chs

Update 2

Yo it's me again. Coming back to you with another update.

So I kinda decided to drop a monthly update until I actually am ready to drop the story. This is just a sort of way to stay in communication and for you all to know that I am not dead....probably. Anyway again the plan is to get enough chapters that I can do daily chapters for a while.

Now I do have some news.... I unfortunately ended up having to rewrite what I have had so far. This is mostly because of my overthinking and perfectionist tendencies, and I also think overall I was falling back into some problems that this story originally had. But now I am a bit more optimistic so to say with my plan for the story now, but don't worry the plot for the most part has not changed (even the small spoiler of arcs will still be included).

Also I would love to hear what you would like to have included, and if you have any ideas especially while I am in the phase of writing rn.

Besides that, I have finals coming up for the next two weeks so my writing will slow down, but if it makes you feel any better I may drop the first chapter next month as a sneak peak.

Anyway, I have rambled enough, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will See You Star Side