
Halo and the horns

A girl and Boy falls in love during theirs Teens . Different geners of both becomes an challenge for both to continue their relation .The girl with Halo and Boy with Horns are going to continue their relation.Whats on their Way ? let's see . Meet Tara & Ronn with a different story . Hope I don't dismay you .

Bhuvana_R_Pai · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Love is blind

Ronn was very sad and very angry to Ella .But he couldn't hate her , when all his friends told him many nasty ways to make Ella ashamed , he didn't do it . Whenever he is gonna ruin Ella's days , he would think about Tara . Then he get relief . If ever he got some snowflake in his summer days , that was Tara's presence with him. She always have bubbly smile and cheerful voice . That always make Ronn's day .He started calling Tara whenever he feel tensed . Tara would attend , no matter what the situation is .She got used to Ronn's call so much that she started avoiding things that made her busy . She avoided going to night parties with Kiran& Karthik to spend more time with Ronn .Ronn never knew all these .He believed Tara is always free . Only time she get busy would be with family or when Karthik directly ask her for outing as she can't say 'No' to those . Kiran had noticed her change .He directly asked her whether Ronn was her boyfriend . She said a 'No' smiling .

Ronn was not in mood to go to School as he knew it was Ella's Birthday . Her Bday came a day before their Christmas celebrations . All her admirers gave her costly gifts .Ronn didn't want to go to school that day . He can't afford Costly gifts for her and neither he wanted to give. So he faked fever and skipped school.

But as it was nearing noon , he got very bored alone at home . He thought about Tara .

''Oh how nice it would have been if I could call her now .. but she'll be at school . The world seems so empty for me now " .. Ronn said to himself . He simply typed a 'Hello Tara ' and sent her and he kept his phone aside . He took a deep breath and covered himself with blanket . Suddenly his phone beeped twice . He opened it .He expected Das's message . He know Das take phone to school . As expected the message was from Das asking why he was absent . Ronn replied he is not in mood . Das saw the message but didn't ask anything more . Das can read Ronn's mind so he just gave a thumbs up and went back to his duties . Ronn was lazily going to turn his data off when suddenly the second message striked him .It was from Tara . He was shocked . 'Why wasn't she at school this time ?' He thought to himself . He opend it .

"Hey . what's up boy ?"

He smiled a smile of relief . He was happy that he got company .

"Why are you here ? Don't you have classes ?"Ronn asked very seriously .

"Shall I mention it back now ?" Tara asked smiling . Both laughed . Both needed a company and it was co insident that they both met online . "Call?" Ronn asked

"Why not ?" Tara replied .

Ronn was very happy that he completely forgot his problems and started dialing her number . Suddenly he saw a number calling him . It wasn't Tara . He thought it might be her new number and answered at the first ring .

"Hey , I'm Anu . Why are you absent at school today ?"

"Huh? Oh .. Anu .. O .. Okay .. I have fever ."

"Oh .. Then stay away from your phone and take rest ."

"Okay Bye .."

"Huh!? Why are you in hurry ? I came back home because I didn't find you at school .I needed to ask you and talk to you ."

"Why ?"

"Don't know .Just needed to talk to you .Do you have time ?"

Ronn wanted to call Tara very badly but didn't want to share about Tara with anyone . She was his secret happiness .So he replied

"Okay , I'll talk to you for five minutes . Mom's about to come "

"Okay Ronn . I just wanted you to be healthy soon and come to school . "

'Why is she being so nice to me ?' Ronn thought. But he didn't asked . He just told 'Hmm.., okay , Hah .." to everything she was telling .Anu was one among his female friends .Anu always tried to come closer to him and Ronn didn't suspected anything . Anu gave him information about Ella , her Bday and much more .It made Ronn more desperate and be just wanted Anu's call to end so he can call Tara .

"Okay then Anu .. Let's meet tomorrow .Bye "

"O . Okay Ronn ..Sorry to disturb you .But I missed you so I called you ." She said .

Ronn was so puzzled .He was always nice to everyone and also Anu but he didn't like her trying to come closer . He hanged up the call without any replies and quickly dialled Tara's number . At 2-3 rings she took the call .

"Hey , I thought you got busy " Tara said .

"Ha .. One of my friends called to ask about my health ."

"huh? what happened to your health ? "

"Nothing happened but I took a day off faking a fever ."

"Oh you stupid "

"Haha ."

They talked for hours about the whether difference , film stories , about someone and also they talked about their lives . It was past 2.00 and they both remembered they hadn't had their lunch . Tara had a fever and that's why she was there . Her parents were in a trip and she was home alone . Suddenly she heard a knock on the front door . She got shocked .She wondered who it might be . She told a bye to Ronn and went downstairs to check who it was . Through the windows she saw the person standing outside .It was Karthik . He was in his basketball training shirt and shorts and he was holding a jar and container . She brushed her hair with hand and arranged the dress she wore . She opened the door and gave Karthik a warm smile . Karthik too smiled back .She suddenly realised she is home alone and got nervous .

"Mom & Dad went outside . They'll only arrive by night " she said wondering if Karthik came to meet any of them .

"I know " Karthik said . That made her even more nervous . Seeing her face getting red with fear Karthik smiled .

"They called me & Said you are home alone and your phone is busy for past two hours .They got worried and asked me to stay with you "

"Stay with me ???" Tara asked surprised .

Actually staying with Tara was Karthik's wish and not her parent's request . They just told she's home alone and they'll only return by night and the phone case .Rest was Karthik's own words . "They said you are not well " Karthik said worried .

Tara was still looking at him tensed and surprised ."Hello ... can you stop looking at me like that .. Your eyes are making me worried ."

Karthik said with a smile and she asked him to come inside . When she was climbing the stairs she heard Karthik locking the door .Tara was now super tensed . She didn't know anyone out in the neighborhood even though she's there for so many months .All she know was Karthik's family . Her heart beat increased rapidly . Karthik was in kitchen now .She heard voice of plate's clatter . She gulped the last drop of confidence she had . She heard footsteps coming up and it knocked her room .Her feeling was such as if she'll pee right on spot .

"Come in Karthii.. " She said in firm voice but shivering inside .He opened the door and came in .He held a plate of porridge and a bowl of soup in his hands . She looked at him puzzled .He kept it on the table and smiled at her. "You should eat and get healthy soon .If you want more , you can ask me .I'll bring it for you ." Karthik said .

"How do you know that I didn't had my lunch?"

Karthik laughed at her question and replied

"If your phone had been engaged continuously for two hours , I guessed you didn't had lunch."

"oh .. Thank you .so nice of you to take care of me" Tara said sighing a sigh of relief .

"It's my pleasure " He said and went out .

Tara stood up and went near the table .That was the food he brought .she thought in her mind ."He's so adorable" she said to herself .

"I'll be back within a few minutes Tara "

Karthik called out standing down stairs .

"Okay " Tara said .

She heard the voice of footsteps going far and front door closing . She ate a spoon of soup.

"yum .. His mom cooks food tastier " She spoke to herself .She gulped the remaining food and felt so much better .Soon she felt that lazy tiredness after food . She washed the plates and came back to room and laid on bed . She took mobile and checked for new messages . Ronn wasn't online so she decided to take a nap . She heard the voice from front door and realised it must be Karthik . Her guess wasn't wrong . He came after a bath and this time he had books in his hands . He knocked Tara's room and she said

"Come in Karthii "

When she just took a glimpse of him , she couldn't take her eyes off him . He wore a white Kurthi and jeans . His wet hair fell covering his half forehead . It seemed to her that he coloured his hair last day . It was little Brownish in shade and he had a silver chain with cuboid locket around his neck and he looked like some cute & handsome bollywood actor . He smiled at her . He kept the books on her shelf and said

"I thought you'll be bored sitting all day alone .I've bought you latest books in the store . You love fictional stories right ? I hope you enjoy reading this " .

Tara was surprised .How does he know so much about her ? She smiled and nodded .

"You can sleep now . I'll be on the balcony . Call me if you need anything . " He said .

"I think ... you can sit here . I will be fine with it ." Tara said and Karthik looked at her surprised . He sat on the wooden chair near the windows . She smiled at him warmly and slept . Soon she fell in deep sleep . He was looking at her and it seemed that he even forgot to blink his eyes . Tara looked very cute while she was asleep . Her big wide eyes were closed and eye lashes dancing in the breeze .Her black wavy hair fell across her white cheeks and her pink cute lips looked more puffy .The after noon sunlight was falling beside her and that light made her face shine a little brighter . Her beauty wasn't exposed at one sight but if you looked deep into her , you'll forever fall for her because she was so much Pretty and Beautiful .Once you dive in her beauty and live , you'll never find the way out of it . That's Tara's magic . Karthik saw her phone vibrating and went to see who it was . He saw the name and it said ' Ronn ' . Karthik's smile suddenly vanished . For a moment he prayed Ronn never come between them .He stared at the mobile till the call was automatically cut . He thought for a moment about Ronn and he turned to look Tara . She was in a deep sleep and he slowly brushed her hair off from her cheeks . He smiled automatically looking her face and looked at her with all the love in his heart . He sat near her on the bed and looked her . He imagined her waking up and staring at him with her wide eyes and suddenly she'll be shocked to see him on her bed . He blushed and then he smiled . He looked at her once again and went back to sit on the chair . . He thought

" I have seen girls who can make you fall easier and who you can forget more easier , but Tara is different . She won't make you fall at the first sight , But if you fell ; you cound never forget her . " Karthik smiled at that interesting thought .

( .... To be continued ..... ❤️ ... Thank you all for your support . Thank you so much for your love . Thank you 🥺 . )