

I was breathing as hard as a horse after a race,I crouch ready to spring.

She's not ready for the next surprise,I act weak I am on my knees and she stalks closer,matt trys to help me but he can't he's been held back by couple of soldiers and I pool all the power, energy I have left in the palm of my hands.i keep looking for an opening ,hand to hand combat with someone possessing your mother's body is painful.as she throws me against the wall I hear bones cracked, where,I don't know I just keep throwing blows ,kicks trying to keep her away from the medallion the only object tying the vile spirit to the body for a long period of time. luring her in,she kicks my stomach and I drop to my knees again and I stare as t the woman I once called mom getting ready to plunge a knife in my heart...why is all this happening I ask my self and the answer is in the air someone is using magic to answer me,.be ause you were born

Heya guys,this is my first book on web novel I hope you like,I made sure to make even the prologue end with a cliff hanger

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