
Ch - 4.1


Nuff said go read




Inside the traditional Japanese room, around the size of a normal bedroom, seated across from each other were influential people of the Jujutsu society. Satoru Goji, Masamichi Yaga, Yoshinobu Gakuganji and Utahime Iori. The principals and representatives of two Jujutsu Schools. Matter of discussion was…

Reincarnation of the Special Grade cursed spirit, Ryomen Sukuna, or otherwise called the 'King of Curses.'

"Execution of Itadori Yuji, the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna…has been postponed. I suppose this is your doing…" Gakuganji spoke with malice. Through his words, Gojo could interpret what the higher ups weren't able to tell him vocally. They were not in agreement with this, but at the same time, they couldn't do much. 

The prospect of also eliminating all the fingers of Ryomen Sukuna was great. Satoru managed to convince them that Itadori is to be executed after consuming other fingers, thus finally removing them from the world, taking the soul of "King of Curses". 

Gojo hummed, "That is right. I postponed the death sentence and we are also going to put him in our school~ There's nothing else you can do about it." His provocations went unnoticed, only one who was getting caught by them was Utahime who really wanted to punch him in the face. 

Yaga had to follow up with better explanations to vouch for Satoru, "Yesterday, we've confirmed the existence of a Special Grade cursed spirit that roams Tokyo. Oiketsu Kamo has also given us vague descriptions of the curse." 

At his words, Utahime, who heard the name of her student, widened her eyes. In a similar situation was Gakuganji, he was no less surprised by the news, especially about Oiketsu spotting the special grade curse. "The curse has taken the life of two civilians, turning them into curses." 

"Boom, big news." Satoru remarked with a grin on his face, while crossing his legs, seemingly not caring about the situation. But he received a bump from his teacher, who spoke telepathically to him, 'This is a serious matter.' Which indeed it was and Satoru understood that. 

Utahime's already shocked face turned more grim. She muttered, "Turn…humans into curses?" 

"That is absolutely right. Though, we couldn't provide concrete evidence to the higher ups, as they believe this to be one of our attempts to gain more influence on them. We believe it is wise to advise our sister school about the dangers as well, hopefully, you trust your former student as well." 

Utahime nodded, "I've known of Oiketsu's capabilities for a long time. Though he is a bit unruly, one thing he has never done was to lie. He'd rather not say anything, than tell false information." She received a side eye from the principal of Kyoto's school, but even he agreed to that. 

"I believe more special grade curses would start appearing as well, so, I advise you to be prepared, old man." Satoru, different from his usual demeanor, warned Gakuganji. 

The appearance of an unregistered cursed spirit was already a threat. Truthfully, he also believed that after the events of 2011, more curses would start appearing. It was only to be expected after the catastrophe, not only that but eventually already killed cursed spirits would reincarnate as well. 

In addition Ryomen Sukuna. 

"So, mind telling us where you were?" 

Oiketsu was asked the question as he lit up the tip of the cigarette in front of his new classmates. He then said, "I was on a mission that Gojo-san entrusted to me. I was totally powerless against him, so that's the explanation for it."

 "Hm, a mission from that white-haired prick…" Maki spat out, "he doesn't usually do that." In this she was right. Something urgent must've happened that they don't know about yet. Maybe Oiketsu knew of it? "Has something happened?" 

Oiketsu shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of. We will probably be told by Gojo-san himself, or from faculty." 

"Well, we also have missions soon." Panda mentioned, "But I guess you'll be free for sometime." The second grade students would receive much more missions compared to the first years due to experience. But the curriculum only allows so much… the missions are not as frequent, it takes weeks to receive one. 

Oiketsu would've loved to get hands on more money through missions. "I guess, I'll just spend my time checking out the school. Maybe, I'll hang around the first years." 

My last mission made me think about a lot of things and the way I apply my cursed techniques. I was in deep thoughts as I got the idea of using the binding vows, by sacrificing my own blood to control others. Though, there would be drawbacks, the vow you make should have equivalent value to what you get. If I am to control the blood of others, depending on the capacity, I should sacrifice a similar amount of blood. 

After the usage, it'll take a lot of time to recharge due to me using the vow on my cursed technique that itself requires a recharge. Exhausting the cursed technique is a thing if you are using the complex extension of it, but Satoru has given me the idea. Something about me destroying my right prefrontal cortex and rebuilding it with the help of reversed cursed technique. 

This would give me the ability to use my cursed technique in capacity as if it wasn't exhausted at all. I don't know how Gojo Satoru knows of this, but since he also has RCT, he must be speaking from personal experience. 

But that's not the most important thing I've had on my mind after the mission. For how the cursed techniques were passed down through generations was always of concern to me…The thing is, I've inherited the technique, so did Noritoshi. The passage of the innate techniques happens through blood, that was a fact. Again, there's another thing, if it's passed down through blood, then how is Yuta Okkotsu able to copy the cursed techniques of other people? 

So it must not be "just" genetically passed down, since Yuta is able to gain cursed techniques…


Tokyo Jujutsu High was very much different from Kyoto. The main difference was the location and the way things worked here. There were more capable sorcerers in Tokyo, considering the fact that Tengen also resides here, Tokyo is now of greater importance than Kyoto. Though the two of the big three clans will disagree with this. 

As Oiketsu walked around the school mindlessly, he felt like a time traveler. Because things in Jujutsu schools don't change throughout the years. The place where he was seated in the classroom could've belonged to Gojo Satoru years ago. So on and so on, the architecture of this building remained unchanged despite the fact it was attacked probably a lot of times by other sorcerers. 

Then they were… Gojo saw entering the school with a civilian, or more like a new clueless student in the Jujutsu High. With the pink hair and brown eyes, there was a lot distinguishing about the guy. His appearance in the school already spoke a lot. Something must've happened. That could mean that the reason why Gojo handed him the vision could be…this boy. 

"Oh, hello there!" Of course, the second grader couldn't escape the sight of Gojo's Six Eyes. They were as perceptive as always. "How was the mission for you?" He was then asked a question which Gojo already knew the answer to. 

He simply shrugged, it was special indeed, but he couldn't get much out of it. Oiketsu simply learned about the existence of a new special grade cursed spirit, not hunting him down. This mission will be handed to the special grade Gojo Satoru, most likely.

"Who is he?" The pink haired boy asked Satoru. 

"He is a student here in Jujutsu High, already pretty accomplished. He'll be your senpai over here." Gojo grinned while saying the last part, while also reminiscing about his time as a senpai more than ten years ago. 

The boy got very excited, "Oh! It's nice to meet you, senpai!" He instantaneously bowed to Oiketsu, making him feel rather weirded out. This was his first time ever getting senior treatment. It was not to his liking, making him feel old for nothing. His smoking habit already made him feel older than others. 

"No need, and my name is Oiketsu… no need to call me senpai."

Despite the request, it still happened, "It's nice to get to know you, Oiketsu senpai. It's Itadori Yuji at your service!" 

Oiketsu said, "Is he the second first year? or…" 

Gojo nodded and told Oiketsu that he would explain everything later, once Yuji passes the examination of the principal. Technically, he was still not enrolled and had to do what every regular sorcerer did during the enrollment process. 

"I guess, good luck, Yuji."

"Thank you very much, Oiketsu-senpai." 

Yuji was too polite and grateful for his own good. There was no hint of bitterness in his voice and eyes, he truly spoke from the bottom of his heart and this was rather surprising in the Jujutsu World. As if he had no negativeness in him, so the question was how come he is to become Jujutsu Sorcerers?

Oiketsu shrugged as he left the compound towards the cafeteria where he would be alone this time. When he entered the room there were no third years and no first years either…not like there were many of them. This was a bit boring, so Oiketsu simply took out a premade sandwich from the fridge and sat down for himself, continuing to think about cursed techniques.

As he munched on the ham sandwich, he heard footsteps behind him, coming from… the first year, Megumi Fushiguro. What a coincidence. He had a lot of bruises on himself, though it didn't seem to be much of an issue. Probably got healed up by the medical staff of the school. Oiketsu was unnoticed by him for quite some time, he even managed to pick up a meal from the fridge and still not notice him. 

Only when he turned around and wanted to sit down, then his eyes laid on the Oiketsu. He wasn't too surprised, but as they both stared at each other for a good minute, then he got a bit embarrassed. This face was totally unrecognizable, Fushiguro didn't know who that was and what was he doing here. 

"Who are you?" His question was straight to the point, without much politeness which he could definitely borrow from his new classmate. 

"Your new upperclassman." 


The silence ensued in the cafeteria. It was an awkward silence in which none of the participants wished to talk first. Both of them looked very much alike in this aspect, though the older one was interested in the first year for his technique, while the younger simply wanted to know how powerful was the person next to him. 

"Are you from the Kamo clan?" The sudden question from Megumi ended the long lasting silent stare down. 

"Kamo Oiketsu, that's right and you are Fushiguro Megumi. I've heard a lot about you from some Kyoto students…" 

Megumi raised an eyebrow, "And whose could I've caught that I'm being talked about?" He was already guessing in his mind could it've been, but he needed the confirmation to satisfy his curiosity. 

"Your clan member? I can't be sure if you know her, but she is the sister of Maki… your upperclassman here." 

Megumi was not surprised, "It wouldn't have been somebody else, of course… but I've left the clan a long time ago. So those matters are out of my concerns. Though, I'm interested Oiketsu-senpai, why did you leave Kyoto High school?." 

Oiketsu only slightly looked over Megumi and said, "The same reason why you left your clan." Implying that their situation wasn't too different after all. Megumi wanted to differ, but he kept his mouth shut. Gojo did mention that their stories were no different from each other. 

Megumi had known about Oiketsu only through Gojo, who spoke of him a year ago as a strong Kyoto student with the most talent. Similarly to his senior, Yuta Okkotsu, this guy was also the only first year that participated in the Kyoto Goodwill event. The fact that was a year ago spoke a lot, now he should be even stronger. 

Probably stronger than Maki, Panda and Inumaki. 

Yuta was out of consideration due to him being the special grade, with his potential being possibly even greater than Gojo's. Oiketsu was a welcoming surprise, Megumi was even glad that he chose to transfer and move away from the conservative principles of his clan. Technically he hasn't left it, but this move could only imply that he was close to being exiled. 

"So, do you know why Yuji Itadori is getting enrolled?" 

"He is a vessel of Ryomen Sukuna" 

"You said what now?" 

"The King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna." 

How was that even possible, the reincarnation of Ryomen Sukuna was surreal news to the whole Jujutsu Society, hopefully not everyone knew of it. How could Gojo Satoru even convince the hierarchy to allow his enrollment into the school. He couldn't have hid it from them, that's simply impossible considering that higher ups monitor Sukuna's fingers thoroughly.

So, Oiketsu asked, "How did you manage to convince them?" He questioned Gojo directly as they were seated in the same room. Their training still continued after all.

"Quite simply actually. I promised that I would personally take care of Itadori and make him consume other fingers, but his execution was simply postponed and not really canceled. Though, it's entirely different if he manages to absorb Sukuna's powers…" Gojo smiled creepily, and it dawned upon the student what he meant. 

Gojo didn't even consider killing Yuji, instead he wanted the sorcerer to get a hold of Sukuna's powers and turn him into an ally. Seemed even more surreal, but they both inhabited the same body and their souls had to share a space. Sukuna's cursed energy technically flowed through Yuji's body and it was possible to get a hold of it. 

"Sukuna's cursed techniques, are they even known? Besides, he must be trying to become free as well… Itadori won't make a binding vow, right?" 

Gojo was hesitant to answer, "Can't really be sure. Unless he gets tricked into it, he shouldn't. They are polar opposites of each other. Yuji would kill himself before attempting to strike a deal with the King of Curses." 

"That's awfully confident of you." 

"Well, either way if Sukuna consumes Itadori…" Gojo rested his head on hands, "I'll defeat him and everything will be back to normal." 

Oiketsu wasn't so sure about this, "You can't ever be sure about the future, but if it's not you…I guess there's nobody else." 

"Glad you understand that…but I hope somebody else surpasses me in the future. There are a lot of people with great potential. Yuta, Megumi, Hakari, Yuji and even you." 

Oiketsu looked away, "You are just overestimating my capabilities. There's no way I can even come close." 

"As you said, you never know. Back to the topic now!" Gojo clasped his hands together and stood up, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

Oiketsu nodded. Their training at the moment revolved around learning cursed technique reversal and it was going quite well. They've already found out that he could control other's blood to some degree, this in case his cursed energy was much greater than the opponents. Now, they had to get around that fact as well, and with Gojo's suggestion they were going to try using binding vows. 

So far they were going to start with a small amount, "Okay, try sacrificing a small amount of blood to control mine… if it comes out successful, there's a lot more room to progress."

"Alright, then…"

'[Binding Vow: Blood Sacrifice!]'

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