

Jeremy walked into the ward where Hailey was admitted. He walked closer to her and stared at her sleeping face. There was a visible bruise on the side of her head. Damn it! He hated seeing her like this. Watching her like this felt terrible and suddenly he began to regret letting her go in the first place.

"It's my fault this happened to you!" He said out loud in regret. There was total silence in the room.

Just then his phone began to ring. He didn't pick the call. The dialer called again and he decided to answer. The call was from Stacey.

"Hey Stace!" He answered.

"Jeremy, I've been calling for a while now but you haven't been responding to my calls." Stace said.

"I'm sorry Stace!" He apologized.

"Where's Hailey? Have you seen her?" She asked.

"Yeah I have. She's right here with me. She got involved in an accident!" He threw the bombshell.

"Oh my goodness! Was it serious?"

"No it wasn't. She only sustained a bruise."

"I'm sorry Jeremy. It's my fault! Where are you guys now?"

"We're at the hospital!"

"Okay, my mum and I are gonna be there soon."

"Okay!" He replied and hung up. Jeremy let out a sigh and got up to leave. He felt her soft, fragile hand touch him.

"Don't go Jeremy! Stay here with me!!" Her feeble voice said to him. He looked at her and met her eyes wide open.

"Hailey, you're awake!"

"Jeremy, where am I? Last thing I remember was another colliding with mine!" She said.

"You're at the hospital Hailey! You lost consciousness and was rushed here!!" He explained.

"What!" She exclaimed. She tried to get up but Jeremy stopped her.

"Easy there young lady! You need to rest! The doctor said you need to rest so relax Hailey!!"

"No I don't need rest, I'm perfectly fine!" She stated.

"The doctor knows best Hailey. Relax your nerves!" She finally gave in.

"Okay Jeremy!" She said and relaxed herself. Ten minutes later, they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Jeremy's voice echoed from inside. It was mum and Stacey.

"Hailey, how did this happen?" Stace asked as she sat down on the bed next to her sister.

"It was the other driver's fault. He violated traffic rules." Jeremy explained.

"Hailey dear, how are you feeling?" Mum asked.

"I'm fine mum!" She responded.

"We need to get you a something to eat!" Jeremy said.

"Don't worry about that Jeremy. I brought some beverages along, I'll go get them in the car!" Stace said to him and left to get it. Five minutes later, she returned with it and Hailey ate.

"Won't you eat Jeremy?" Hailey asked.

"I'm not hungry Hailey, enjoy your meal!" He responded and she let out a sigh.

"Okay but please eat before you go to bed!" He simply nodded. Mum decided to leave. She couldn't leave their dad at home alone.

"I have to go now dear. I can't leave your dad at home alone. I'll come see you tomorrow!" She explained.

"Okay mum!" She replied and hugged her mum. Meanwhile, Stacey stayed behind.

Hailey was placed in a first class ward. She was the only one admitted in the room. There was a personal toilet and an extra bed for a visitor. The hospital room was very comfortable. Stacey slept on the other bed while Jeremy sat on the sofa.

"Are you sleeping there?" Hailey asked him. He replied with a nod.

"No you can't sleep there! Come over here. There's plenty of room on my bed."

"Hailey, you don't need inconveniences. You need rest!" He nonchalantly answered.

"But you ain't an inconvenience to me! Come on! I won't sleep if you don't sleep here with me!" She said to him. He ignored her words but she was very serious! She didn't close her eyes .The lady was very stubborn. He let out a sigh.

"Okay fine!" He said to her finally giving in.

Just as she said, the bed was big enough to accommodate both of them. The duo laid down in bed with Hailey in Jeremy's arms. Hailey was so relaxed beside him. She felt like nothing bad could come close to her. The duo had a good night rest at the hospital.