
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Ch 141 - Ch 145

Chapter 141: The Gap between Two Sides is too Big

Chambord city's army formation was more like a festive celebration that had nothing to do with the war.

After the 22 heavily-armed soldiers finally used all of their strength and dragged themselves to the formation at the north shore, with a wave of crisp hoofs, six gorgeously decorated carriage slowly made their way over the stone bridge, each carried by four big horses, beautiful young ladies sitting above. Their laughter and beauty tickled the heart of the Alliance army soldiers. Looking at their angel-like faces, countless soldiers on the other side began drooling, and they were suddenly filled with the courage to fight.

"That dumb king, he even brought out his harem out. Is this fighting or sight seeing?"

The kings of the Alliance army all became a little dumbfounded. They've head that King Alexander of Chambord city was a big idiot, but didn't he return to being normal after? Seeing the situation now, if he's not a retard, who else would be stupid enough to bring out his wives? This was basically a military taboo, and he was basically asking for death.

The kings of the Alliance army all became very optimistic about the coming battle.

But what made them even more dumbfounded was, what followed was even more exaggerated. After those 6 carriages joined the formation, immediately behind was actually a hundred or so little kids around the age of ten. They laughed and chatted as they followed behind the carriage, bringing a few guards protecting them on the side. They lined up and stood on a little hill behind the Chambord City formation, and all of them stretched their necks and curiously looked at the enemy army.

"What is that retarded king really thinking about?"

Almost all the kings felt faint.

Just when they were feeling very puzzled, the main protagonist that everyone was expecting finally appeared. They saw Chambord city's formation open up a two-meter-wide path in the middle, and then a black-haired young man in a white fluttering robe, with an unspeakable kind of posture, crotch riding a strong and burly black "horse", slowly appearing from the stone bridge. Along the path opened up by the soldiers, he came to the front.

Fei's appearance successfully attracted the attention of the opposing allied leaders.

"Is this idiot the Chambord city king?" Almost all the kings instantly compared their own heroic self-image to this young person in front of them, and after a quarter of a second they immediately came up with a surprisingly consistent conclusion. "Although this guy has good looks and temperament, but from the Chambord city's battle formation perspective, this Alexander King is clearly a peasant… No, calling him peasant is even too light. They must use the name that was previously accepted by the entire empire – retard! Since that's the case, then how can a retard be compared to the mighty me? Yep, it's just that that big black co- I mean horse looks pretty mighty. It should be a mutated species, its mighty look suits the mighty me!"

Arf arf arf!

As if it sensed the unwanted attention projected onto it by those kings of the Alliance army, [Black Whirlwind] barked and issued the most severe warning.


Across from Chambord, almost two thousand people all invariably sprayed out water in their mouth. A few kings that were "severely" shocked even almost fell off their house. Oh god, that... is actually a dog? How can there be such a big dog? The kings on the horses were busy wiping their eyes on horsebacks, and the two thousand or so soldiers also began chatting unbelievably. That big idiot king of Chambord city is way too crazy, he actually rode a big dog and came out… The taste is really… unique…

[Black Whirlwind] felt pretty satisfied with the little chaos it caused, so it "arf arf arf" barked a few more times.

And after that, even the people with the slowest reflex could finally confirm – Chambord city's King was indeed riding a dog.

And at the same time, Fei's eyes were also red as he drooled while looking at the Alliance army.

In his eyes, this group of vicious-looking guys came to deliver weapons and treasure! Although Chambord city's soldier's strength was recently greatly improved, due to its remote location and poor mineral reserves, there isn't enough steel to forge weapons, armor and weapons had always been scarce. Until now, besides the original king's guards, there wasn't enough to form a 100-men fully-armed infantry army. If it wasn't for defeating the Black Armor Army and looting some weapons and armor from before, then right now Fei really would have no choice but to carry a bunch of peasants holding farming tools to go and fight the enemy.

Just when Fei was thinking about how to greet these "charity donors", among the Alliance Army, Chishui Kingdom's king riding on the roaring flame beast slowly walked out of the formation, contemptuously glanced over the Chambord City crowd for a while, and then shouted, "Where's the King of Chambord city?"

He obviously saw Fei and also recognized his identity, but he deliberately pretended to not know it.

Fei also wasn't angry, he smiled and patted [Black Whirlwind] on the ass, then the big black dog growled and slowly walked up.

"All nine kingdoms allied to come visit me, could it be to fulfill the war compensation agreement signed by the prince? Did you bring enough gold coins?" Fei completely disregarded the aggressive alliance army that stood in front of the city.

"Hahahaha, arrogant! I think you've gone insane. Just a little tier 6 subsidiary kingdom dares to ask for war compensation? You think you can conspire to capture the princes and blackmail us? You must've gone mad from being too poor!" Chishui's King started laughing out loud as if he heard the funniest joke, "I give you ten days to hand back the captured princes, and then surrender all royal treasures, and one hundred maids as compensation. Otherwise…" He pointed at the nine kingdom alliance army behind his back and shouted triumphantly, "Otherwise today we will burn your Chambord city to the ground into ashes!"

"How does that make sense? Your twelve kingdom's princes openly destroyed the King's Altar during the crowning ceremony, it's already light to ask for compensation, and you still dare to bring army to invade? Do you still have the honor of a warlord?" Fei pretended to be dumb and replied.

"The glory of warlord only belongs to the victor!" Chishui's King laughed, "Your little Chambord city, don't flatter yourself."

Fei kept his calm expression and purposely tried to provoke them, "Since there's no compensation, then why are you guys here? To suicide? Now the King I give you all one last chance, pay the amount that was stated on the compensation agreement and I will spare your lives today, or I won't even give you guys the chance to cry under the sharp edges of Chambord City's Bylaw Enforcement Officers!"

"Go f*ck yourself! You little retard whose brain is crawling with maggots, looks like there's no need for Chambord city to exist anymore…" Chishui's King didn't expect the king of a little tier 6 kingdom dare to go against him, especially that attitude of not taking him seriously, it made his rage skyrocket, "What the f*ck are bylaw enforcement officers. My [Fire God's Iron Fleet] just needs one chance, and I can make your Chambord city disappear into smoke!"

"Arf arf arf… ROAR!!"

The big black dog became furious seeing its master being humiliated. Waves of fierce light shot out from its eyes, and a beast-like roar was issued from its throat. A ferocious atmosphere was suddenly released out of its body, and all happening in an instant. Then the Roaring Flame Beast below Chishui King's crotch, as if scared by a high tier magic beast or something, suddenly softened its legs and fell to the ground while white foam began coming out of its mouth. All the horses under the other kings all suddenly panicked and began moving back!

The Chishui kingdom king that was high up there just a second ago became like a wooden man. He was caught off guard by the roars and the horse screams, and fell head-first from the Roaring Flame Beast, covering his face with dust, being embarrassed in front of the entire Alliance army.

Who would've thought that a dog could have that much power. One roar was enough to terrify a tier-4 magic beast to shit itself. The alliance army only felt that it was not a dog that was standing in front of them, but a powerful tier-7 magic beast. That violent and dangerous atmosphere made every single one of their hairs stand on end.

"Ahahaha! Look, their stupid king almost died from falling!"

A wave of laughter came from Chambord city's camp. Even the kids that stood on the hill further away were also clapping and laughing, and those soldiers that were originally a bit nervous were also affected by the funny atmosphere. Each one of them started clamming the weapons in their hands together and cheered in ridicule, with the army morale climbing insanely.

Fei was also shocked for a second.

Good dog!!

He intimately caressed the dog's head. He didn't think that this bastard actually had this skill, one roar could retire a mighty force, looks like he still underestimated this bastard in the past. Then, he suddenly thought, if he uses the [Hulk Potion] to feed some other animals, would he be able to breed more mutated species like the big black dog? Or maybe even breed a black dog cavalry regiment?

"Danger! Protect the king!"

Seeing their own king falling from the enemy dog's bark, Chishui kingdom's soldiers suddenly felt their faces burning like someone threw shit at their faces. They were scared that the enemies would take this opportunity to launch an attack so 20 guards immediately rushed to the king and formed a defensive formation and escorted the king back to their camp. Who knew, during this entire escorting process, Chambord city's people were watching the scene as if it was a comedy and completely didn't mind whatever the Alliance army was doing, making the Alliance army's vigilant formation look as ridiculous as a bunch of desperate whores trying to show their slutty side towards blind people.

"Ahhhhhhhh! F*ck! Attack! Kill them all!"

The Chishui King pushed away the guards as furious as a lion that got his mate stolen during sex. He immediately jumped back onto another Roaring Flame Beast, pulled out his sword and waved. Then, the [Fire God's Iron Fleet] began advancing in an arc towards Chambord city. They wanted to pull the charging distance to maximize the impact of the cavalry's impact. At the same time, a hundred or so infantry units with long spears and shields also roared and began their assault!

The murderous force shot right into the sky.

The battle began.

Boom boom boom boom boom-!!

Chishui's soldiers ran at a neat rhythm, from the initial slow start to gradually becoming faster, and the earth began trembling under their feet. They were worthy of being the strongest armed forces among the Alliance army, each soldier wearing light armor, holding a kite shield in the left hand, carrying a two-meter long javelin at a 35-degree angle in their right. The sharp tip of the spear flashed with a chilling feel under the sun. Using the momentum of running, such a spear, if thrown was enough to instantly penetrate four or five enemies.

On the yellow grassland, the running soldiers were like a rolling torrent.

When both sides' gap was closed to fifty meters, the javelins could be thrown, and it would be a kiss of death.

Or maybe before the [Fire God's Iron Fleet] arrives, just with these hundred spearmen would be enough to finish Chambord city's peasants… Look at those group of trash soldiers, did they really come here to fight? The gap between two sides is just too big!

Almost every king in the alliance army thought this way.

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Chapter 142

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Chapter 142: Hurry and Grab the Bodies

One hundred yards… seventy yards… sixty yards…

The distance was getting shorter and shorter.

As the distance decreased, everyone's hearts started to race, and they hoped that the scene they wanted to see would happen.

A vicious and venomous expression appeared on the king of Chishui Kingdom's face. He never thought that a dog could scare him off of his horse and make him lose face in front of all his peers. He tightly gripped his swords as he swore to chop that black dog into pieces when he conquered this castle. He laughed as the Lance and Shield Formation slowly approached his opponent's formation. He could foresee the scene of all the dirty low lives in Chambord whining and dying under the lances, as well as the king of Chambord kneeling on the ground, begging to give up his royal treasures and fiancée, who was rumored to be a peerless beauty…

"Archers… get ready!"

A red signaling flag stood on the hill that Fei was standing on as a loud shout sounded from Chambord's troops. Squeak… A series of sounds that came from bowstrings being drawn made some of the soldiers' hairs stand up. The fifty archers behind the tower shields placed arrows on their bows as they pulled their bowstrings. Every bow was pulled into a full moon shape, with the point of the arrow being aimed at the Lance and Shield Formation from Chishui Kingdom.

What made the spectators surprised was that all these archers didn't angle their shots upward. They used flat shorts, which were arrows that travelled parallel to the ground once they were shot out.

"Hahaha, they really don't know what they are doing!"

Some soldiers in the Alliance Army instantly started to laugh and scorn Chambord. During battles and wars, archers weren't the main players. The situation often changed, so even god-tier archers would only have limited utility. Archers had the most terrifying impact moments before two armies engaged each other. Their ability to injure many soldiers and their wide firing range could result in enemies suffering heavy casualties before the armies even reached each other.

However, if archers wanted to achieve this result, they had to aim their arrows at an upwards angle. These arrows would strike down at the opposing army as the upward force was cancelled out by gravity; this was the most effective method to injure enemies who were charging forwards with shields in their hands.

"These Chambord idiots actually chose to use flat shots!"

This was just too rudimentary of a mistake!

"Flat shots only pose a threat to soldiers at the very front. During a battle where situations change by the second, both armies won't give enemy archers the chance to pull on their bowstrings a third time. Wasting time and an opportunity is equivalent to joking with their own soldiers' lives… unless… unless each and every one of these archers are god-tier archers who never miss a shot! However, haha, how is that possible?

"Hahaha, the victory is ours! We have overestimated these dumb and vulgar farmers…"

The king of Shuani Kingdom laughed out loud.

However, at the next moment, his laughter suddenly paused, as if he was a rooster who had its neck pinched by someone during its morning call. His laughter was stuck in his throat as a shocked expression appeared on his face.


Bang! Bang! Bang! After an angry roar, a series of vibrating noises resonated on the bridge. Fifty sharp arrows made whooshing, air-piercing noises as the white feathers at the end of the arrows drew fifty parallel white lines in the air. Like bloodthirsty insects, they almost instantly penetrated Chishui Kingdom's soldiers who were charging at Chambord.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

A series of noises sounded as the arrows penetrated through bones and flesh. Fifty of the Chishui Kingdom's soldiers who were charging at the very front fell in unison as if they were crops that were harvested by a farmer's sickle. The big circular shields in their hands didn't provide them with any protection. The merciless arrows pierced through the very small half-circular peeking holes on the shields and struck through the soldiers' heads. These fifty lives were instantly lost; they didn't even have time to let out whines or screams.

Fifty arrows took away fifty souls!

The whole battlefield quieted down; a strange and breath-taking atmosphere instantly took over.


The king of Chishui Kingdom's mouth opened wide subconsciously as his sword slid out of his powerless hands.

"God… God… God-tier archers? Are all of them god-tier archers?" Someone screamed as if he saw the Goddess of Life running naked in front of him.

"No! Who could it be?"

All the kings and generals in the Alliance Army felt like a cold breeze had instantly gone up their buttholes and rushed into their throats, instantly freezing their bodies. Even the horses they were riding on felt the sensation of death. They neighed as they backed off anxiously and uncontrollably. "This is crazy! Is there anything else this crazy? A poor little kingdom that can't even afford to buy armor for its soldiers has fifty god-tier archers? How is this possible?

Bang! Bang! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The archers didn't give the kings in the Alliance Army too much time to think. Soon, a second wave of bowstring vibrating noises sounded, which woke up the leaders of the Alliance Army as they were deep in shock.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

There wasn't any difference between the first and second wave of arrows. After the fifty bowstring vibrating noises, fifty flesh- and bone-piercing sounds quickly followed. Those were the only noises on the battlefield, and it was a dead melody. Everyone in the Alliance Army felt that Hades, the god of death, was swinging an invisible sickle and harvesting each life on the battlefield.

Fifty yards!

That distance was an impeccable and invisible defensive wall.

This was because fifty meters from Chambord's formations, there were a hundred corpses lying on the ground.

Every infantry had their vital spots penetrated, including their throats, eyes, and foreheads. These were the spots that couldn't be protected by their circular shields, since they had to check their enemies' response when they charged. These vital spots, which were less than the size of their palms, could normally drastically reduce the effectiveness of archers. No one on the Alliance Army's side could have foreseen that these vitals spot that were left out would result in the death of a hundred strong soldiers.

Everyone on the Alliance Army's side gasped in shock as they saw the hundred corpses on the bridge. Almost every one of them wiped their eyes and hoped that they were hallucinating. "How could this be possible? After two rounds of arrows shot out by fifty archers, a hundred elite lance and shield soldiers were killed. Even though there were a lot of veterans in the Alliance Army who been to many battles and wars, they shook and sweated profusely. It wasn't right to call this a miracle; it was better to call this a horrifying nightmare! It was terrifying!

The king of Chishui Kingdom's heart was dripping blood. This kind of blood loss was vast and severe.

There was no way that he wouldn't feel any pain. This was a hundred elite lance and shield soldiers! They were his trump card and backbone formation during battles. One reason why he let this formation charge in was because he saw that Chambord's formations were messy and soft; another reason was because he wanted to showcase the strength of his elite troops in front of the other kingdoms. The last reason was because he wanted to have more authority and more spoils of war when the Alliance Army conquered Chambord and divided up the seized resources. He never would have thought that a hundred of his elite soldiers would turn into corpses before they finished a single charge and struck their lances once!

He felt like someone had carved out a piece of his heart from his chest with a sharp knife.

"Ahhhhhh… I'm so mad!" the king of Chishui Kingdom swayed on his horse as he felt his blood pressure increasing and his head dizzying; he almost fell off of his ride and landed on his head.

God-tier archers!

A total of fifty god-tier archers.

"Does Chambord Kingdom have a total of fifty god-tier archers?"

No one could laugh anymore at the fifty poor archers on Chambord's side who weren't even properly dressed in armor. This fact was way too shocking. Every single god-tier archer had a high status and was a valuable resource; many affiliated kingdoms and even empires fought over these kinds of talents. Who could have thought that a small level 6 affiliated kingdom would have fifty of them? It was unheard of! At that moment, no one dared to make any noise. They were afraid that they might attract the attention of the fifty killers on the other side of the bridge; if these killers' bowstrings vibrated again, they would be turned into "hedgehogs".

At almost the same time, most of the people in the Alliance Army wanted to retreat.

They only had about two thousand people. When facing fifty god-tier archers, they weren't even enough for those archers to practice on. With about forty arrows from each archer, all of them would be going to hell without any chance of escaping.

Fei, who was riding the big black dog, was so delighted that his teeth almost fell out of his mouth.

He had used six bottle of [Hulk Potion]. He mixed the potion in with these archer's daily meals and slowly changed these archer's ability. Since these fifty archers consumed small doses of potion each meal, all six bottles were depleted after two weeks. After these soldier's body were completely strengthened, Fei asked the female rogue mercenaries to teach them archery. This was the first time that Fei's secret weapon was used, and the fifty strong archers had instantly shocked the arrogant Nine-kingdom Alliance Army.

"Are you guys dumb? Why are you guys standing here? Follow me to seize the corpses and their weapons!"

Fei shouted and commanded the big black dog. He was the first one to rush out of Chambord's formation; Chambord's fifty scattered law enforcement officers were also woken up by Fei's shout; they were shocked by Chambord's archers as well. They threw away the sticks and wood axes in their hands without hesitation and cheered as they rushed to the corpses. They were like a pack of hungry wolves who had just seen a white rabbit. They followed the big black dog and sprinted so quickly that the bottom of their shoes almost caught on fire.

"What are they trying to do?" Someone in the Alliance Army asked dumbfoundedly.

"Damn it! Charge! Stop them! They are trying to rob me…" The king of Chishui Kingdom felt like he was going crazy. He instantly understood Fei's intention. These low lives were so poor that they were going to take the weapons and armors from the corpses. "This is too shameful! They aren't even letting go of dead people." The King of Chishui Kingdom thought as he screamed, "Ahhhhhhh... Shoot your arrows, quickly! Kill them!"

Most of the leaders in the Alliance Army realized what was going on. They quickly commended their archers to shoot.

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Chapter 143

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Chapter 143: The Mighty Bylaw Enforcement Officers

Arrows like rain.

But the location of the dead bodies was a bit too far from the camp of the nine kingdom Alliance army, and it had already exceeded the effective range of the bows. The sparse arrows being shot out landed on the ground in a crooked manner, as if there was a light drizzle and they simply couldn't pose any threat for Fei's army.

Big Black Dog excitedly barked as it carried Fei, flying back and forth like black smoke. This back and forth trip could transport back 6 bodies, and the other Bylaw Enforcement Officers were all working hard too! Each of them pick up two bodies and the equipment and the ground, and then they began running back right away…

In less than 10 minutes, the bodies of the 100 spear and shield soldiers from the Chishui Kingdom were all robbed back to the Chambord city camp.

These people were really something else, not even leaving behind a helmet for the Chishui King.

After everyone retreated, His Majesty the King rode on the back of the big black dog and shouted, "Hehehehe, His Royal Highness God of War taught us wasting is unforgivable. Hurry, there's still a spear over there, someone go grab it for me!"

Two skinny bylaw enforcement officers heard it and immediately ran back, retrieving that last long spear that was on the ground, waving at the Alliance Army kings as if showing off, and then turning around, taking off their pants, and patted their butts towards those "great" kings…

Seeing the grass floating across the empty field, the Chishui's King was about to cry.

The Chambord City's Bylaw Enforcers were almost like a bunch of bandits, a group of hungry rats! Wherever they've been, they won't even leave behind a single hair for you. At this moment, the battlefield where the infantry units died on had been cleared, with only grass and blood stains on the ground.

Too shameless!

All the kings of the Alliance Army were all dumbfounded.

Of course, it wasn't like the Alliance Army didn't take any measures during the process to stop them.

But those 50 godly bow masters were retardedly strong. Those 50 long bows were like the 50 scythes of the grim reaper, firmly suppressed more than 2000 people. Whoever dared to move forward a little would be immediately filled with arrows like a hedgehog. Even those that carried giant shields became useless. These arrows, as if having eyes or something, could reach them from all kinds of unexpected angles through gaps, look-holes, and onto their feet.

The menacing force of 2000 could only watch as the Chambord City's Bylaw Enforcers robbed everything.

After Chambord City transported all the dead bodies to their territory, the 100 [Fire God's Iron Fleet] units were an entire thousand meters away from the battlefield. They were in the process of grouping up and preparing to launch the iron hammer impact. These heavily armed units that weren't scared of arrows went too far, so they couldn't provide any help from the beginning to the end.

The Alliance army's morale was like a stock graph during a recession, plummeting!

Whereas the atmosphere at Chambord City was exactly the opposite.

The 50 Bylaw Enforcers stripped those Chishui Kingdom's dead soldiers clean of their equipment in laughter, and then started wearing them in front of the Alliance Army's face. Then they raised their kite shields, tightly gripped the long spears and shouting in sync, instantly transformed from a bunch of scattered peasants into a fully armed elite infantry squad.

Fei laughed.

He thought to name them Bylaw Enforcers was really a genius mov. At least in terms of robbing, these bad boys really lived up to their name, 100% worthy of their name! (TL: in China, the bylaw enforcers have a reputation of being ass holes and taking the citizens' things in the name of "law")

"Haha, thank the Chishui Kingdom's king for his generosity!" Fei ordered as he tried to deliberately piss off the already pissed off Chishui King.

"Thank you Chishui's king for gifting us armor, weapon and shields!!"

"Man, these looks damn good on me!!"

"Heyyyyyy, I still need a broadsword here, the generous Chishui king, can you send a sword over?"

All these words came out so nature from these Bylaw Enforcers' mouths. After a series of shouts, a lot of people from the Alliance Army were already smoking out of their forehead from rage!

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Chishui's King had completely gone mad. He became incoherent as if he getting a seizure. He already couldn't wait for the [Fire God's Iron Fleet] behind him to charge up. Suddenly he trembled as he grabbed the neck of the Shuani Kingdom's King and shouted, "Hurry and attack, command your heavy infantry units to attack, attack…"

There was indeed a 200-men heavy infantry squad under Shuani's King's command.

Although the heavy infantry squad moved very slowly, their body was covered with armor. If they pulled down their masked helmets to protect their face, then besides their wrists or ankles, the armor on their body could stop most arrows. If they go all out against the arrow rain and move forward, then it shouldn't be a problem for more than half of them to get to the Chambord city's archers alive and then kill them… But, the problem was that the Shuani Kingdom's king also didn't want to lose these troops… This regiment of 200 heavy-armor infantry troops was also his treasure.

It's just that in front of the angry Chishui King who already lost his mind, he had no choice but to yield.

In the face of violent authority, even treasure must be abandoned. Otherwise, Shuani Kingdom was merely a tier 5 subsidiary kingdom. The consequence of pissing off a tier-3 big kingdom was not something Shuani could take.

Just when the Shuani Kingdom King's heart began dripping blood as he was about to order his troops to advance, an unexpected change took place at the camp across from them – those 50 godly archers suddenly put away their bows, turned around, split into two groups and then ran. They actually just left the Chambord City's army's formation.

"Ah, can't do it anymore… My fingers are almost bleeding, it f*cking hurts, can't shoot anymore!"

"I know! Let's get the f*ck out!"

The kings of the Alliance army vaguely heard some of the conversations the Chambord city archers were having as they fled while waving their fingers in pain. These archers ran their ass home like scared rabbits, plunged right into the distant hills and disappeared immediately, don't even know where they went…

Chishui's King and Shuani's King exchanged a dull look at each other.

Everyone was already dumbfounded by what just happened.

In fact, everything that happened today at Chambord city already made the commanders of the Alliance army lose their minds.

They were almost driven mad from being played by their opponent!

"Charge! Hurry and charge!" Shuani's king was the first one to react. Doesn't matter if it was that idiot Chambord king's trap, now that those 50 grim reapers were no longer here, everyone at the Alliance Army felt that the sky suddenly brightened, and the air also became fresher. They can finally breath comfortably.

"Who cares what he has up his sleeves, take this opportunity and defeat the Chambord City first! Then even if those 50 archers come back later, there will be nothing they can do!"

That was almost the uniform idea of all the kings of the Alliance Army.

After receiving the order, those 200 heavy armed infantry soldiers of the Shuani Kingdom carried a broadsword in each hand and advanced at steady pace. This was like a horrible steel tsunami, and even the Earth began to tremble under their feet. The one that walked at the front of the formation was a 2-meter tall general. Dirt yellow energy light shined below his armor. This was actually a 2-star earth-style user.

"Attack!" The Earth-style warrior grinned.

Because there was no more pressure from those archers, all the heavy armed infantry units walked arrogantly like generals, completely fearless and even lifting up their protective masks. They walked in organized steps while banging their broadswords against their breastplates. The uniform metal-hitting sound soared into the sky, creating a chilling and terrifying atmosphere.

This was indeed a fine army that couldn't be underestimated.

Other then the formation being a little loose and the moral being a little too arrogant, but in terms of oppression and impact, it was almost on par with the Black Armor Troops from before. Looks like this Shuani Kingdom also had a pretty solid foundation. Comparing them to Chambord city, Fei's army seemed to be poorer than ever.


The Lunar Kingdom's elder prince saw this opportunity, he also waved his sword in excitement and commanded the hundred broadsword troops to follow Shuani Kingdom's army and assault. Those dozen beautiful young girls on the six carriages in front of them already made their blood run wild, they just wanted to immediately rush over and capture them all and then fiercely ravage them.

Seeing this scene, the other Kings also became excited.

When faced with the 50 godly archers, none of them dared to be the first to raise their head, but now being presented such a big opportunity to take advantage of, none of them wanted to be behind others, fearing that all the good loot would be robbed by other kingdoms. They all wanted to be the first one to charge into Chambord city and lavishly rob everything, and also capture those beautiful girls on those carriages.

"Charge up! Capture the Chambord's king alive!"

"Kill! You will own anything you can grab!"

"Hahahaha, boys, did you see those little sluts on those carriages? Everyone has a share!"

At this moment, all the men of the Alliance army became blood-boiled. Victory was close at hand, and those aristocratic kings that were usually elegant and high up there also exposed their vulgarity and brutality. They made vulgar statements to boost army morale, face covered in grins, each like greedy devils that crawled out of hell.

"Capture that little king! I want to make his head into a wine glass!! Let Chambord city's royal palace disappear in flames!!" Chishui's King who lost more than 100 spearmen issued a vicious curse.

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Chapter 144

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Chapter 144: An Unforgettable Scene

On the top of Chambord city wall.

The Empire's Eldest Princess Tanasha stayed behind in the city after the battle of Eastern Mountain, but her intentions were unknown. No one knew when she appeared on top of the city wall. The female swordsman Susan and knight captain Romain guarded her left and right sides, and twenty fully armed knights stood behind her back.

"Your Highness, should I go and order them to stop their attack?"

The knight captain Romain frowned. Seeing the rolling torrent-like alliance army coming from afar and comparing them to those 100 peasant-like soldiers on Chambord City's side made him a little worried. He didn't know what the seemingly-wise King Alexander was doing, but no matter what, voluntarily removing 50 godly archers from battle was simply a flop in the battleplan. As an experienced tactical master, Romain held authority in this area. If those 50 archers were under his command, he was confident that he could wipe out the entire Alliance army in the shortest time possible.

"It's a match between a group of dumb pigs and a lion, so there's no need for our interference." The Eldest Princess shook her head, "Romain, today you might notice something. Ty your best to remember King Alexander's combat style. Maybe there will be use in the future!"

"Yes, your Highness!" The knight captain bowed, but he still frowned, "The gap in number is still pretty significant, since Chambord city is facing the nine kingdoms' alliance!"

"Nine-kingdom Alliance? Hehe, Romain, you are really overestimating them. I don't see a nine-kingdom Alliance. All I see are a bunch of fools that have been corrupted after being under the empire's umbrella for too long. A little tier-3 subsidiary kingdom and a few even smaller tier-5 and 6 kingdoms… hehe, their royal families' brains have already been crawling with maggots after being in a peaceful environment for too long. Besides drinking and sex, there's nothing else they are good at. The land of Azeroth is just like a jungle full of danger, and those people have long been degraded into brainless fat pigs. If it wasn't for the Empire's blessing, they would have already become fresh meat under other "beasts", losing the qualification to continue surviving in this jungle. They have long lost the glory and responsibility a true kingdom should bear. Even if you randomly pick out a small group leader in the empire's [Iron Blood Camp], he would still be a hundred times smarter than this group of so-called kings put together. If Alexander can't even handle this little problem, then he's not worthy of being the man that defeated the cold-blooded female devil Paris!"

The Eldest Princess surprisingly said a lot.

Compared to the current situation of Chambord city, she was more worried about the difficulty faced by Zenit Empire.

If the subsidiary kingdoms had fallen to such an extent, then the empire's combat strength and foundation was already unknowingly rotting. However, those nobles and princes in the empire were still keen to fight for power and cause internal strife and did not notice the upcoming crisis at all. King Yaxing the Great's body was worsening day by day, and the empires at the border like the tier-1 Spartac Empire, tier-1 Light Empire, tier-2 Saint Germain Empire and tier 3 Lyon Empire were are all eyeing Zenit Empire greedily and getting ready to attack. The seemingly-peaceful Zenit Empire that was filled with singing and dancing was already shaking in the wind, at risk of being destroyed any moment.

Zenit Empire's situation was far worse than Chambord city's current situation.

The reason why the Eldest Princess stayed back in Chambord City, besides the shock and curiosity she felt towards the little king Alexander and wanting to convince him to join her side, she also wanted to see how this magical little king organized the messy Chambord city. Perhaps she could learn something interesting from this trip and use it later for her big brother Arshavin to win the throne.

Indeed, reality did not disappoint the Eldest Princess.

Although it had only been less than half a month, this little King's strange administrative systems, as well as the incredible twelve bronze warrior statues caused the Eldest princess to be unbelievably shocked. The content on the twelve bronze warrior statues were perfect, and it was very hard for the Eldest Princess to believe that it came from the hands of a young man that just turned 18 years old. She couldn't find any flaws in these laws, and they could be brought straight back to Zenit Empire… Unfortunately, the Eldest Princess was also wise enough to know, that if she implemented this system in the present Zenit Empire's situation, it would encounter so much resistance that not even the Zenit Empire king could afford to bear.

In this respect, the Elder Princess was a bit envious of Alexander. The little Chambord city was completely under his control, and he could do whatever he wanted. The Eldest Princess already knew how Fei used someone else's knife to murder, eliminating the opposing nobles in the country with the help of the Eastern Mountain Top Battle, and this also proved how magical this little king was. If anyone dared to underestimate him, they would probably not even know how they died.

Although the scene in front of her looked breathtaking, all she needed to do was show her presence to cause the so-called nine-kingdom alliance army to retreat immediately. However, she didn't want to do that. The little Chambord city king Alexander already delivered too much shock to her previously, so the Eldest Princess was certain that without a doubt, an unexpected twist would appear.

Besides, with that guy's strength, even if the 2000 soldiers got to him, there would be no difference. With the dog under his feet and two swords in his hands, even if he was alone, it would still be enough to kill these two thousand people.

The invincible and fierce image of Fei at the Eastern Mountain Top Battle had already been deeply engraved in the Eldest Princess's heart.

Seeing the torrent-like enemies charging towards him, Fei scratched his chin and laughed. It looked like placing a bunch of beautiful girls could indeed easily stimulate men's hormones. Now that everyone in the Alliance Army had lost their minds, they suddenly didn't even care about their lives anymore.

At the top of the hill, the red command flag began flapping in the wind.

Chambord city's formation began changing in silence, and the dozen giant iron shield towers were quickly withdrawn. Then, those 30 muscular men holding two giant axes in their hands voluntarily began welcoming the charging enemies.

It looked like that was the only change the Chambord army would make to their formation.

30 versus 1500.

The couldn't be a bigger disparity in terms of numbers.

It's just like an almost dried up river going up against a rolling waterfall, or a little dog that just learned how to walk going up against a lion in heat – with such a big difference, it seemed like there was no difference between sending these 30 warriors to battle or straight to hell. There wasn't even enough time for the king to run away. It was safe to assume that they wouldn't even make a ripple before they were swallowed whole by the opposing heavy armor warriors, without even a leaving any bones behind.

However, even though they seemed to have an absolute advantage, 0after experiencing the previous battle, these kings that were regarded by the Eldest Princess as retarded pigs, ultimately kept a little calm.

They didn't all whip their horse's asses and charge forward, but rather stayed at their original positions and observed the situation while being surrounded by their guards.

Every king cautiously saved a portion of their troops; even the already insane Chishui Kingdom king calmed down, waved his hand and stopped the [Fire God's Iron Fleet]'s charge, telling them to be on standby.

Of course, it might not have much to do with being wise; rather, it might have just been the cowardly having exceptional caution against danger.

The leaders became afraid after the last fight.

In the battlefield, the two armies were less than 50 meters apart, and the high-speed running soldiers could all see the grimy and murderous faces of the enemies. They could even see the boogers in their enemies' nostrils. The earth-style warrior that charged at the very front waved the broadsword in his hand, gradually accelerated his steps and beckoned to promote morale as yellow flames began surging over his whole body.

There were less than 30 meters.

At this moment –


No one would have thought that the first ones to strike would actually be the giant axe warriors from Chambord city. Every one of them suddenly roared towards the sky, as if 30 lightning strikes hit the field. Before the enemies could even react, they only saw that the muscular men's formation suddenly scattered into a straight horizontal line. Then, every one of them suddenly changed their grip to the end of the axe. With the momentum of their charge, they spun in a circle like a gyro as they threw out their giant axe.


The high-speed rotating axes suddenly tore through space and flew right into the incoming heavily-armed infantry units.

The Shuani kingdom soldiers that were originally running happily at the very front instantly cried.

What the f*ck!

Who would've thought that these guys would suddenly pull this move? In this situation, they actually dared to throw the only weapon in their hands.

The most arrogant earth-style warrior that was charging at the very front barely laid on the ground in cold sweat. His helmet was directly blown away by the sharp wind. Then, he immediately heard a burst of bone-shattering sounds from armor and weapons being broken. Then the ground became filled with blood and limbs. He was expecting to be trampled over by his own troops that were running right behind him, but that didn't happen. He turned around and looked in surprise, and then he saw an unforgettable scene-

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Chapter 145

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Chapter 145 Giant Axe and Magical Arrows

Thirty huge axes that rotated at a high speed in the air were like kisses from the devil; they only brought destruction wherever they went. The soldiers in heavy armours were separated into two easily, as if they were soft tofu. They were all shocked to see their own bodies chopped in half with their lower bodies still charging forward, while their upper bodies remained behind in the air. The huge amount of force directly penetrated through soldiers' bodies. Their armour, long swords, and torn limbs flew into the air with the blades and axes. The blood that spurted into the air had dyed the blue sky red. No one could block these vicious deadly axes. Terrified screams resonated on the battlefield after a short moment of time. Some people only had their limbs torn off and didn't die right away, so they held onto their wounds and screamed and whined...

This was like a living hell on earth.

The Earth Attributed Warrior had been to many wars and battles, but it was his first time to see anything this bloody and cruel. A leg fell beside him. The warrior recognized the leg, it belonged to one of his peers. That soldier was laughing viciously three seconds ago, banging his sword on his armour, and couldn't wait to rush into Chambord to plunder it dry. All that was left of him were some chipped bones and flesh.

The rotating axes smashed out a path of death that was about thirty yards in length and five yards in width. . After the devastating force on them were all used up, they slowed down and then fell to the ground.

Only one strike from Chambord caused the two hundred heavy armoured infantry from Shuani Kingdom to suffer casualties one quarter of their size.

The survivors were showered by the "bloody rain" and their amours and inner clothes were all soaked. Chipped bones and flesh also covered the surface of their bodies. The death and the bloodiness had scared them, and also numbed them. With the screams from their peers who were severely injured still resonating in their ears, the soldiers in the Alliance Army who charged at Chambord fell into a temporary state of terror and hesitation. But soon, they recovered and braved themselves up as they roared and continued their charge because the thirty strongmen in front of them were weaponless after they threw out their axes.

"Charge and kill them! Get revenge for our brothers!"

The Earth Attributed Warrior got up from the ground as he roar angry and charged at forefront.

However –

The actions the thirty strongmen took made the soldiers in the Alliance Army feel like they had been treated very wrongly. The thirty strongmen who were very dominating and had a strong presence protected their heads with hands as they separated themselves into two groups of fifteen people each. After that, they moved their legs and sprinted away. Without the burden of those heavy axes, these thirty people ran faster than rabbits. In a few seconds, they got away from the attack range of the Alliance Army. They rushed into the green and yellow bushes far away and disappeared as if it was a miracle!


"You bastards!"

"You cowards and bugs!"

"You shameful deserter!"

The soldiers in the Alliance Army and the kings were super mad and pissed when they saw the strongmen escaping. Their hearts skipped a beat and almost puked up a mouthful of blood. After they suffered such a huge lose and from these thirty strongmen who threw out their axes, they wanted to fight back. But before they could strike back and make the trade even, their opponents escaped without any sense of pride or dignity. It felt like concentrating everything in one punch and missing the target right away after that; it felt really strange and made the Alliance feel very powerless.

The good news for them was that the king of Chambord didn't escape.

Fei quickly became the target for the hatred and grievances.

"Charge! Let's go and kill their king!"

The Alliance was in a desperate and mad state. All the soldiers' eyes turned red as blood filled the capillaries in their eyes, making them looked like a bunch of rabbits. They bit their teeth and charged at Chambord and it's formations with all their strength. They all swore in their mind that they will stick the handle of the axes into this shameless guy's butt.

On the other side.

The red flag on the hill moved again.

The huge iron shield formation that was at the the very front of Chambord's formations started to move. What was surprising was that the more than ten iron shields didn't come together and march forward and form a line of defense. Instead, they separated into two groups and moved to two completely different sides while completely exposing their king and the more than a hundred Bylaw Enforcement Officers to the blades and the charge coming from the Alliance.

At this point, Chambord's formation was very strange. It was in a "U" shape. It had a very special and wanton feel to it. It made people feel like Chambord wasn't trying to defend at all, but welcoming the invasion from the Alliance Army with open arms.

Fei tapped the big black dog under his crouch and slowly backed off to a hill that was a bit farther away.

This action was interpreted into escaping in the eyes of Nine-Kingdom Alliance Army, and that made them more aggressive and insane and their decision of charging firmer.

But to Fei, he only wanted to stand with the kids.

These kids were all excellent students from Chambord's Civil and Military Academy. Most of them were from poor families, were more mature, and were recipients of the "King Scholarship". To Fei, they were the important foundation to Chambord's future upraise and success. Therefore, despite all the disagreement from his ministers and officers, Fei took them to this dangerous battlefield to let them experience the cruelty of wars and the complex situations that changed by the second.

"My kids of Chambord, don't be afraid. Now open your eyes, watch everything happening in front of you closely. Watch how your fathers are fighting with those damn invaders, and feel the atmosphere on the battlefield with your hearts. Because one day, you will be doing the same thing as your fathers, protecting your homes and loved ones by battling with your enemies with sharp weapons. Remember, every student from Chambord Civil and Military Academy could be a brave soldier with a low status, but you guys shouldn't be a timid and scared general of prestigious status!"

Fei said as he glanced at all the kids with an encouraging smile as he suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Do you guys understand?"

"Understood, principal!" All the kids said in unison as they nodded. The unhidden respect and worship in their eyes made Fei feel like a real king.

At this moment, the Alliance finally were less than ten yards away from Chambord's formation as they continued their charge. The fiftyish Bylaw Enforcement Officer stood at their spot loosely. They only raised their shields and spears and were alerted, but they didn't really mind their enemies who were charging at them with vicious intent.

"Kill them all!"

The Alliance Army saw the sign of victory, and the Earth attributed warrior raised his arms and shouted to boost the morale of his peers.

But at this moment, a strange situation arose –

The sky that was blue and didn't have a single cloud suddenly was lit up by a lot of colors, as if there were multiple suns in the sky.

As if he sensed something, the Earth attributed warrior looked up out of surprise. But before his smile could stay on his face for too long, what he saw caused an unprecedented terror to appear on his face. The terror on his face intensified and his pupil suddenly contracted as he shouted: "NO....."

Boom – !

Crack – !

Whoosh – !

One second after, all these colorful lights fell to the ground, and that was the beginning of a horrifying catastrophe – Violent explosions, splashing ice chips and hail, shocking lightning, and malicious poisons instantly enveloped the Alliance Army who were charging. The fire, ice, lightning, and poison that fell from the sky caused insane damage and took away numerous lives. Screams and sad cries resonated on the battlefield one after another...

"Mages! They had mages..."

"Traps! We got tricked... Retreat, quick!"

"Mom, save me, save me please..."

"Ah, my legs! My legs are gone...!"

Alliance Army who were influenced and blind by their hatred and biases were stunned. The Earth attributed Two Star Warrior who was charging at the very front didn't have the chance to dodge. He was shot by a frost arrow, a fire arrow, and a lightning arrow at the same time. In an instant, his body was turned into a pile of stinky meat. His two star warrior energy couldn't save his life, and the thick armour on his body also couldn't protect him from the sudden assault at all.

The heavy armoured infantry formation from Shuani Kingdom also were almost instantly wiped out.

Iron was one of the best conductors for electricity. It was also a good conductor for heat, either cold or heat could easily spread over it. The heavily armoured infantries who survived the axes throws couldn't protect themselves from this attack at all, and the thick iron armours that were supposed to protect them turned into the weapons that killed them. In a short period of time, almost all of them were killed less than ten yards away from Chambord's formations. The soldiers who were unlucky and didn't die to the arrows themselves right away were either burnt to death or frozen to death in their own armours.

The scale of victory instantly reversed, as if all the weight were taken off of one side.

At this moment, the soldiers in the Alliance who were close and kings in the Alliance Army who were farther away just realized the source for this devastating magic attack – some time ago, the harem on the six carriages behind the Chambord's formations had got out and were standing in the hill in front of the carriages. Each and every one of them had a long bow in their hands and huge magic energy surged around them. Every single powerful arrow that was filled with devastating magic power were shot out of their hands. Just like the Grim Reaper's scythe, the colorful arrows were shot into the infantry formation that was charging at Chambord like a huge flood mercilessly.

"God...A total of twenty six magic archers?"

Everyone on Alliance's side almost lost their language and thinking abilities, as if they were all shocked by lightning.

The night kings in the Alliance Army looked at their "preys" bluntly. The preys who they thought were easy to get had suddenly tore away their cute and naïve appearances and turned into representatives of the Grim Reaper. Their deadly stares, smooth movements of loading the arrows and pulling their bows all seemed cruel at this moment. A number of frost, fire, lightning, and poison magic arrows were like intimate kisses from the Grim Reaper, and were shot at the other soldiers in the Alliance Army who were still charging like thick dots!

Too fast!

These female archer's shooting speed were too fast.

People were only able to see the afterimages left by their soft arms and slender fingers in the air. Each sharp arrow's tip seemed to be touching the arrows that were shot out prior by their ends. Together, all the arrows formed into multiple trajectories. In less than ten seconds, these twenty six pure girls had shot out more than a thousand magic arrows!

There were more than a thousand lethal and destructive magic arrows.