
Revolutionary Scheme

A grin formed on the man's lips and he answered, "Sakusa Daiki."

"H-himekawa." Atsumu called out. The younger walked towards him while still shuffling his notes. "C-can you please look at our garden at the back if we still have the Lacecap Hydrangea. A-an order came in and they want that f-flower."

"Lace-what?" Atsumu quickly wrote the name and shoved it at Himekawa's chest. "J-just go and l-look for it. It's a r-rush order."

He lightly pushed Himekawa away and the younger left confused about Atsumu's order.

As soon as Himekawa left, Atsumu looked back at Daiki and forced a smile. "Sakusa Daiki, right?"

The man nodded and added, "I want ten dozen of white roses and add gypsophila on each bouquet."

With his shaking hands, Atsumu tried his best to write as neat and as properly as he can but the darkly intense gaze coming from Daiki was impactful that made him so scared and nervous.

"I want you to deliver them all in my mansion tomorrow." Daiki spoke, leaning close to Atsumu's ear. "...and I want some kind of special service too."

Atsumu took a step back and his hand trembled as he gently pushed the man away.

"W-we don't offer a-any special s-services here." His voice quavered, still not looking at Daiki. 

Daiki held Atsumu's chin to meet his eyes and he wrapped his free hand around Atsumu's waist, proposing, "Then what about your part timer? I kinda like the innocent ones." 

The man's penetrating gaze prowled over Atsumu's face and pounced onto his eyes, 

"But I still prefer you, Suzuki Atsumu." Daiki's one hand started roaming around Atsumu's body that sent chills through him and he shivered at the sensation. 

"P-please s-stop..." Atsumu begged while forcibly pulling away from Daiki. The grip on his chin tightened and the man pulled Atsumu closer to him, leaning close to his lips, he breathed,

"That doesn't sound very convincing to me." He pulled Atsumu's shaking and weak hands off of his chest and pinned him onto the wall, putting both of his hands over his head.

With his free hand, he gently caress Atsumu's cheeks all the way down his neck. He followed his hand with his lustful and fierce gaze as he touches every part of Atsumu's body. "Your skin really is smooth." 

Atsumu tried to remove his hands free by digging his fingernails onto the man's skin and tried to kick his body but it was no use. 

He gently held Atsumu's chin to meet his gaze and he firmly said, "Will you deliver the flowers personally to me tomorrow or will I ask your part timer to do it instead?"

"N-no… please… not H-himekawa…" Atsumu's voice trembled.

He doesn't want Himewaka to get involved on these such dealings. When Sugawara fired him, he proposed that Atsumu needs to continue running the flower shop in case Sakusa Kiyoomi or anyone inside of the clan further investigate him again. He was all alone doing the work on the flower shop that he doesn't want to do in the first place.

All he wanted was to get back to his hometown at Kansai and continue working with the onigiri business that his twin brother built while working as an undercover agent at the same agency.

Atsumu really didn't want to hire people for this shop, knowing he'll eventually close it even if it was against Sugawara's orders. 

And then, Himekawa came. He was so shy and timid and he made a lot of mistakes introducing his self. He wanted to work at the flower shop because Atsumu's shop was the only flower shop around the district. He kept coming back for two weeks straight, even if there was a heavy rain at one night.

Finally, Atsumu talked to him at the 15th day of Himekawa just standing in front of his shop after he finishes his classes at his university.

"Why do you want to work in here? I'm not even hiring. You can apply as a part timer at the flower shop next to this district but not here."

"My younger sister likes them... the flowers..." Himekawa answered, his voice sounds hoarse.

"This kid is definitely sick right now." Atsumu thought. "So? What does it has to do about you applying here?"

"She's admitted at a hospital just a few miles from here. She has a terminal illness called congestive heart failure or what they call CHF. She has always been a lively child but once she started feeling the symptoms, she was so afraid to go out and play. That's when my sister started liking the flowers my mother took care for years. She enjoys it a lot and she felt so happy just by looking at those flowers with my mother. But…" Himekawa paused, his eyes are starting to well up with tears.

"But what? Don't cut the fucking story." Atsumu annoyingly asked, who's now curious of what happened.

"My parents died during their business trip so we were left alone. My relatives doesn't want to take us in, knowing my sister has an illness and the hospital bills will be a pain in the ass for them. That's why…"

Himekawa reached out for Atsumu's hands and squeezed them together with his, as if he's begging, "Please let me work in here. If I work at the other districts, It will lessen the time I'll be with my sister. Please let me know more about the flowers, Owner-san. I want to talk to my sister more about the things she likes and I want to see her happy again."

That's what happened. Atsumu didn't chased out Himekawa cause he has pure intentions. The boy was so kind even though he's clumsy and poor at memorizing things but he's slowly getting a hold of everything in his shop.

"I'm still waiting for your answer, Atsumu." He was snapped back to reality when he heard Daiki's deep and husky voice.

Atsumu who wasn't able to think properly on what response he should give to Daiki, just nodded and answered, "I w-will deliver t-them tomorrow." 

"Then that's good." A wry smile formed on the man's lips as he loosen his grip on Atsumu's hands.

Atsumu soon collapased on the floor due to his legs weakening with all the fear and terror he felt upon meeting Kiyoomi's father.

"If you're gonna come tomorrow, might as well leave my mark on you so that I can brag about it to my son."

Atsumu looked up at him, confused with the man's words. "M-mark?"

Daiki kneelt in front of him and gently held his face tilting it on the left and he roughly nipped and suck his neck, leaving a hickey.

"S-stop..!!" Atsumu whimpered and moaned involuntarily as Daiki licks the part where he sucked him hard.

"What I meant was this kind of mark." The man smirk as he caress the mark on Atsumu's neck with his thumb.

Atsumu attempted to punch Daiki's face but the man grabbed his fist and was about to twist it to break his arm but then he stopped.

"Kiyoomi sure found a good quality toy this time." He said with a smirk on his face, amazed at how much courage and guts he has.

The man stood up and grabbed a ready-made bouquet of red roses that was displayed in front of the store and placed a 10,000 yen money at Himekawa's counter.

He looked over at Atsumu who was still on the floor before walking out of the flower shop and he said, "I'll be waiting, Atsumu."

The man went out and left, leaving Atsumu dumbfounded and flabbergasted. He was so angry with himself and felt furious for being so helpless in front of the man who mercilessly killed his twin brother. If only he had a gun near him, he would no doubt pull the trigger and kill him.

But upon meeting him, Atsumu felt the superiority of Sakusa Daiki. He felt powerless and weak just by standing in front of him and now he knows why the Sakusa clan has been the reigning yakuza group all over Japan.  

"Eh? Atsumu-san, are you okay?!" Himekawa immediately placed the flower he got from the back garden and rushed towards Atsumu to help him stand up.

"Did something happen? Where was the customer earlier? Did he do something wro---" Himekawa stopped questioning him when he saw the mark that Daiki left on Atsumu's neck.

"I'm fine don't worry." Atsumu was about to go back to his office but Himekawa grabbed both of his shoulders and shouted, "You're not okay, Atsumu-san! Did you know that guy? Should I call the police?!"

"But I am a police." Atsumu thought but he didn't want Himekawa to know anything because it will be for the better. The less Himekawa knows about him, the less danger he'll be into. 

"I'll be closing the store so please go home now." Atsumu said, dodging all of Himekawa's question.

"Then I'll be back tomorrow so that you can rest for today and tomorrow too." Himekawa protested, still not letting Atsumu go. 

"There will be no tomorrow, Himekawa. Even after that day and the day after that." His lips held a faint smile and he patted Himekawa's head. "I'll be closing the store for good so please don't come in here anymore."

"W-wait Atsumu-san... but this f-flower shop..." Himekawa's throat constricted and the unshed tears stung his eyes. "I s-still n-need to learn a lot f-from you..."

"Why the heck are you crying?!" Atsumu spoke in a high pitch tone to lessen the tense around them. "I'll look for another flower shop that is still near the hospital so don't cry! It's not like I'm the only person who knows a lot of information about plants and flowers."

Himekawa lifted his head, wiped the tears from his cheeks and he asked, "Then why are you closing the store?"

"My mother called me and wanted me to go back to Sapporo to help them on their business." Atsumu lied swiftly, not wanting Himekawa to doubt him. If he didn't answered immediately and didn't spoke in a controlled voice, Himekawa will surely know that he was lying.

"Then the guy earlier..." Atsumu froze. He did his best to change the topic but he didn't expect that Himekawa will ask him again about Daiki. 

"I-is he your b-boyfriend..?"

Atsumu threw a disgusted look at Himekawa and almost threw the vase at him. "If you say that one more time, I won't recommend you on any flower shop around this area."

"I just thought if you like older men!" Himekawa shouted when Atsumu left him behind.

Atsumu came back, holding Himekawa's bag from his locker at his office. A sarcastic smile twisted on his lips and he shoved Himekawa's bag to his chest.

"There's no fucking way I will like that man." He roughly pushed Himekawa out of his store and slammed the door in his face.

"You're fired so don't come back!" Atsumu shouted and went back to his office.

"I was just curious..." Himekawa whispered.

When he stood up, a brown envelope dropped from his bag. "What is this...?"

When he opened the brown envelop, a huge amount of money and letter was in it. He quickly opened the letter knowing it was from Atsumu.

"Use this for your younger sister's medication. If things go well, I would like you to run the flower shop as soon as I come back." Himekawa murmured.

"Oh there's more... 'Don't beep beep beep(fucking) give the money back to me or else I'll tell every flower shop owner that you're so clumsy, you might burn their own shop'." 

He chuckled softly and placed the envelop inside his bag before shouting, "Please always be safe, Atsumu-san!" 

"Be... safe, huh?" Atsumu murmured upon hearing Himekawa's voice. "There's no way I'll be safe right after meeting his father..."

March 19 4:34 PM Itabashi Miyamoto Hospital

"Was it really fine that you left him just like that? Are you sure you don't want to kill him?" A man in his mid 40s spoke with a black swept-back hair and narrow eyebrows, wearing black suit.

"I'm still enjoying the game they're playing tho. Do you want him dead, Takurou?" Daiki grabbed the bouquet of red flowers he bought from Atsumu's shop while Oiwake opened the car door for him.

"I was planning to kill him right after the incident about the Futakuchi family but Kiyoomi hid him at his house in Busan so I didn't had the chance to order my men to do it."

"No. Don't kill him." Daiki swiftly answered. "In case we need someone to control Kiyoomi, Atsumu will be the one to help us out."

"So you're planning to use him too like what you did to his twin?" Oiwake chuckled, remembering how they used Osamu to capture the data brokers who stole all of their personal profiles and account information.

"I don't know why but Atsumu is kinda easy to read. Is that a new tactic from the agency?" Daiki scratched his nape as if he's deep in thoughts. "Even if they're twin, they're personality is different with each other.

"Now what? You're liking Atsumu more than Osamu?" Oiwake blurted out that made Daiki looked at him with annoyance.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Oiwake asked before Daiki steps inside the hospital.

Daiki stared at Oiwake, who was still holding the door for him and smirked, "Yeah. I'll enjoy every last bit of him."

As soon as Daiki enters the hospital, people started whispering and squealing.

"Damn. Here we go again." Oiwake hissed as soon as the nurses, some of the visitors and even the doctors swarmed all around Daiki, clinging and flirting with him.

"Sakusa-san, have you been doing well this past few days?"

"We were all worried that you didn't visit here last Sunday."

"If you have time please visit us anytime even if it's not Sunday."

The nurses talked non-stop and clung to Daiki that made him so annoyed and irritated but he didn't let it show on his face.

"These girls don't have the slightest idea on who the hell they're talking to." Oiwake thought as he heads to the nurse's desk.

"Is it fine to visit her today?" Oiwake asked the nurse who was busy writing.

The nurse looked up at him and quickly knew who they were visiting. "It's okay to visit her now." The nurse with a shoulder length black hair, grey eyes and long eyelashes said.

"Please list down your names here and I'll call someone to assist you there." The nurse said, handing a piece of paper and a pen to Oiwake.

"Shimizu-san. I got the medicines you requested earlier for patient 3B." A petite, blonde hair with light brown eyes arrived, holding a small tray full of medicines.

"Hitoka-chan, good timing." Kiyoko handed a key and a chart to Yachi and ordered, "Kindly assist Sakusa Daiki and Oiwake Takurou to room 42 at the third floor."

"E-eh?!" Upon hearing those names, Yachi's heart started beating so fast. She doesn't know them, yet she feels unsettled or scared in so many ways.

"I-I'm… uh…."

Kiyoko stared at Yachi as she watch her reactions closely. She was trembling and her hands were shaking.

"Then I'll go instead." Kiyoko flashed a smile at Yachi and patted her head. "Please stay on my station and wait for me to come back, okay?"

"T-thank you, S-shimizu-san!" That was the only thing that Yachi could say. Even if she wants to go instead of Kiyoko and forget this feeling every time these two people visit their hospital, her instinct tells her not to mingle nor meet eyes with them. Kiyoko on the other hand, knew that Yachi has been scared every time she sees them. She wasn't sure at first but for the first time of inviting her to assist them, she's now sure that Yachi can't handle them.

"Please follow me." Kiyoko said as she walks out of the nurse's desk.

"Wait a second." Oiwake went back to where he left Daiki and saw that he was now surrounded with more people around him.

He cleared his throat to gain Daiki's attention but the voices of people talking to Daiki was way louder.

"Daiki!" Oiwake shouted when clearing his throat for the third time didn't work.

Daiki looked over to Oiwake and saw how annoyed he was already while pointing at Kiyoko whom will assist them.

"I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a hurry right now. My wife has been waiting for me so I really want to meet her now." Daiki flashed a pure smile in front them, leaving them all flustered. He used this opportunity to run away and quickly went to where Oiwake was.

"You sure are popular even if you're old." Oiwake said as they walked to where the elevator is.

"I don't need that kind of popularity if my own wife doesn't even obey me." Daiki protested, fixing his suit that was wrinkled because of the nurses who kept on clinging to him earlier.

Oiwake looked at him from head to toe and retorted, "There's no way she'll obey someone like you."

Daiki sighed, knowing Oiwake was just spitting facts. "Then do you want me to take good care of her?"

"How should I know? I don't even have a wife myself."

"It's because you're too manipulative that's why you're still not married." Daiki blurted out.

"Huh?! Says the guy who just got married because of their parent's arrangement!" Oiwake fought back.

Daiki wanted to pull Oiwake' shirt and punch him in the face but he was holding back his self because they're in a public place right now. "You sure have a lot of confidence to diss me while there are a lot of people around us, huh?" Daiki gritted his teeth while clenching his fist.

"Please lower down your voice when we're inside the elevator and around the hallway." Kiyoko butted in as soon as the elevator door opens.

The two of them just nodded and all of them were silent all throughout the ride and their way to room 42.

"Please press the nurse call button when something bad happens. I'll be back on my station so please excuse me." Kiyoko said, bowing down in front of them after she opens the door with the key she brought. 

"Akari." Daiki called out as soon as he enters the room. "I bought you flowers."

He walked towards his wife and handed the bouquet of red roses to her that he bought at Atsumu's shop.

"I don't need it." Akari shoved the flowers away, leaving some of the petals scattered all over the floor.

"Takurou." Daiki glanced over at him and signaled him to clean it.

"Why are you here again? I told you, didn't I? I will never tell where my son is." Akari tried to compose herself and tried to be brave in front of his husband but she can't stop herself from choking back her words." You want Yuuki to get killed so that Kiyoomi will inherit everything, right?!"

"Oh… so you already knew that Kiyoomi won't inherit anything from your family, huh?" Daiki tossed his phone on her bed and sat on the chair in front of Akari.

"That video." Daiki pointed his phone. "We made a deal."

"What deal?" Akari asked, quickly grabbing Daiki's phone.

"After my meeting with your parents, we agreed that if I can obliterate the Shibayama family and kill Shibayama Yukio, they'll planning to give half to your son, Yuuki, and half for my son, Kiyoomi."

"T-they didn't told me anything about this!" Akari quickly clicked the play button and Daiki wasn't lying when he said he made a deal with her parents.

"It's a win-win for all of us. I'll kill the guy who raped you and my son will inherit money from you." Daiki stood up and roamed his eyes around the room and his assumptions were right. Hidden cameras are scattered around her room.

"Aaah… good thing I didn't punch her in the face right after she shoved the flowers that I gave." Daiki thought.

He looked back to Akari and saw her glaring at him. "What? Was I wrong?"

"You're not in for the money, are you?"

"Why wouldn't I? Money is money."

"You were overjoyed when you knew that my family will back you up in case the police will find out that you'll kill everyone from the Shibayama family, am I right? You felt satisfied and relieved that finally, you can freely get rid of the hindrance who kept on bringing problems to you."

Daiki walked towards her and gently lift her chin to meet her eyes. "Akari, I wonder what technique you're using so that doctors will let you stay here in this dirty mental hospital even if you're this smart."

Akari slapped Daiki's hand off of her chin and glared at him. "Don't you dare touch me again!"

Daiki quickly raised both of his arms and said, "Relax. Kiyoomi has been a good leader so I don't need to use you to threaten him again."

"You don't deserve to be a father, Daiki."

"So what? Is that it? Is that how you attack me? Even a grade schooler can diss better that you, Akari." Daiki chuckled.

He placed an invitation on her desk and told Oiwake that they're leaving.

"It's Kiyoomi's birthday tomorrow and he really wants to see you come. In case you need your men to guard you that would be fine for me too."

Oiwake opened the door for Daiki but he turned around one last time to Akari and told her, "He'll definitely wait for you, Akari."

As soon as Oiwake closed the door behind him, Daiki suddenly walked fast to the empty storage room near Akari's room and punched the foam of the hospital bed that was left there.

"You fucking bitch! I'll fucking kill you once you step your foot out of this hospital!" He cursed over and over, punching and kicking the foam to let out his anger.

"Daiki, someone might come in here so let's go." Oiwake tried to pull Daiki's suit but he was so angry it might took a while for him to calm down.

"I fucking swear she won't meet with her son again! I'll kill each one of them! I'll kill her fucking parents then her fucking son! That fucking bitch sure has the guts to call me out, huh?!"

Oiwake didn't stop Daiki. No. He can't stop him. If he gets angrier than this, he might kill someone from this hospital to vent out his anger.

"There's no way they'll escape the anger of this furious man."

He has always been short tempered and what he wants, he gets it. That's just how it works. He's absolute and no one can tell him that he's wrong.

"Takurou, I know what will I do with Atsumu." Daiki breathed as soon as he calmed his self a little.

"Woah. That fast?" Oiwake thought. "What are you planning to do with him?"

Daiki faced him and pulled his shirt hard, his anger was rippling through him.

"I'll kill my wife and frame Miya Atsumu up."

Next chapter