

After the practice, Ichigo came up to Sawamura

"Daichi - san can we use the court for a bit after practice? We'll clean up everything and lock the doors" Ichigo asked

"You can, but what do you need it for?"

"Oh nothing special just a bit of practice"

"okay but remember to clean up the equipment"


After asking Sawamura, Ichigo went to Shoyo and Kageyama

"Oi shoyo, Kageyama, stay after the practice, we'll work on something that'll insure our victory" Ichigo said with grin


"you sound so shady" Kageyama said while backing off

"they say it all the time"

"wait what who? "


After the practice was over all the third years and second years went home leaving only Ichigo, Kageyama and Shoyo

"Kageyama.." Ichigo suddenly said

"huh? What?"

"You know Oikawa Toru right?"

"Oikawa-san? What about him?"

"I've seen some of his games back he was a 3rd year in KD, and I'm honestly impressed."

"what do you mean?" Kageyama asked in confusion

"I can tell from the first glance that his natural talent as a setter can't be compared to you"

"but how ca-"

"Just let me finish" Ichigo cut him off and continued

"Although you exceed him in talent, his intelligence and his ability to bring out the max potential of his team he play with is what makes him amazing."

"And this is where you went wrong as a setter in Kitagawa Daiichi last year only want things to go your way, never asking what your teamate really wants, in my opinion a setter is the pillar of each plays, the result of the play could pre-determined just by how the set is, this is why you should ask your team how they prefer the set as different people tends to do better in different situation, and it is for you to decide who to set the ball too and how to set it to get the maximum efficiency. "

"..." Kageyama was silent and was trying to take in what Ichigo just said

But to Ichigo and Shoyo surprise, something unexpected just happened, Kageyama put his head down and bowed

" eh? "

" eh? "

" I understand please help me " Kageyama said

'wow how in the actual fuck did that just work?? I was just talking out of my own ass'

"alright I'll tell you what we're working on today"

"we'll be working on a monster quick" Ichigo said while smiling in sinister way


Ichigo told Kageyama and Shoyo what they were going to do, at first Kageyama doubt that it would work but after a couple of times we thought otherwise

For ichigo Kageyama would simply set a straight line towards Ichigo's direction at high speed and he would spike it and this should be impossible to hit however with his observation haki and his body's instinct Ichigo could adjust and hit the ball without ease

For Shoyo, it was the same as in the anime, using Kageyama amazing accuracy he could set directly into Shoyo's hand when he's about to spike it

After the practice Kageyama went up to Ichigo with an overly satisfied expression and said, "can I have a handshake?"

"huh? "

"I said can I have a handshake pleaseee?"

"dude you're creepying me out" Ichigo said while backing off before running away

" Please!! I never felt this satisfying when setting before this, you must be a god!" Kageyama shouted chasing after him

"GET AWAY FROM ME" Ichigo shouted back while running with all his might


- the next day -

Kageyama was walking to the volleyball practice, when he heard a sound of someone shouting from behind

He turned around just to see Shoyo running like a bull and ran past him

"Damn it! Wait you dumbass!" Kageyama shouted before running after him

"these dumbass" Ichigo said while shaking his head


Ichigo arrived at the gym entrance just to see Tanaka opening the door and Kageyama and Shoyo sweating while lying down to the ground

Ichigo sighed at the scene and head in to the gym and do his warm up

After a few minute the whole team came and also Tsukishima and Yamaguchi

*To be continued *

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